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         Superconductors:     more books (100)
  1. Magnetic Superconductors: Recent Developments by K. P. Sinha, S. L. Kakani, 1989-08
  2. Corrosion of Glass, Ceramics and Ceramic Superconductors: Principles, Testing, Characterization and Applications by David E. Clark, Bruce K. Zoitos, 1992-02-01
  3. Superconductors: Conquering Technology's New Frontier by Randy Simon, Andrew Smith, 1988-09
  4. Organic Superconductors (Including Fullerenes : Synthesis, Structure, Properties, and Theory) by Jack M. Williams, John R. Ferraro, 1991-09
  5. Anisotropy Effects in Superconductors
  6. Fluctuation Phenomena in High Temperature Superconductors (NATO Science Partnership Sub-Series: 3:)
  7. Filamentary A-15 Superconductors (Cryogenic Materials Series) by Masaki Suenaga, Alan F. Clark, 1980-12-01
  8. High Temperature Superconductors: A special issue of the journal Phase Transitions, Section B (Phase Transitions) by T. Murakami, 1989-01-01
  9. High Temperature Superconductor Thin Films: Growth Mechanisms - Interfaces - Multilayers (European Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings) by H.-U. Habermeier, M.L. Hitchman, 1997-10-01
  10. Synthesis, High Pressure Effects and Some Miscellaneous Aspects (Studies of High Temperature Superconductors)
  11. High Temperature Superconductors: Synthesis, Processing, and Large-Scale Applications
  12. Lectures on the Physics of Highly Correlated Electron Systems VI: Training Course in the Physics of Correlated Electron Systems and High-Tc Superconductors, ... October 2001 (AIP Conference Proceedings)
  13. Spectroscopy of High-Tc Superconductors: A Theoretical View
  14. High Tc Superconductor Thin Films: Proceedings of Symposium A1 on High Temperature Superconductor Thin Films of the International Conference on Adva

61. Are Superconductors The Future? - Chapter 6 - Are Superconductors The Future?
This chapter will discuss some of the things superconductors are being Some day superconductors will replace the conductors of electricity we use today.
Are Superconductors the Future
by Jacob Eapen Chapter 6
Are Superconductors the Future? Are superconductors the future? Supercomputers, SQUIDS, electric power transmission, motors, and magnetically levitated trains are just some of the things superconductors can do; without wasting any energy. The Department of Energy is using much of its money for the research of high temperature superconductors. A federal study says that superconductivity could be a $15 billion dollar business by year 2000. This chapter will discuss some of the things superconductors are being used for today. Transmission Lines
Transmission cables that carried electricity without any loss of energy would mean more electricity could be transferred than before. Regular transmission lines lose about 3% of the energy transferred. This would also mean saving money and not much amount of space would be needed. Motors
Motors made of superconductive wire would mean they would be smaller and more efficient. These could be especially used in submarines and ships.

62. J.E. Villegas Homepage
Researcher in the group of Prof. Ivan K. Schuller at the University of CaliforniaSan Diego. Publications. Nanostructured superconductors, vortex dynamics, proximity effects and spin transport.
Nanoscience And Thin Films Group Physics Department University of California-San Diego

63. Are Superconductors The Future? - Chapter 5 - High Temperature Superconductors
people have been creating superconductors with higher critical temperatures.If there were room temperature superconductors we could replace the
Are Superconductors the Future
by Jacob Eapen Chapter 5
High Temperature Superconductors Since Heike Kamerlingh Onnes discovered superconductivity, people have been creating superconductors with higher critical temperatures. If there were room temperature superconductors we could replace the conductors in our homes and cities with superconductors, thus saving billions of dollars. The Beginning of High Temperature Superconductors
High temperature superconductivity began in 1986 when Johannes Georg Bednorz and Karl Alexander Müller in IBM Research Laboratories in Zurich, Switzerland discovered a compound of barium, lanthanum, copper, and oxygen superconductor. The oxide superconductor had a critical temperature of 35K. Müller had decided to study oxide ceramics to see if they could become superconductive. The idea that ceramics could become superconductive was rather strange considering that ceramics are usually not very good conductors of electricity. Müller was interested in a group of ceramics called pervoskites. This group of ceramics were a compound of oxygen and other metals. Many scientist believed that oxides could not be superconductors. The reason he researched oxide ceramics was because the lab he worked in had researched oxides for quite a while, and scientists at the University of Caen in France had found traces that a ceramic compound of copper, oxygen, lanthanum, and barium had electrical conduction.

