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41. The Earth Science Educator The educational portal site of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center's Earth Sciences Directorate. It contains hundreds of teaching and learning resources available from within the Earth Sciences Directorate and provides teachers and students with quick access to a set of rich and scientificallyoriented educational resources on a wide range of Earth Science research activities. http://webserv.gsfc.nasa.gov/ESD/edu/ | |
42. VRoma: A Virtual Community For Teaching And Learning Classics A community of teachers and students who create online resources for teaching Latin and ancient Roman culture. http://www.vroma.org/ | |
43. ForedBC -- For Education About Our Resources And Environment Nonpartisan organization providing environmental education teaching resources for both teachers and students in a variety of subjects and grade levels. http://www.landscapesmag.com/common/main.cfm | |
44. Argyle Middle School, Montgomery County Public Schools, MD Information for students and teachers at Argyle Midle School. Also includes resources for teaching in Grades 68. http://www.mcps.k12.md.us/schools/argylems/ | |
45. Kathy Schrock's Guide For Educators - Critical Evaluation Surveys And Resources an article dealing with the need to teach critical evaluation skills cooperative learning lesson plan and teacher s guide; Evaluating Web resources http://school.discovery.com/schrockguide/eval.html | |
46. English Language Resources For Teachers And Students Of English English language teaching resources. ELTWEB Links for teachers and students of English, Over 5 million hits in 2004 Add your site today! http://www.eltweb.com/ |
47. Teaching Methods/Subject Area Resources Links Educational WWW resources for K12 Students and Teachers (by Subject) University of Ottawa-resources for Teachers and Students of French as a Second http://www.mhhe.com/socscience/education/methods/resources.html | |
48. MY TEACHERS PAGE During the year, I will be adding resources for teachers to this site. Here teachers can discover new ways to assist struggling students within http://www.eagle.ca/~matink/teacher.html | |
49. WI Focus: Faculty Resources, UH Manoa Complete list of. teacher resources Both teachers and students have found that our 10minute video explains one of the main goals of writing-intensive http://mwp01.mwp.hawaii.edu/resources.htm | |
50. Resources For Teachers And Students resources for teachers and Students. Symbols of Immigration to America The Plight of the Indentured Servant (teacher resources) http://uscis.gov/graphics/aboutus/history/teacher/Resources.htm | |
51. Socialstudies.org | Teaching Resources Find the resource in the teaching WITH THE NEWS section of the Choices Program provides students, teachers, and citizens with a wealth of resources for http://www.socialstudies.org/resources/ | |
52. TeachingLD: Information And Resources For Teaching Students With Learning Disabi teachingLD Information and resources for teaching Students with Learning Send us your question about teaching students with learning disabilities. http://www.dldcec.org/ | |
53. OED | Teaching Resources And Publications teaching Academically Diverse Students. Discussion Strategies. 8. Leading a Discussion Maintaining Instructional Quality with Limited resources http://teaching.berkeley.edu/teaching.html | |
54. English To Go - English Lessons, Learn English, Teach English, Lesson Plans, ESL free english lessons, free teacher resources, high school english lesson Our aim is not only to teach English, but to give students and teachers the http://www.english-to-go.com/ | |
55. School Supplies, Teacher Supplies, Educational Supplies And Free Stuff For Teach SCHOOL SUPPLIES, best resource for teacher SUPPLIES, educational supplies, free stuff for teaching Strategies on Improving Your Students Nutrition http://www.cyber-prof.com/ | |
56. LEARN NC I m looking for general resources on I need a strategy for teaching my On August 25 and 26, teachers and students can watch live video from the ocean http://www.learnnc.org/ | |
57. Links For K-12 Teachers - Including Resources To Help Students Prepare For State Computer teacher resources Parents (español). Differentiated Instruction PreKindergarten Assessment resources have been moved to a new page http://www.internet4classrooms.com/k12links.htm | |
58. NSTA - Teacher Resources Targeted Web resources to help you teach key science concepts and save Internet Students with Disabilities NSTA is strongly committed to developing http://www.nsta.org/resources | |
59. ASL Activities, Books, & Materials For Students Of All Ages ASL Activities,. Books, teaching Materials for Students of All Ages LISTSERV for Teachers of ASL. Other (Foreign) Sign Language resources http://members.aol.com/alysser/aslpgs.htm | |
60. OTRNet: Mathematics Texts, Online Maths Investigations And Resources For Teachin Online resources for constructivist maths teachers including texts, written by classroom teachers support constructivist learning in a student centred http://www.otrnet.com.au/ | |
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