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         Stepfamilies:     more books (100)
  1. Stepfamilies Stepping Ahead: An 8 Step Program for Successful Family Living by Mala Burt, 1989-12
  2. Loving Your Stepfamily: The Art of Making Your Blending Family Work by Dr. Donald R. Partridge, Jenetha Partridge, 2007-12-22
  3. Stepfamilies: Myths and Realities by Emily B. Visher, 1998-08-25
  4. Step Wars : Overcoming the Perils and Making Peace in Adult Stepfamilies by Grace Gabe, Jean Lipman-Blumen, 2004-04-01
  5. Positive Discipline for Your Stepfamily: Nurturing Harmony, Respect, and Joy in Your New Family (Positive Discipline) by Cheryl Erwin, H.Stephen Glenn, et all 2000-09-28
  6. Designing Dynamic Christian Stepfamilies : Bringing the Pieces to Peace by Gordon and Carri Taylor, 2003
  7. Stepfamilies In Therapy (Jossey Bass Social and Behavioral Science Series) by Martin, 1992
  8. Active Parenting for Stepfamilies (Active Parenting) by Michael H. Popkin, 2007-03-25
  9. Let's Talk About It: Stepfamilies (Let's Talk about It) by Fred Rogers, 2001-08-01
  10. When Your Parent Remarries Late in Life: Making Peace With Your Adult Stepfamily by Terri Smith, James P. Harper, 2007-06
  11. The Truth about Stepfamilies: Real American Stepfamilies Speak Out by Anne O'Connor, 2003-05
  12. The Boys and Girls Book About Stepfamilies by Richard A. Gardner, 1985-08
  13. Positive Discipline for Blended Families: Nurturing Harmony, Respect, and Unity in Your New Stepfamily (Positive Discipline) by Jane Ed.D. Nelsen, Cheryl Erwin, et all 1997-08-20
  14. Therapy with Stepfamilies (Brunner/Mazel Basic Principles Into Practice Series, Vol 6) by Emily B. Visher, 1996-03-01

21. Living With Stepparents
Families are always changing and growing. This article looks at some of the challenges of making two families one and provides solutions to common

22. Stepfamilies And Parenting
StepUp An independent newsletter for stepfamilies, 4-6 pages including 1 page for kids. Published bi-monthly at $19.95/yr. Call 1-219-938-6962 or e-mail
S t e p f a m i l i e s and P a r e n t i n g A bit of humour for those of you with teenagers:
Tired of being hassled by your stupid parents?
Move out, get a job, pay your own bills...
While you still know EVERYTHING!
Here's a great quote, but I have no idea who said it!
If you do, please let me know.
"The best time to give children your advice is when they are young
enough to believe you know what you are talking about!"

A funny saying: As any kid who has ever misbehaved at a neighbor's house finds out, All the mothers in the neighborhood talk to each other. That's a local area network of distributed processors that can't be beat. Letter from school... Dear Dad, $chool i$ really great. I am making lot$ of friend$ and $tudying very hard. With all my $tuff, I $imply can't think of anything I need, $o if you would like, you can ju$t $end me a card, a$ I would love to hear from you. Love, Your $on Dear Son, I kNOw that astroNOmy, ecoNOmics, and oceaNOgraphy are eNOugh to keep even an hoNOr student busy. Do NOt forget that the pursuit of kNOwledge is a NOble task, and you can never study eNOugh. Love

23. Baltimore Chapter - Stepfamily Association
Nonprofit agency promoting the education and well-being of stepfamilies. Statement of purpose, chapters, recommended reading and related links.
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24. StepFamilies UK - Welcomes YOU
. Hi everyone and if you are a new visitor, welcome to our 21st Century stepfamilies website full of facts, fun, friends and useful contacts!