64. Intermagnetics General Corporation | Introduction
IGC is a developer and manufacturer of superconducting materials, radiofrequency coils, magnets, superconducting wire, cable and tape, and related refrigeration equipment. In Latham, New York, with manufacturing plants in several states. Several major divisions, including IGC-SuperPower, IGC-APD Cryogenics, and IGC-Advanced superconductors (IGC-AS).

65. Superconductors
New research is unlocking the amazing potential of hightemperature superconductors.
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New research is unlocking the amazing potential of high-temperature superconductors.
by Patrick L. Barry Few technologies ever enjoy the sort of rock-star celebrity that superconductors received in the late 1980s.
Headlines the world over trumpeted the discovery of "high temperature" superconductors (abbreviated HTS), and the media and scientists alike gushed over the marvels that we could soon expect from this promising young technology. Levitating 300-mph trains, ultra-fast computers, and cheaper, cleaner electricity were to be just the beginning of its long and illustrious career. Today we might ask, like a Hollywood gossip columnist: what ever happened to the "high-temp" hype? "It was the hottest potato of its time, but it all fizzled out," says Louis Castellani, president of the Houston-based HTS company Metal Oxide Technologies, Inc. (MetOx).
The problem was learning to make wire out of it. These superconductors are made of ceramics - the same kind of material in coffee mugs. Ceramics are hard and brittle. Finding an industrial way to make long, flexible wires out of them was going to be difficult.

66. Superconducting Technology
A very interesting discussion of superconductors, cryogenics and magnets.

67. Ames Lab Logo And Link NEWS RELEASE Office Of Public Affairs 111
AMES LAB PHYSICISTS “PERTURB” SUPERCONDUCTOR TO NEW HEIGHTS. Carbondoped MagnesiumDiboride superconductors Withstand Higher Magnetic Fields
Office of Public Affairs
111 TASF
Ames, IA 50011-3020
For release: June 25, 2004 Contacts:
Paul Canfield, Condensed Matter Physics, (515) 294-6270,
Saren Johnston, Public Affairs, (515) 294-3474,
Carbon-doped Magnesium Diboride Superconductors Withstand Higher Magnetic Fields
Unlike ordinary conductors, such as copper, superconductors conduct electricity perfectly, without energy loss due to heat. But metallic superconductors (Most notable among them is triniobium-tin, Nb3Sn.) have always been hampered by the fact that they must be cooled to an extremely low temperature before they become superconducting. That critical temperature, or Tc, rests near absolute zero (minus 459 degrees Fahrenheit), thus cooling has always been expensive, requiring large quantities of liquid helium. However, things warmed up in 2001 when scientists discovered the superconducting properties of magnesium diboride. They were amazed to see that the critical temperature at which MgB2 becomes superconducting is 39 Kelvin (minus 389 F), far warmer than the reigning niobium-tin superconductors, which become superconducting at 18 K (minus 427 F). The higher Tc of MgB2 also makes cooling the material more economical as it allows for the use of less expensive refrigerators in place of liquid helium.

