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         Sufi:     more books (100)
  1. A Sufi Saint of the Twentieth Century: Shaikh Ahmad al-`Alawi : his spiritual heritage and legacy by Martin Lings, 1992-07-01
  2. Chinese Gleams of Sufi Light by Sachiko, Murata, 2000-08-03
  3. Irshad: Wisdom of a Sufi Master (Ashki Book) by Muzaffer Ozak, 1992-06
  4. First Among Sufis: The Life and Thought of Rabia al-Adawiyya, the Woman Saint of Basra by Widad El Sakkakini, Nabil Safwat, et all 1982-12
  5. MURAQABA:Art and Science of Sufi Meditation by Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi, 2005-01-28
  6. The Key to Salvation: A Sufi Manual of Invocation (Islamic Texts Society) by Ibn Ata Allah al- Iskandari, 1996-05-01
  7. The Unveiling of Secrets: Diary of a Sufi Master by Ruzbihan Baqli, Carl W. Ernst, 1997-07
  8. Sufi Women by Javad Nurbakhsh, 1990-01
  9. The Garden of Mystery: The Gulshani-i raz of Mahmud Shabistari (Classics of Sufi Poetry Series)
  10. The Naqshbandi Sufi Tradition Guidebook of Daily Practices and Devotions by Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani, 2004-06-21
  11. The Inner School : Esoteric Sufi Teachings by Hidayat Inayat Khan, 1997-08-15
  12. Beyond Faith and Infidelity: The Sufi Poetry and Teachings of Mahmud Shabistari (Curzon Sufi) by Leonar Lewisohn, 1995-07-20
  13. Ayatollahs, Sufis and Ideologues: State, Religion and Social Movements in Iraq
  14. Knowing How to Know : A Practical Philosophy in the Sufi Tradition by Idries Shah, 2000-03

101. The Sufi Show
The sufi Show. Cairo is busting out all over. The city is swollen from the heat and the intense overpopulation and at night, all the veins and arteries
return to Margaret Cho's Blog

The Sufi Show
The musicians are as great as the spinners. The Zils player is dubbed the Bantam Rooster by Morocco, because he just is; with his flirty smile and strutty butt he is causing lots of trouble in the henhouse. Then there is the beautiful drummer with a serious face like a weary king, regal yet immensely tired; not physically tired, but tired of all things except for the beat. The beat sustains him, and causes us all to fall in love with him, follow him into other dimensions. The drum is the king and we just want to serve him by obeying the beat, being loyal subjects to the beat. It is his kingdom of rhythm and here I could live always. The musicians at the hotel who accompany the big dancers when they teach actually smoke in the dance room. It is disgusting because we are exercising hard - really, really hard - and breathing in second hand smoke. Not only is it terribly damaging, it is also incredibly inconsiderate but what can you say? We are in Egypt. We smoke here. Or should I say, the men smoke here
while the women work out. When we dance in clubs here, the musicians smoke and the dancer just puts up with it because it is not her nightclub or her choice. When I perform standup, I have to accept the reality of cigarette smoke sometimes, and even though what I do is fairly physical, I just breathe now and cough later. But in Egypt, only men are supposed to smoke and of course lots of women do, too, but not publicly and certainly not while working out.

102. Chandra And Davids Qawwali Page (Qawali, Quawali, Kawali) - Isalamic Devotional
A page about the sufi devotional musical form, as performed in Pakistan and India today.
Islamic Devotional Music
by David Courtney, Ph.D.
Qawwali is the traditional form of Islamic song found in India and Pakistan. The word qawwali is derived from the Arabic word Qaol which means "axiom" or "dictum". A Qawwal is one who sings qawwali , or the dictums of the prophets and praises of God. The Qawwali is closely linked to the spiritual and artistic life of northern India and Pakistan.
The qawwali is inextricably linked to the Sufi tradition; Sufism is a mystical school of Islamic thought which strives to attain truth and divine love by direct personal experience. In Arabic, this mysticism is known as tasawwuf . The difference between Sufism and mainstream Islam is simple. All Muslims believe that man is on a path to God (tariqah) . However, where the mainstream Muslim believes that it is only possible to reach God after death at the final judgement, the Sufi believes that it is possible to reach God during ones life. To this end there are a number of different techniques and methods. The Koran instructs man to remember God. This remembrance, known as