25. Stepfamilies
Reading List for stepfamilies Internet Resources for stepfamilies Family Photo Album Conscience Controversy Home stepfamilies Recipes Worship Center
You Are Not Alone
This webpage has been created for stepmothers everywhere, from someone who has "Been there; Done that!", to let you know that you are not alone. Your situation is not unique. There are many people and resources out there to help you. There are many more links available than the ones I have listed at the bottom of this page. This is just a starting point. I have also included a list of books you can get from your local library, or buy. Stereotyping people and situations is responsible for many of the problems in this world. There is such a preconceived idea of what the "family" should be: "a biological father, mother, big brother and little sister". What a real family is, is a group of people who live together, help each other and love each other. There need not be "blood" ties in order to care about and love another person, large or small. There are also many preconceived ideas of what a "stepmother" is; I shall probably never forgive the Brothers Grimm for their fairy tale stepmothers, who are nothing short of the wicked witch of the north. In reality, stepmothers are just like any other kind of mother - they care, they worry, they love, they get angry, they get over it, they make mistakes, and sometimes they overprotect; but for the most part they mean well. They are just people doing the best they know how. I firmly believe that a person is who they are, even before they are born. When a person arrives in this world, there is no instruction book that comes with them. This small person has no language skills with which to tell you what they do and don't like, or even who they are. You have to make the effort to get to know them, learn who they are, what their preferences are, and if possible try to help them grow into a responsible, compassionate, and contented large person. This bonding process of learning to know and learning to love takes place over the course of their being an infant, a toddler, a child and continues through the teen years. Ideally a deep love and attachment grows between parent and child that will last through their whole lives.

26. Stepfamily Network Home Page
Resources for helping stepfamilies solve problems and achieve their ideal family situation. Includes articles and a question of the month.
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27. After The Wedding Stepparents And Blended Families.
Book Review Step Wars Overcoming the Perils and Making Peace in Adult stepfamilies.

28. Center For Stepfamily Development, Boise, Idaho
The Center for Stepfamily Development is a resource for stepfamilies in Idaho and the Northwest, providing information, education and support, including classes and counseling.
Center for Stepfamily Development
5460 Franklin Rd. Suite "F"
Boise, Idaho, 83705
Email: The CENTER FOR STEPFAMILY DEVELOPMENT is a valuable resource for divorced and remarried families in Idaho and the Northwest, providing information, education and support. The Center offers classes and counseling for divorced and remarried individuals and families, with a therapist who is trained and knowledgeable about these issues.
Marion M. Summers, M.Ed., has been working with stepfamilies for 13 years. She is on the Board of Directors for the Stepfamily Association of America, and has had extensive training in stepfamily dynamics through SAA. She is a member of a successful stepfamily and has been a stepmother for 18 years. Her book, I DIDN'T GROW UP TO BE A WICKED STEPMOTHER , is used extensively in stepmother classes, and is available through SAA and the CENTER FOR STEPFAMILY DEVELOPMENT
For more information about the Stepfamily Association of America, go to

29. The Stepmom
Gifts from the Broken Jar The Stepmom's Guide to Simplifying Your Life now in print! It's Not My Stepkids It's Their Mom!

30. Stepfamily Association Of America
This playful approach to learning is being applied to stepfamilies in a unique These areas can be applied to stepfamilies as they work toward becoming
Counseling Stepfamilies : SAA's Counselor's Corner STRENGTHENING YOUR STEPFAMILY BY GOING OUT ON A LIMB By Jean McBride, M.S., L.M.F.T.* STEPFAMILIES, Spring 1994 Remember when you were a child and your mother would send you outside to play? As children we probably gave it little thought except that maybe she wanted us out of the house for awhile. So, we went outside, and played, and had fun. It was stress management for children (and for parents too!). While the motive may have been to get the kids out from underfoot, the method itself had great wisdom. Play provides an excellent opportunity to learn and to grow in ways that are entertaining and non-threatening. The adventure therapy model is easily adapted to working with stepfamilies. It provides multiple opportunities to assess and to work on issues of trust communication, problem solving, role definition, boundary setting, working as a team and developing a bank of shared experiences. The adventure setting encourages participants to venture outside of their comfort zone, thus producing a state of internal conflict. This conflict provides the motivation for integrating new knowledge and reshaping perceptions in order to make personal changes. In this case, the family consisted of a father, a stepmother, three boys ages 9, 10, 1 2, and a girl age 15. They contracted with their therapist to do adventure therapy to work on issues of trust, communication, and team building. One 90 minute session will be described here. It was the first of a 4-week program in which the family participated.