68. Subir Sachdev
Theoretical research on quantum phase transitions and their application to correlated electron materials like the high temperature superconductors and other complex oxides.
Department of Physics

Harvard University

, MA 02138
Phone: (203) 495 - 3923
Fax: (203) 496-2545
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Office: Lyman 343
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Heidi Schafer Lyman 324A

69. The Maglev 2000 Of Florida Corporation
superconductors history. Certain materials, when cooled below their transitiontemperatures, become superconducting that is, electrical currents travel in

History of transportation

Superconducting maglev

Learning to levitate

How the M-2000 system works
Maglev FAQ

Superconductors history Certain materials, when cooled below their transition temperatures, become superconducting - that is, electrical currents travel in them with zero resistance. There is no resistive heating, and if the superconductor forms a closed circuit, the current will continue to flow forever, without any voltage drop or decrease in magnitude. In this mode, superconductor circuits can serve as powerful, lightweight permanent magnets. A detailed description of the physics of superconductivity is complex, and beyond the scope of this summary. Basically, at sufficiently low temperatures, the conducting electrons drop down to an energy level below their normal state. In this new state, the electrons can travel through the superconductor without colliding with, and losing energy to, its atomic matrix. Because they lose no energy, they can travel forever through the conductor, needing no voltage input. Superconductivity was discovered in 1911 by Kamerlingh Ohnes, the first person to liquefy helium. Since then, there has been a continued rise in superconductor transition temperatures. High transition temperatures are desirable, because the amount of electric power input to the refrigerator that keeps the superconductor at low temperature decreases as transition temperature increases. For example, at 4.2 degrees Kelvin, the normal boiling point of liquid helium, to keep the superconductor cold, approximately 500 watts of electrical power is consumed by the 4.2 K refrigerator to remove one watt of thermal heat that leaks in through the surrounding insulation. (4.2 degrees Kelvin is equivalent to minus 459 degrees Fahrenheit - a very cold place indeed.)

70. Superconductivity - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
For most superconductors, the penetration depth is on the order of ~100 nm. In Type I superconductors, superconductivity is abruptly destroyed when the
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
(Redirected from Superconductor A magnet levitating above a "high-temperature" superconductor with boiling liquid nitrogen underneath demonstrates the Meissner effect Superconductivity is a phenomenon occurring in certain materials at low temperatures , characterised by the complete absence of electrical resistance and the damping of the interior magnetic field (the Meissner effect .) Superconductivity is a quantum-mechanical phenomenon that is different from perfect conductivity In conventional superconductors , superconductivity is caused by a force of attraction between certain conduction electrons arising from the exchange of phonons , which causes the conduction electrons to exhibit a superfluid phase composed of correlated pairs of electrons. There also exists a class of materials, known as unconventional superconductors , that exhibit superconductivity but whose physical properties contradict the theory of conventional superconductors. In particular, the so-called high-temperature superconductors superconduct at temperatures much higher than should be possible according to the conventional theory (though still far below room temperature .) There is currently no complete theory of high-temperature superconductivity Superconductivity occurs in a wide variety of materials, including simple elements like

71. Unconventional Superconductor - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Unconventional superconductors are materials that display On the other hand,in recent years other unconventional superconductors have been discovered.
Unconventional superconductor
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Unconventional superconductors are materials that display superconductivity but that do not conform to BCS theory or its extensions. The first unconventional superconductor was discovered by J.G. Bednorz and K.A. M¼eller in . It was a Lanthanum -based cuprate perovskite material with critical temperature of approximately 35 K (-238 degrees Celsius ). This was well above the highest criticial temperature known at the time ( T c K ) and thus the new family of materials were called high-temperature superconductors J.G. Bednorz and K.A. M¼eller received the Nobel prize for Physics for this discovery in Since then, many other high-temperature superconductors have been synthesized. As early as 1987, superconductivity above 77 K, the boiling point of nitrogen , was achieved. This is highly significant from the point of view of the technological applications of superconductivity , because liquid nitrogen is far less expensive than liquid helium , which is required to cool conventional superconductors down to their critical temperature. The current record critical temperature is about