sufimeester, met beschrijving van diens leven, reizen en gedachtengoed.
Naam: Mirza Hassan, Titel: "Safi Ali Shah" was geboren in Isfahan op de derde dag van de maand shaaban in het jaar 1251H en stierf op de 24 ste dag van de maand zighaadeh in het jaar 1316H. Hij stierf op 65 jarige leeftijd in Tehran.
Zijn vader, Mohammed Bagher Isfahani, was ook bekend als Safi. Hij was een handelaar en in één van zijn reizen, van Isfahan naar Yazd, overleed hij in Yazd (Safi Ali Shah had toen de 20 jarige leeftijd bereikt) en besloot Safi Ali Shah in Yazd zijn studie af te maken. In het jaar 1285H, besloot hij naar Mekkah te reizen via India. In India kwam hij veel derwishes en sufi meesters tegen en daardoor besloot hij zijn boek af te maken, het boek "Zobdat’ol Asrar", die hij in Kerman was begonnen ter ere van zijn Pir, Rahmat Ali Shah. Het boek "Zobdat’ol Asrar" werd gepubliceerd in Bombay. Toen ging hij naar Tehran via Karbala en leefde een tijdje in Tehran. Vanwege de onderlinge uitdagingen tussen de derwishes (maashayekh) van Rahmat Ali Shah ging hij terug naar Heydar Abad en besloot zijn leven daar door te brengen, maar vanwege een paar factoren kon dat niet, dus gingen hij weer terug naar Tehran en overleed hij daar.
Het graf van Safi Ali Shah is op de Safi Ali Shah straat in Tehran en het staat bekend als Safi–Khaneghah. Het was ook zijn eigen huis en na zijn dood heeft zijn enige kind, mevr. Shams’o Zoha, het huis veranderd in een Khaneghah. Elke zondagavond komen daar al zijn leerlingen (morids) en volgelingen bijeen om te bidden en om de Saama uit te voeren.

104. Rumi - Readings & Sufi Music
Rough Guide to sufi Music, Sabri Brothers sufi Dreams, Mercan Dede, Audio CD (August 24, 1999) sufi Chants From Cairo, La Confrerie Chadhiliyya
Home Page
Books on Rumi


Works of Rumi

Pick Language Deutsch Dutch Greek Espanol Estonian Farsi Francais Italiano Melayu Portugues Svenska Russian Turkce
Ascension: Persian Symphonic Recitation from Khayyam to Rumi
Sufi Meditation Song Allah Hoo by Nusrat Fateh Suite Khamush Track 1 by C. Mevlevi Sufi Music Radio Darvish Information on Music Classes in London
Further listening: Devotional Songs by Nusrat Fateh Khan
A Gift Of Love:

Sufi Music of Turkey,

Rough Guide to Sufi Music
, Sabri Brothers
: Symphonic Recitation: from Khayyam to Rumi When Days Have No Nights (The Songs of Rumi Music by Mischa) Mischa Rutenberg On Through Eternity: Homage to Molavi , Shahram Nazeri Audio CD (October 26, 1999) When Days Have No Nights (The Songs of Rumi Music by Mischa) Mischa Rutenberg Breeze at Dawn : Poems of Rumi in Song Dale Zola Song of the Sun : The Life, Poetry, and Teachings of Rumi by Andrew Harvey (Audio Cassette -1999)