31. Stepfamily Connection
Online environment where stepfamilies interact and locate resources needed to help their family thrive.
Our hearts, thoughts and prayers are with individuals and families that have been affected by Katrina. My stepfather, Sonny Merritt is one of the missing family members that we have not heard from and pray for his safety. Our site will be fully functional September 21st. In the meantime, we would like to utilize our homepage by turning it into a resource for those seeking assistance or information about loved ones affected by Katrina. God Bless and our prayers are with you! Websites:
  • Message Board for posting requests about missing persons Red Cross F amily Links Registry - Search list alphabetically or register your
    friend / family as missing. Operation Blessing International - Operation Blessing Hunger Strike Force trucks continued transportation and delivery of emergency equipment, food and supplies to The Salvation Army in support of mass feeding programs in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama.

32. Blended Families / Stepfamilies
What plans can parents make for a blended family / stepfamily? Get tips for healthy blended families and when to seek professional help.
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Blended Families / Stepfamilies
On this page: W hat is a blended family / stepfamily? What plans can parents make for a blended family? How do the age and gender of children affect the dynamics of a blended family? ... Related articles Did You Know? One of three Americans is now a stepparent, a stepchild, a stepsibling, or some other member of a stepfamily. ( Larson, J. (1992), Understanding stepfamilies American Demographics
What is a blended family / stepfamily?
To a child who does not belong to one, stepfamily may suggest Cinderellas family or the Brady Bunch. Actually, neither situation tells the whole story. In a blended or stepfamily, one or both partners have been married before. Each has lost a spouse through divorce or death. One or both of them have children from their previous marriage. They have fallen in love and decided to remarry. They form a new stepfamily that includes children from one or both of their first households. Today, at least one-third of all children in the U.S. are expected to live in a stepfamily before they reach age 18. The blended family is becoming more of a norm than an aberration. Born of conflict and loss, newfound commitment, and often heart-wrenching transition, stepfamilies face many lifestyle adjustments and changes. Fortunately, most of them are able to work out their problems and live together successfully. But it takes careful planning, open discussions of feelings, positive attitudes, mutual respect and patience.

33. Making Stepfamilies Work
My wife treats my children differently from hers. Advice on blending stepfamilies and treating the children equally.,,186643_187476,00.html
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Search iVillage for: Home Join free Horoscopes Quizzes You are here parenting your family divorce and step families
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Parenting home Making stepfamilies work by Gayle Peterson
I don't know how to deal with my wife's treatment of my biological children. She treats her own son, who is the youngest, like a little angel, and my children (five, six and seven) very differently. My wife and her family think that my children are trouble. I work long hours, so I'm not home a lot. How can I get her to be fair in dealing with my children?
You and your wife are experiencing the challenges of becoming a stepfamily. Your particular circumstances define you as a complex stepfamily, meaning that you both bring children to the marriage. This is the most complicated stepfamily formation. All children have suffered loss of their original family situation and that loss needs to be recognised. It is natural for both of you to experience feelings of belonging to your own biological children. But you are rapidly taking on traditional roles and expectations that increase the pressure to be one big happy family. This increases the likelihood of an explosion.

34. Stepfamilies Work! Home Page
stepfamilies Work! is a place for stepfamilies to find help, hope and inspiration. Provides articles, useful links, advice and more to help stepfamilies

About the Book Stepfamily Articles Stepchildren Speak ... Contact
29 Ways to Make Your Stepfamily Work Enter your email address to receive the FREE Stepfamilies Work! monthly newsletter
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Visit the NEW Blog Welcome to Stepfamilies Work! , a place for stepfamilies to find help, hope and inspiration. Within these pages, you'll discover articles, links, resources and advice to help your stepfamily survive and thrive on this unique journey. You'll also find additional wisdom, comfort and humor in each month’s free Stepfamilies Work! newsletter. Stepfamilies Work! was created by Kelly Kirkendoll Shafer, mother of two/stepmother of three, author of " 29 Ways to Make Your Stepfamily Work public speaker, professional writer and regular contributor to Your Stepfamily magazine , the official publication of the Stepfamily Association of America. Kelly is known for tackling tough issues in a practical yet optimistic light, based on real-life victories and lessons learned (often the hard way). Stepfamilies can be tough (sometimes really tough), but they CAN work. Find out how!
Logo, banner and book cover designed by

35. Stepfamilies Work Free Newsletter
Free monthly newsletter from stepfamilies Work! to offer help, hope and inspiration to stepfamilies.

