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         Sudan History Regional:     more detail
  1. A History of the Sudan: From the Coming of Islam to the Present Day (5th Edition) by P.M. Holt, M.W. Daly, et all 2000-02-15
  2. SYRIA - Background.(Sudan's political history and economic conditions): An article from: APS Diplomat Fate of the Arabian Peninsula
  3. SUDAN - Background.(political history and economy ): An article from: APS Diplomat Fate of the Arabian Peninsula
  4. Gordon and the Sudan: Prologue to the Mahdiyya, 1877-1880.(Book Review) (book review): An article from: Canadian Journal of History by Douglas M. Peers, 2002-12-01
  5. Sudan. (Areas of Conflict).(Brief Article): An article from: Canada and the World Backgrounder
  6. Fair Exotics: Xenophobic Subjects in English Literature, 1720-1850.(Reviews of Books)(Book Review): An article from: Albion by David P. Haney, 2004-01-01
  7. The Nile: An Annotated Bibliography
  8. Egypt (Enchantment of the World. Second Series) by Ann Heinrichs, 1997-10

81. GlobalEDGE (TM) Country Insights - History Of Sudan
history. sudan was a collection of small, independent kingdoms and principalitiesfrom the beginning of the Christian era sudan HEADLINES. regional PAGE

82. IRIN News - Sudan
News on relief, development, social, economic and political affairs, by the Integrated regional Information Network (IRIN) of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

83. Untitled
regional, administrative, and vegetation maps. Also an aerial view of Khartoum and a map of Africa showing the location of sudan.
Selected Maps of The Sudan Sudan Regional Map Sudan National Geographic Map Sudan Administrative Map Sudan Vegetation Map ... Large Sudan Map

84. Sudan
Provides country brief and profile, Millennium Development Goals and regional Integration Assistance Strategy along with news, projects and total IDA credits.
var templatePathPrefix = ""; Home Site Map Index FAQs ... Topics Search Sudan All Home Countries Africa Sudan Overview Related Links Contacts Resources For
After more than a decade of war, Sudan infrastructure needs major rehabilitation and development, agricultural reforms need to be pursued, improved social services are a high priority, and war-affected areas face special difficulties like food insecurity. To start the process for setting priorities and coordinating activities, The World Bank hosted a meeting of the The Government of Sudan (GoS) and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) to discuss the Joint Planning Mechanism (JPM).  The JPM will assist both parties in assessing needs, developing priorities, and drawing up action plans for implementation during the pre-interim period. Please see the  press release  for more information. As of February 2005, the Bank had approved 8 IBRD loans and 52 IDA credits for Sudan totaling approximately US$1.52 billion

85. Ethiopia (08/05)
Facts about the land, people, history, government, political conditions, The plateau gradually slopes to the lowlands of the sudan on the west and the
Bureau of Public Affairs Electronic Information and Publications Office Background Notes
Bureau of African Affairs
August 2005
Background Note: Ethiopia

Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Area: 1.1 million sq. km (472,000 sq. mi.); about the size of Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico combined.
Cities: Capital Addis Ababa (pop. 2.6 million). Other cities Dire Dawa (237,000), Nazret (189,000), Gondar (163,000), Dessie (142,000), Mekelle (141,000), Bahir Dar (140,000), Jimma (132,000), Awassa (104,000).
Terrain: High plateau, mountains, dry lowland plains.
Climate: Temperate in the highlands; hot in the lowlands. People
Nationality: Noun and adjective Ethiopian(s). Population (2003 est.): 70.5 million. Annual growth rate: 2.7%. Ethnic groups (est.): Oromo 35%, Amhara 30%, Tigre 6.3%, Somali 6%, Sidama 6%, Gurage 4%, Wolaita 4%, Afar 2%, other nationalities 6.7%. Religions (est.): Ethiopian Orthodox Christian 45%, Sunni Muslim 40-45%, Protestant 5%, remainder indigenous beliefs. Languages: Amharic (official), Tigrinya, Arabic, Guaragigna, Oromigna, English, Somali.

86. Youth With A Mission - Sudan
A regional chapter of an international, interdenominational, nonprofit mission organisation dedicated to knowing God and making Him known in Africa.
YWAM Sudan's Vision
Youth With A Mission Sudan is an international, interdenominational, non-profit mission organisation dedicated to knowing God and making God known in Sudan and throughout the world. After years of prayer, research, and handwork, we currently have three teams working alongside the Sudanese people throughout the country. In a region that has experienced war since 1983 along with periodic droughts, the needs are widespread. Nonetheless, we are excited to work alongside the local Christians to meet these needs. Over the next five years, we will be looking into the following areas:
1) Discipleship of Youth 2) Hosting of outreach teams 3) Trauma/ Community Counseling 4) Aids awareness 5) Outreach to Unreached People Groups 6) Children's Ministry 7) Community Development