An account of the history and use of music in the Muslim community; includes information on the use of music by sufi traditions, on musical sciences, and instruments.
In the Name of Allah. The Most Beneficient.The Most Merciful SUFI ORDER - TARIQAT GUL NUR JIHANIYYA RADIANT VALLEY ASSOCIATION EDUCATION-DAWAH HISTORY OF MUSIC IN ISLAM CULTURAL INFLUENCES ON ISLAMIC CIVILIZATION In history of civilizations,Islam stands as a pinacle culturally between the Dark Ages and the Renaisance period.Although "Islamic Civilization" conotes a purely sociological implication, in spite of its pristine religious insularity, Islam spread over a quarter of the then known geographic world, gave rise to a specific mode of lifestyle, and became a cynosure for all observers beyond its boundaries. The cause was simple: When the Prophet Mohammad's (swas) revalations were heralded to the world in the seventh century of the Christian era, the "message" could not be confined to the Hijaz or the Arabian peninsula. Within three quarters of a century the banner of Islam"s Prophet migrated eastward to ends of Transoxiana, southward to the banks of the Indus river in India, northward to the shores of the Black Sea in Asia Minor, and westward into Spain onto the Pyrenees. Islam's newly won empire's civilization outshone rest of the world. From Samarkand in Central Asia to Cordova in Spain, famed institutions of learning, the arts, sciences, literature, musical arts, and techinical discoveries, inventions and improvements, brought exciting wonderment to all peoples. Islam's sociological trend was produced with sublime surrender in religion as the basis, and taught universal brotherhood without racial, national, or geographic boundaries.

106. Themes Of The Erotic In Sufi Mysticism
There are a few specific themes that I wish to explore in sufi mysticism. As regards the erotic poetry which is recited in sufi gatherings,
Themes of 'The Erotic' in Sufi Mysticism
by Jonah Winters
  • BIBLIOGRAPHY INTRODUCTION There is, in the human experience, a connection between sexuality and religion. This connection can be found in all religions and in all ages. In the religions of the post-axial age, i.e. from approximately 500 B.C.E. to the present, the sexual half of the equation has been little emphasized, or has been expressed only esoterically. As well, sexuality in religious thought and expression has often been subsumed by the more abstract theme of love. However, though sexuality is often hidden, or even is masked by orthodoxy, it remains a vibrant ingredient of religion. This is most apparent within mysticism. I will not explore all facets of the connection between sexuality and religion, but will focus only on one aesthetic of sexuality in religious expression: the theme of the erotic. To narrow the topic down yet further, I will examine it within one tradition only: the Islamic-Baha'i. In this, part one of the project, I will look briefly at sample instances of the erotic in a few different religions and then will examine in greater depth the erotic in Sufism. This is preparation for part two, which will follow at some later time, where I will undertake a more exhaustive presentation of the theme in the writings of Baha'u'llah.
  • 107. Rumi Poet Of The Heart, Haydn Reiss, Magnolia Films
    Details of a film of Rumi's life, exploring why a thirteenthcentury sufi poet and mystic can be a bestselling poet in the west today. Includes a synopsis and ordering information.

    Upcoming Presentations
    Order Information
    Magnolia Films Presents
    RUMI poet of the heart
    A New Documentary Film featuring
    Coleman Barks
    Robert Bly
    Deepak Chopra
    Michael Meade
    Huston Smith
    performances by Hamza Elk Din Jai Uttal narrated by Debra Winger I am so small I can barely be seen. How can this great love be inside me? Look at your eyes. They are small, but they see enormous things. - Rumi The Essential Rumi and suggested to Reiss that a film about Rumi would be timely. RUMI: Poet of the Heart features Barks along with poet/translator Robert Bly (who in 1976 encouraged Barks to begin to translate Rumi); author Deepak Chopra, storyteller and mythologist Michael Meade, and religious historian and author of "At the end of our wanderings there is only the soul’s yearning to return to God. No one speaks that yearning better than Rumi. No one, these days, does Rumi better than Coleman Barks." - Ram Dass "Perhaps the world’s greatest spiritual poet - the gold of Rumi pours down through Coleman’s words." - Jack Kornfield, author of A Path With Heart "Through Coleman Barks’ inspired renderings, we tired, modern people have come not only to love Rumi, but even - a little - to love Who and What Rumi himself loved." - Jacob Needleman, author of