36. Stepfamilies Stepparents Stepchildren Information
stepfamilies How to Live in Harmony- -Written by Jan Andersen Click here for additional articles on stepfamilies Stepparents Stepchildren Information Complete Topics Directory Topic Send this website to a friend
Stepfamilies Stepparents Stepchildren Information please visit our sponsor Sponsor Websites
  • Are You Unhappy In Your Relationship? - -Are you considering leaving? Discover Relationship Coaches Susie and Otto Collins breakthrough process filled with compelling questions and insights that will help you make that difficult relationship decision. No More Jealousy - -Shows How You Can Overcome and Eliminate Jealousy, Conquer Your Fears and Start Creating the Relationships of Your Dreams now...
  • How to Become a Sponsor - -Put a description of Your Website Here Articles Online
  • How to Submit an Article to Self Improvement Online Unidentified Stepfamily Zones - Discoveries Made at a Stepfamily Conference - -Written by Kelly Kirkendoll Shafer - Submitted on 2/28/05. The First Year's Rough: From A Kid That Knows - -Written by Meredith Gill - Submitted on 2/4/05. Teaching Kids Responsibility With Pets: The Saga of Three Little Mice - -Written by Dawn Miller - Submitted on 1/22/05.
  • 37. APA Help Center - Family & Relationships - "Making Stepfamilies Work"
    Parenting in stepfamilies. The most difficult aspect of stepfamily life is parenting. Both boys and girls in stepfamilies have reported that they prefer

    38. Step Families
    In his 1994 study, The Changing Character of stepfamilies, Professor of Sociology Larry L. Rules for stepfamilies from the Stepfamily Association
    Home Topics Authors Work Groups ... Search
    Step Families
    Beverly Bliss, Ph.D.
    Clinical Psychologist, Madison, WI
    The Statistics Are Staggering:
    One out of two marriages ends in divorce. Sixty percent of second marriages fail, according to the U.S. Census Bureau 66% of marriages and living together situations end in break up, when children are actively involved, according to Stepfamily Foundation statistics. It is predicted that 50% of children in the US will go through a divorce before they are 18. Approximately half of all Americans are currently involved in some form of step relationship. By the year 2000, according to the Census Bureau, more Americans will be living in step families than in nuclear families. In his 1994 study, "The Changing Character of Stepfamilies," Professor of Sociology Larry L. Bumpass of the University of Wisconsin challenges the common perception that the stepfamily is defined by marriage. His research states that:
    • About half of the 60 million children under the age of thirteen in this country are currently living with one biological parent and that parent's current partner. Nearly half of all women, not just mothers, are likely to live in a stepfamily relationship, when we include living-together families in our definition of the stepfamily.

    39. Psychology Today Lessons From Stepfamilies
    Studies stepfamilies, which turn out to be living laboratories for what it takes to create successful relationships. Why stepfamilies provide lessons for

    40. It's My Life . Family . Stepfamilies . Yours, Mine, And Ours | PBS Kids GO!
    You can also print out the “stepfamilies” Crossword Puzzle! Our thanks to Margorie Engel, MBA, Ph.D., President of the Stepfamily Association of America,
    Other Family Topics:
    Choose a topic Birth Order Divorce Family Vacations Home Alone Pets Sibling Rivalry Stepfamilies When Your Family Moves Celebs on Parents
    Do you live in a stepfamily? What are the best parts about it? What’s difficult about it?
    Topics on
    Yours, Mine, and Ours
    Then Comes Remarriage

    New House Rules

    Lines of Communication

    From the Mentors
    Stefanie's Story
    When you hear the word “stepfamily,” what do you think of first?
    • The Brady Bunch, where two sets of siblings were able to come together and not just get along, but actually share a bathroom
    • Cinderella and her “wicked” stepmother and stepsisters, who totally forgot she was a family member, not a servant.
    • Your own family, made up of you, your parents, your parents’ new spouses and their kids, not to mention grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and even pets.
    If you said the last one, you’re not alone! Some experts guess that almost half of today’s tweens live in a stepfamily! Many of you wrote to IML to tell us about your experiences: Aline, 11

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