72. Materials Chemistry - Superconductors
superconductors are also perfectly diamagnetic (ie they repel a magnetic field); Suggest how the properties of such superconductors could be valuable in
Learning Experiences
  • - Balancing a chemical reaction
  • - Using an Analytical balance
  • - Solid State Synthesis
  • - Nonstoichiometry
  • - Crystal structures
  • - Levitation
  • - Handling liquid nitrogen
Pre-Lab Questions
1. Calculate the weights of BaO and CuO required to react stoichiometrically (1Y:2Ba:3Cu) with 0.60g of Y O to produce YBa Cu O 2. What is a superconductor? Discuss two major physical properties usually associated with superconducting solids.
Preparation, Structure and Properties
of a High-Temperature Superconductor
Laboratory Exercise
INTRODUCTION Onnes, a Dutch physicist, discovered in 1911 that mercury loses all resistance to electrical flow when cooled to about 4 K; thus, a current once started will flow continuously. Such a phenomenon is known as superconductivity
Figure 1. Electrical resistance of a superconductor. Superconductors are also perfectly diamagnetic (i.e. they repel a magnetic field); this property was discovered in 1933 and named the Meissner effect This compound is often called the 1 2 3 material from the molar ratios of Y:Ba:Cu. The heating-cooling synthesis sequence is shown graphically in figure 2.

73. Ceramics WebBook: WebHTS Query
American Chemical Society CA Selects Oxide superconductors DISCLAIMERS Asubstantial effort has been made to select data for this database on the basis
Author's Last Name Publication Volume [%% means Any. See User's Manual for details.] Publication Source Acta Physica Polonica A Advanced Energy Systems Advances in Cryogenic Engineering (Materials) AMSAHTS 90: Adv. in Matls. Sci. and Appl. of HTS Annalen der Physik Applied Physics Letters Applied Superconductivity Ceramic Transactions Cryogenics Europhysics Letters HTS Materials, Bulk Processing and Bulk Applications IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity Inorganic Chemistry Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Journal of Alloys and Compounds Journal of Applied Physics Journal of Materials Chemistry Journal of Materials Research Journal of Materials Science Journal of Materials Science Letters Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter Journal of Solid State Chemistry Journal of the American Ceramic Society Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Materials Chemistry and Physics Materials Letters Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Materials Science and Engineering Modern Physics Letters B Nature Physica B Physica C Physica Scripta Physical Review B Physical Review Letters Powder Diffraction Progress in High Temperature Superconductivity Science Solid State Communications Soviet Journal of Low Temperature Physics STA Project Data Superconductor Science and Technology Publication Year Chemical Family Ba(K)-Bi-O Ba(K,Cs)-Bi-O

mostly extensions of current technology used with the low temperaturesuperconductors. Current applications of high temperature superconductors include;
Soon after Kamerlingh Onnes discovered superconductivity, scientists began dreaming up practical applications for this strange new phenomenon. Powerful new superconducting magnets could be made much smaller than a resistive magnet,because the windings could carry large currents with no energy loss. Generators wound with superconductors could generate the same amount of electricity with smaller equipment and less energy. Once the electricity was generated it could be distributed through superconducting wires. Energy could be stored in superconducting coils for long periods of time without significant loss. The recent discovery of high temperature superconductors brings us a giant step closer to the dream of early scientists. Applications currently being explored are mostly extensions of current technology used with the low temperature superconductors. Current applications of high temperature superconductors include; magnetic shielding devices, medical imaging systems, superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDS), infrared sensors, analog signal processing devices, and microwave devices. As our understanding of the properties of superconducting material increases, applications such as; power transmission, superconducting magnets in generators, energy storage devices, particle accelerators, levitated vehicle transportation, rotating machinery, and magnetic separators will become more practical. The ability of superconductors to conduct electricity with zero resistance can be exploited in the use of electrical transmission lines. Currently, a substantial fraction of electricity is lost as heat through

75. Nuova Pagina 1
Columbus superconductors is an SME founded in February 2003 and based in COLUMBUS superconductors srl Corso Perrone, 24 - 16152 Genova - ITALY