87. Sudan, TX News
Local, regional, and statewide news collected from diverse sources on the web.
Advanced Search Enter ZIP, City or News Search
Sudan, TX News

88. Rebels Say Sudan Broke Regional Truce

89. Sudan Warns Of Regional Conflict If Talks Fail

90. Western And Central Sudan, 1000-1400 A.D. | Timeline Of Art History | The Metrop
The Timeline of Art history is a chronological, geographical, and thematic 11th century The ruler of Kanem state in central sudan converts to Islam.
Encompasses present-day Gambia, Guinea, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Mauritania, Niger, and eastern Chad
See also Guinea Coast and Eastern and Southern Africa The influence of Islam and the deepening networks of trade spur the growth of several great savanna states, including the Ghana, Mali, and Songhai empires. Further development of metallurgy contributes to both material wealth and artistic production, and Arab reports depict the Ghana empire as the "Land of Gold." As well as stimulating trade, Islam
Abu Bakr, military leader of the Almoravids , an Islamic Berber sect, recaptures Audaghost from the Ghana empire. Repeated Almoravid incursions, aimed at seizing control of the trans-Saharan gold trade , disrupt Ghana's dominance of the trade routes. Kumbi Saleh, an important mercantile and political center of the Ghana empire, is besieged by Almoravids. Abu c The Book of Routes and Kingdoms The ruler of Kanem state in central Sudan converts to Islam. Songhai peoples in Gao, capital of Songhai state, become Muslims. The Sefawa dynasty establishes a capital at Njimi and controls the trade in ivory, ostrich feathers, and slaves.

91. Sudan - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
history. Main article history of sudan After 1997, the structure of regionaladministration was replaced by the creation of 26 states.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
For the region of the same name, see Sudan (region) ; for the orange-red dye see Sudan I
The Republic of the Sudan , or Republic of Sudan (in recent years the definite article has increasingly been dropped in common usage) is the largest country in Africa , situated in Northeast Africa . The capital is Khartoum . It is bordered by Egypt to the north, the Red Sea to the northeast, Eritrea and Ethiopia to the east, Kenya and Uganda to the southeast, Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Central African Republic to the southwest, Chad to the west, and Libya to the northwest.
Jumhuriyat as-Sudan
Flag Coat of Arms Motto : Al-Nasr Lana ( Arabic : Victory is Ours) Anthem Nahnu Jund Allah Jund Al-watan ("We Are the Army of God and of Our Land") Capital Khartoum
Arabic ... Independence
From Egypt and the United Kingdom
January 1


15/km² ( GDP PPP estimate Currency Sudanese dinar SDD Time zone ... UTC not observed ( UTC Internet TLD .sd Calling code Map of Sudan with Khartoum

92. A Regional Solution For Darfur
A regional solution should not include American troops. Though sudan has ahistory of involvement with international terrorism, there is no evidence
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A Regional Solution for Darfur
by Christopher Preble Christopher Preble , director of foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute, is a founding member of the Coalition for a Realistic Foreign Policy A humanitarian tragedy has unfolded in the Darfur region of Sudan, Africa. Politicians and bureaucrats are quibbling over whether the gang-rape and slaughter of tens of thousands of people at the hands of Arab militiamen (the janjaweed) should qualify as "genocide." With Secretary of State Colin Powell's recent visit to Sudan and the Pentagon moving troops into neighboring Chad to assess the situation, some form of intervention appears likely. Moral questions aside, neighboring states such as Egypt, Chad, and Kenya recognize that stabilizing Darfur is in their interest. The United States should encourage those states to clean up their own backyard, which they can and should do.

93. Kingdoms Of The Medieval Sudan
the Medieval sudan, an electronic exploration of the history of the African This site is intended only as an introduction to the history of sudanic

94. Arabic News Front Page For 9/24/2005
The new vice president called on all Sudanese to join the peace process in order and Christianity across history. regionalSyria, Religion, 8/12/2005
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Today's Headlines: NOTICE: is for sale. Click here if you are interested Saudi Arabia renews warning over division of Iraq For the second time within two days, Saudi Arabia expressed its concern over the developments of the situation in Iraq warning that this situation raises fear of disintegration in the country and dragging the whole area into a vaster conflict. Saudi Arabia Iraq, Politics, 9/24/2005 Sunni call to ban fighting among Iraqis Members of the Muslim Scholars Commission, Sheikh Mahmoud Mahdi al-Sumeidai, has called on the Iraqi forces to convene a national dialogue and reconciliation and writing a document of honor banning fighting among the Iraqis. Iraq, Politics, 9/24/2005

95. Sudan Bilateral Relations
Relations between the sudan and Germany. and language outposts in sudan arethe German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) regional office in Khartoum (1