    108. Sufi Links
    Juan Cole s links to sites with information about sufism and Irfan, forms of Islamic mysticism.
    Sufi and `Irfan Links Sufism is a set of Traditions related to Islamic Mysticism Sufism is the attempt of the individual mystic to achieve union with the divine Beloved, the Absolute from which human beings are separated by their base selves. It typically involves a regimen of at least moderate self-denial, regular prayers, supplications, and the recitation of spiritual formulas and the divine names, and group chanting and textual study. Among the greatest of Sufis were Rabi`a of Baghdad, Junayd, al-Hallaj, Bayazid Bistami, al-Ghazali, Ibn al-`Arabi and Jalalu'd-Din Rumi. `Irfan is a later, especially Iranian and Shi`ite tradition of mysticism that is more individualist and more metaphysically oriented than many of the formal Sufi orders in Sunnism. Great figures here include Mir Damad, Mulla Sadra, Muhsin Fayz Kashani, and Shaykh Ahmad al-Ahsa'i.
    Sufism Links

    Cole papers on the `Irfan (mysticism) of Shaykh Ahmad al-Ahsa'i (1753-1826)

    Threshold Society Mevlevi Page

    Nimatu'llahi Sufi Order

    Sufi Women Organization
    Cyber Khaniqah
    (Mulla Sadra, Rumi, Babi-Bahai figures, etc.)
    Scholarly Articles on Sufism
    Michael A. Sells, "Toward a Multi-Dimensional Understanding of Islam: The Poetic Key"

    109. Index
    Includes life history, links, music and works of Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan momin in the field of sufi music.
    Ustad Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan Holds Guinness World Record - Maximum number of Qawwali Albums in the whole world The origins of Qawwali music trace back over seven hundred years to the spiritual Samah songs of Persia. Qawwali's devotional themes of peace and love are held to come from God, sung on earth by the Prophets who followed Mohammad.
    Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan the most revered Qawwal came to prominence to western audiences through his collaborations with Eddie Vedder and Tim Robbins (Dead Man Walking soundtrack), Michael Brook, Massive Attack, and Peter Gabriel (Last Temptation of Christ soundtrack) which would result in a number of tours and albums released in North America and Europe.
    After newly signing with American Recordings, Nusrat recorded what would become his final studio recordings. Produced by Rick Rubin, these recordings expand on Nusrat's universal themes of spirituality, peace and love.
    Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan died shortly after the completion of these recordings. His teaching has been passed on to his nephew Rahat, who's apprenticeship began when he was young boy. Quawwali tradition dictates that the teachings be passed down to the eldest son. As Nusrat did not have any male children he began to teach his young nephew Rahat. Rahat would learn very quickly the wonderful and magnificent ways of qawwali. He would also shine in many performances with his uncle on stage. Visit to learn about his upcoming debut on American Recordings.
    The voice and essence that have touched the lives of many across the globe are documented here on Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan: The Final Studio Recordings. Let the spirit move you.

    110. Egypt Sufi Dancing,Whirling Dervishes, The Sufi Sect Was  Founded In Turkey
    Pictures from Cario of the sufi Dancers,Whirling Dervishes,
    Egypt Ho me About ... rings THE SUFI DANCERS
    Also known as the Whirling Dervishes, the Sufi sect was founded in Turkey during the mid-thirteenth century.
    Below are just a few of my photographs that I took in Cairo, of the Al-Tannoura Egyptian Heritage Dance Troupe 2002.
    No part of this web site may be copied or published or placed on any other website without permission. The images on this website are at a low resolution to help prevent illegal publishing or copying.
    For use of any of the images please contact Paul Gapper The Sufi ideal of attaining union with God has often offended Orthodox Muslims as blasphemous and Sufis were persecuted until the Mamluke and Ottoman period. You can find the Al-Tannoura Egyptian Heritage Dance Troupe performing this astoundingly colourful dance every Wednesday and Saturday at the Mausoleum of Al-Ghouri in Islamic Cairo. Egypt Ho me About ... rings For use of any of the images please contact Paul Gapper