76. Site Map
Joint JSPS / ESF NES programmeNANOSTRUCTURED superconductors. (VORTEX IV). Crete, Greece, September 3-9, 2005 Vortices in Mesoscopic superconductors
var ad1 = "/AAMB1/spectrum_location=top" + allTarget; document.write(''); document.write(''); Font Size: A A A Sep 2005 Issue SELECT AN ISSUE September 2005 August 2005 July 2005 June 2005 May 2005 April 2005 var ad2 = "/AAMB2/spectrum_location=left" + allTarget; var ad3 = "/AAMB3/spectrum_location=left" + allTarget; document.write(''); document.write(''); Site Map An error has occurred. Please try some other pages while we work on the problem. Below is a list of our most popular pages.

77. SNS 2004

78. Magnesium Diboride Superconductors (MGB2)
Summarized Publication and Citation Data from ISI® for the Analysis of ResearchTrends Performance in Magnesium Diboride superconductors.
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Magnesium Diboride Superconductors Methodology The baseline time span for this database is 1992 - May 2002. The resulting database contained 438 papers; 1,331 authors; 44 countries; 63 journals; and 309 institutions. Read the methodology used to create this special topic. Top Papers Top 25 papers overall
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79. Living Up To The Hype: Superconductors
NASA Science News NASA has helped make a giant leap toward the realization ofsuperconductors.
Living up to the Hype: Superconductors
NASA research is unlocking the amazing potential of high-temperature superconductors.
Listen to this story via streaming audio , a downloadable file , or get help February 5, 2003: Few technologies ever enjoy the sort of rock-star celebrity that superconductors received in the late 1980s.
Headlines the world over trumpeted the discovery of "high temperature" superconductors (abbreviated HTS), and the media and scientists alike gushed over the marvels that we could soon expect from this promising young technology. Levitating 300-mph trains, ultra-fast computers, and cheaper, cleaner electricity were to be just the beginning of its long and illustrious career. Above : The experimental "maglev" train, currently being tested by Japan's Railway Technical Research Institute , uses "old fashioned" low-temperature superconductors that require liquid helium for a coolant. High-temperature superconductors can use liquid nitrogen instead, which is cheaper, more abundant, and easier to handle. Image courtesy RTRI Today we might ask, like a Hollywood gossip columnist: what ever happened to the "high-temp" hype?

80. Nanotechnology Leads To Discovery Of Super Superconductors
University of California scientists working at Los Alamos National Laboratorywith a researcher from the University of Cambridge have demonstrated a simple
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Nanotechnology leads to discovery of super superconductors
Contact: Todd Hanson, Recent News Los Alamos scientist named Asian American Engineer of the Year Los Alamos scientist featured in NASA science update Los Alamos muon detector could thwart nuclear smugglers Wojciech H. Zurek named Phi Beta Kappa visiting scholar Four Los Alamos physicists honored by American Physical Society Los Alamos National Laboratory organizations earn seven out of 13 NNSA Pollution Prevention awards Carter Hydrick returns to the Bradbury Science Museum Feb. 15 Laboratory supports summer science program New NASA IBEX mission to carry Los Alamos instrument Beason takes top threat reduction post at Los Alamos LOS ALAMOS, N.M., Sept. 9, 2004 University of California scientists working at Los Alamos National Laboratory with a researcher from the University of Cambridge have demonstrated a simple and industrially scaleable method for improving the current densities of superconducting coated conductors in magnetic field environments. The discovery has the potential to increase the already impressive carrying capacity of superconducting wires and tapes by as much as 200 to 500 percent in certain uses, like motors and generators, where high magnetic fields diminish current densities. In research reported in the journal Nature Materials , University of Cambridge scientist Judith Macmanus-Driscoll and her Los Alamos colleagues discovered that when the compound barium zirconate is deposited simultaneously with the yttrium-barium-copper-oxide superconductor it naturally forms nanoscale particles embedded in superconductor films. The result was a two to five fold increase in the current densities of coated conductors in high magnetic fields operating at liquid nitrogen temperatures.

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