96. 2004 News Of The World
as entrenched warlords continued to exert regional control. sudan. In 2004,after two years of troubled negotiations and ceasefires, sudan s brutal
in All Infoplease Almanacs Biographies Dictionary Encyclopedia
Daily Almanac for
Sep 26, 2005

97. [AIN] Asmarino Independent News - Regional News
history Entertainment Entertainment Front Page arrow regional News Kidnapped Sudanese politicians held at rebel camp in Eritrea report
Ai Home Talking Point Forum Public Announcements ... Dispatches Radio Voice of Delina Voice of Liberty Voice of Democratic Eritrea Voice of Eritrean People ... Advanced Search The Revolution of the Human Spirit: DONE! - The Revolution of the Human Soul: inprogress Front Page Last 24 Hrs Last 7 Days Last 30 Days ... DISCUSS PROGRAM
Latest form "hdmo wfyat"
The GoE Saber-Rattling at the UN Stage

Anonimity Disservice to Democracy
InSight: Decontaminating D-terms
Dissent: Plus Two - Minus Two
Equilibrium : September 18, 2001: Four Years hence!
Tebta tesfa:
The Montor: “Self-reliance”-The Just Path
eXpressoion: Respect for Eritrea’s Moral Victory Alewuna/Alewana Feature Story
Who is Elsabet Gebreyesus?

Elsabet Gebreyesus is a unique Eritrean-Canadian who is expressing herself through abstract painting. Although abstract painting is little known within Eritrean circles it is really fascinating how one of our own could delve in a journey abstractly organised. Front Page Regional News Latest News Feeds Google: Eritrea Durfur Summit (a six-nation African summit) Yahoo News (Eritrea) ... The Unconventional Nature of Ethiopia’s May 15 Elections Ethiopian Election Friday, 08 July 2005

98. Classification Comments
Thus, a work on sudan and Tanzania is put in East Africa (VA), Early historyand regional / comparative studies, Chrisitianity in each country under
Library catalogue
Library catalogue
Centre home
Classification of the Centre library
Below are some comments and clarifications of the rules used to classify (and put on shelves) the books of the Middle East Centre's library. They add to the general classification scheme indicated in the categories page.
The basic units are the modern states. The following directions apply:
General vs. geographic: A, NA, P.
There are three general, non-geographic categories: A , for books not on the Middle East or Africa, NA , for Islam and P , for Arabic language and literature.
  • A is used for books where the topic has no relation to the region, including e.g. Arabic translations of European literature, and general works in human and social science (thus general works on Imperialism, put under A 970
      However, if any identifiable part of the book, thus a chapter or a paper, concerns the region, classification is made on the basis of that part.
    NA is used for works generally on Islamic topics, which are not classifiable to a particular country.
      Used for presentations and discussions of ideas, irrespective of the author's origin.

99. The History Cooperative | Conference Proceedings | Interactions: Regional Studie
Another example is the linking of the Christian southern sudan with the Islamicnorthern sudan John Hunwick, in history of West Africa, Volume One, ed.
Crossing the Sahara: The Failure of an
Early Modern Attempt to Unify Islamic Africa
Stephen Cory
University of California at Santa Barbara
Invisible Barriers: The Problem with Regionalization
The traditional area studies approach towards Africa is to divide the continent between North Africa (Arab Africa) and sub-Saharan Africa (Black Africa). The North African states of Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Algeria, and Morocco (and sometimes also the Sudan and Mauritania) are linked with the Arab world and the Middle East. This trade was so prosperous that changes in the trade routes led to the rise and fall of different trading centers over the centuries. The wealth of the caravan trade also inspired numerous efforts by African and European states to establish control over the trade routes. Yet, the source of the West African gold trade remained surprisingly elusive for the foreign potentates who made these attempts. Another link between the two regions was provided by the Islamic religion. In both East and West Africa, the spread of Islam moved from north to south.

100. The History Cooperative | Conference Proceedings | Interactions: Regional Studie
For the first time the whole complex history of the world since the centered onthe Nile that was dominated by the Kingdom of Kush in the Central sudan.
Stanley M. Burstein
University of California at Los Angeles
The publication in 1974 of the first volume of Immanuel Wallersteins The Modern WorldËSystem was a milestone in the historiography of world history. For the first time the whole complex history of the world since the sixteenth century CE had been presented as part of single integrated process in which social and political structures were correlated with regional economic roles. Wallersteins by now familiar classification of world regions into core, semi-periphery, and periphery provided an elegant framework for analyzing the socio-economic history of the various regions in terms of their function in the World System. Wallersteins scheme has been criticized on many grounds including putative Eurocentrism and overemphasis on the significance of economic factors in history. Probably, no aspect of his work has drawn more criticism, however, than his insistence that the world system was uniquely characteristic of modern history because its appearance was dependent on the emergence of modern capitalism.

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