    111. Under Constraction is a New York base institute focused on performing and teaching Persian sufi, spiritual and folk music.
    This site is presently undergoing redesigning.
    Keep checking, we will be back soon.

    112. Sudanese And Sufi History
    21 years of Sudanese and sufi History at Bergen, 197293 1985 Ali Salih Karrar, The sufi Brotherhoods in the Sudan until 1900. 1991 Knut S. Vikør,
    21 years of Sudanese and Sufi History at Bergen, 1972-93
    A note on research and resources
    Introduction Since 1972, when O'Fahey came to the Department of History, University of Bergen as a University Research Fellow, there has been a growing programme of research on the Sudan and Sufism or Islamic mysticism. The main areas of specialisation are the pre-co lonial history of Sudanic Africa (especially the area of the modern Sudan Republic), religious, especially Sufism, and literary history. The staff involved in this programme are:
    • O'Fahey (Professor of Non-European History
    • Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim Abu Salim (Secretary-general of the National Records Office (NRO), Khartoum and annual Visiting Professor)
    • Endre Stiansen (Postdoctoral Research Fellow), Kirsten Alsaker Kjærland (Doctoral Research Fellow)
    Associated with the programme is
  • Among those in residence for the Academic Year, 1993-94, are
    • Professor J.O. Hunwick (Northwestern University)
    • Mr. Albrecht Hofheinz (Freie Universität zu Berlin)
    • Mr. Ahmed Ibrahim Shook (NRO; 4 months, doctoral research).
    The Department of History has a longstanding programme of co-operation, funded by the Norwegian Aid Agency (NORAD), with the NRO, Khartoum. Formal and informal networks of co-operation have been built up with scholars at various European, Middle Eastern, African and American universities, among them Utrecht, Northwestern and Khartoum.
  • 113. Welcome To Sufi Dar Chennai
    About the various activities of sufi Dar in the city. Includes the biography of Baba Nebhraj Sahib.
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    114. Sufi Islam is the leading source for reliable military news and military information, directed by John Pike.
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    • Sunni
      • Hanafi
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        Sufi Islam
        The term "Sufi" derives from three Arabic letters sa, wa and fa. There have been many opinions on the reason for its origin from sa wa fa. The most frequently cited in Western dictionnaries suggests the Arabic word "suf" meaning "wool" in the sense of "cloak", referring to the simple cloaks the original Sufis wore. Some initiates are given a specially designed, colored wool vest which is symbolic of the woolen robes of poverty worn by ancient dervishes, and signifies the loving commitment of the dervish to serve humanity. The Sufis use letters of words to express hidden meanings, and so the word could also be understood as "enlightenment". According to some the word is derived from safa which means purity. According to another view it is derived from the Arabic verb safwe which means "those who are selected" - a meaning quoted frequently in Sufi literature.

    115. Sufi
    Offers downloads of teaching videos by Maulana Sheikh Nazim alHaqqani, many free. (Naqshbandi)

    116. NFIE Publications
    sufi ILLUMINATIONSAJournal Devoted to the Study of Islam sufismVOL.3 NO.1 sufi Views of the Hajj Islamic Rituals.Muhammad Khalid Masud.Academic
    NFIE Publications:
    Academic Journal of Sufi Illuminations

    (Risala-yi Anwar as-Sufiyya), printed by Richmond Printing of Houston, is now available for $12.00 (Includes shipping and handling). Editorial Board includes:

    117. International Sufi Healing Order
    Their primary activity is spiritual healing. Information on their philosophy, retreats, and training activities; also offer a forum, newsletter and online catalog of materials.
    "The purpose of The Sufi Healing Order is to awaken humanity
    to a greater realization of the Divine Spirit to heal."
    - Hazrat Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan
    Vol. 2, Respiration
    Home Healing Requests Contacts ... Links Welcome to the International Sufi Healing Order
    The primary activity of the Sufi Healing Order is spiritual healing. We offer "The Healing Service", a group prayer circle asking the Divine One to heal those who ask this of us. Through ritual, prayer, and attunement to the Divine Spirit, The Healing Service offers the possibility of healing to those who request it.
    Members of the Sufi Healing Order also visit the ill, those in distress, and the infirm, bringing them the Divine Presence as a balm and a healing, as well as offering personal care and support. Members receive training in spiritual healing and integrate this into their personal and professional wellness counseling.
    To obtain FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader to view PDF files on this site: (If you have challenges with this page, please contact our

    118. Sufi Healing, Sufi Healing
    sufi healing method is an Islamic healing method using Divine spiritual power practiced exclusively by the sufis for centuries. The basic principle in sufi
    Sufi Healing
    The Barzakh Foundation is an Islamic social organization located in Jakarta, Indonesia, which has opened a worldwide service to cure HIV/AIDS patients using the Sufi Healing method. The service is FREE, since the Barzakh Foundation is a non-profit organization. Further cooperation with individuals or organizations who are dealing with HIV/AIDS is needed to perform this service. HIV/AIDS patients can contact the Barzakh Foundation directly using E-mail or fax. The Foundation regards HIV/AIDS disease as a serious threat to humanity. A great empathy and attention are needed to prevent further spreading and to cure the already infected patients using every way which is acceptable by human laws and morality or religion. The Foundation has committed itself to give treatment to HIV/AIDS patients using Sufi Healing method, which has been practiced for the last 20 years by its counselor, Muhammad Zuhri (a Sufi Master from Indonesia), to cure many people with cancer, mental illness, leukemia, impotency, paralysis, etc. The Foundation accepts help from every individual and organization that is dealing with HIV/AIDS by spreading information about this service.

    119. Punto Sufi :sufi Al Caravanserraglio, Pagine Di Sufismo
    Genova Pagine di dialogo islamico cristiano e cultura associate alla tekke dei sufi Jerrahi. Arte, poesie, essenze, novit  e link.
    La pagina corrente utilizza dei frame, che tuttavia non sono supportati dal browser in uso. Siete nel sito" il caravanserraglio puntosufi", dialogo interreligioso islam - cristianesimo associato alla tekke sufi Jerrahi di genova.Pagine di sufismo nell'arte nella cultura e nella scienza.

    120. Sufism: Sufi Stories As Told By Idries Shah
    The first socalled sufi told the boy that he would, if he continued to make so much Eventually, a real sufi came along. He looked at the situation,
    Sufi Stories
    told by Idries Shah
    Robert Frager says, in Essential Sufism, about such stories and jokes (p. 162) " This next session can be enjoyed without concern about its deeper meanings. If you wish, for example, you can imagine that these stories ... are not about you. But if it were a teaching session, your task might be to identify yourself in every story, to acknowledge that you too could be as foolish or as lacking in discernment as the characters in these ... tales." [From "Human Nature" April 1978 ] One woman says to another, "Poor Maisie really has suffered for what she believes in."
    "And what DOES she believe in?" asks the other.
    "She believes that you can wear a size six shoe on a size nine foot." A friend of mine once went to see the chief of state of a certain country. When they were walking on the grounds of the presidential place, a large and fierce-looking dog tore the loincloth off a Hindu guru who was also present and, barking loudly, cornered him by a wall. Now this guru had the reputation of being able to tame tigers with a glance, but he obviously had no such way with dogs, and he called out to my friend to do something.
    The visitor said, "A barking dog does not bite."

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