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         Special Needs State & Federal Regulations:     more detail
  1. Family law for military personnel: the federal Servicemembers Civil Relief Act provides special protections for members of the armed forces. To advocate ... you need to know.: An article from: Trial by William S. Friedlander, 2006-09-01

61. Public Act 92-0307 Of The 92nd General Assembly
regulations and standards proposed by the related state agencies; This office shall assure that maximum federal resources are utilized and that
State of Illinois
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Public Act 92-0307 SB461 Enrolled LRB9207772DJmb AN ACT in relation to children. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: Section 5. The Early Intervention Services System Act is amended by changing Sections 3, 4, 5, 11, 13, and 15 and adding Sections 13.5, 13.10, 13.15, 13.20, 13.25, 13.30, 13.32, and 13.50 as follows: (325 ILCS 20/3) (from Ch. 23, par. 4153) Sec. 3. Definitions. As used in this Act: (a) "Eligible infants and toddlers" means infants and toddlers under 36 months of age with any of the following conditions: (1) Developmental delays as defined by the Department by rule. (2) A physical or mental condition which typically results in developmental delay. (3) Being at risk of having substantial developmental delays based on informed clinical judgment. (4) Either (A) having entered the program under any of the circumstances listed in paragraphs (1) through (3) of this subsection but no longer meeting the current eligibility criteria under those paragraphs, and

62. Regulations | NYSRegulations | Part200_16b (AccelerateU Course)
Part 200.16 regulations (continued) Part 200.1719 . (iv) in-state residential special education programs and services shall be provided to each

63. OHRP - Code Of Federal Regulations
Code of federal regulations. TITLE 45 PUBLIC WELFARE (f) This policy does not affect any state or local laws or regulations which may otherwise be
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Effective June 23, 2005
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To what does this policy apply? Definitions. Assuring compliance with this policyresearch conducted or supported by any Federal Department or Agency.
[Reserved] IRB membership. IRB functions and operations. IRB review of research. Expedited review procedures for certain kinds of research involving no more than minimal risk, and for minor changes in approved research. Criteria for IRB approval of research. Review by institution. Suspension or termination of IRB approval of research. Cooperative research. IRB records. General requirements for informed consent. Documentation of informed consent. Applications and proposals lacking definite plans for involvement of human subjects. Research undertaken without the intention of involving human subjects.

64. Industry Still Debating State, Federal Control By Insurance Networking News
In other instances, the state and federal regulations might even be contradictory. Although insurers recognize the overall need for regulatory reform,

65. CCSSO Lauds Increased Flexibility In Special Ed Assessment Regulations
such as in states or districts with high concentrations of special needs students. In addition, the final regulations clarify how states can count the

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CCSSO Lauds Increased Flexibility in Special Ed Assessment Regulations Contact:
Patty Sullivan

Washington, DC, December 8, 2003 — The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) commented today on the anticipated release of federal regulations regarding the use of alternate achievement standards for students with disabilities. The final regulations will be released on December 9, 2003. “We are pleased that the regulations have been finalized and that they reflect many of the comments and suggestions offered by CCSSO and its member states',” said G. Thomas Houlihan, Executive Director of CCSSO. CCSSO was able to offer comments on the regulations after reviewing a draft summary of the key provisions. The regulations are designed to clarify the use and recognition of scores for alternative assessments that are often given to children with special needs.

66. Voice-Over-Internet Protocol
The person you are calling does not need any special equipment, just a phone. FCC Announces Joint federal/state VOIP Enhanced 911 Enforcement Task Force
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Consumer Advisory - VoIP and 911

May 7 2004
Summit Presentations:
1. Cary Barbin
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Acrobat 2. Gunnar Hellstrom Omnitor Presentation Word Acrobat 3. Tom Wlodkowski America On Line Handout: Word Acrobat 4. Paul Jones Cisco Presentation Word Acrobat 5. Brenda Battat SHHH Presentation Word Acrobat 6. Claude Stout TDI Presentation Word Acrobat 7. Jim Tobias Inclusive Technologies Handout: Word Acrobat 8. Nate Wilcox Vermont E911 Presentation 9. Ed Bosson Texas PUC Presentation Word Acrobat 10. Paul Michaelis Avaya Statement: Word Acrobat Brochure: Word Acrobat 11. Gregg Vanderheiden Trace Center Handout: Word Acrobat Aspects of these considerations may change with new developments in internet technology. You should always check with the VoIP service provider you choose to confirm any advantages and limitations to their service. IP-Enabled Services Internet Voice, also known as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), is a technology that allows you to make telephone calls using a broadband Internet connection instead of a regular (or analog) phone line. Some services using VoIP may only allow you to call other people using the same service, but others may allow you to call anyone who has a telephone number - including local, long distance, mobile, and international numbers. Also, while some services only work over your computer or a special VoIP phone, other services allow you to use a traditional phone through an adaptor.

67. EPA: Pesticides - Regulating Pesticides
Some key EPA and state pesticide regulatory activities include Providing for special Local needs and Emergency Situations. states have authority under
Pesticides: Regulating Pesticides Recent Additions Contact Us Print Version Search: EPA Home Pesticides Regulating Pesticides Registration Reregistration Pesticide-Producing Establishments Laws ... Registration Information Sources
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EPA and the states (usually the State Department of Agriculture) register or license pesticides for use in the United States. EPA receives its authority to register pesticides under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) States are authorized to regulate pesticides under FIFRA and under state pesticide laws. States may place more restrictive requirements on pesticides than EPA. Pesticides must be registered both by EPA and the state before distribution. Some key EPA and state pesticide regulatory activities include: EPA also regulates pesticides imported for use in the U.S. and participates in a wide variety of

68. Wrightslaw - The Individuals With Disabilities Education Act
Links to hundreds of special education law and advocacy articles, newsletters, cases, Service Plans developed under multiple federal and state programs,
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69. The Future Of Children - Sub-Sections
state and National Legislation and Regulation safety seat distribution program that targeted lowincome families and those with special needs children.

70. REGULATORY AGENDA - New York State Office Of Children & Family Services
Pursuant to subdivision 1 of section 202d of the state Administrative Procedure Act General Administrative regulations; Bureau of special Hearings
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New York State
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July 1, 2005 - December 31, 2005
Regulatory Proposals
Pursuant to subdivision 1 of section 202-d of the State Administrative Procedure Act (SAPA), notice is hereby provided of the following rules, which the Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) is considering proposing but for which a rulemaking proceeding has not been commenced. The public is welcome to send written comments on the OCFS Regulatory Agenda to the contact person at the end of this list. Below is a brief description of the regulations, by subject matter, that are under review by OCFS:
General Administrative Regulations
  • Amending the regulations regarding Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) and Personal Privacy Protection Act (PPPA) requests or disclosures. Amending the regulations regarding health screening for prospective and current employees having regular and substantial contact with children in programs licensed or supervised by OCFS.

71. NECTAC: Child Care Licensing Regulations
Analysis of child care regulations in four case study states examines policy That little or no mention of special needs was found in the regulations
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Little or No Reference to Children With Special Needs Found in Child Care Licensing Regulations
by Robin Rooney and James L. Gallagher Senior Scientist
A content analysis of child care licensing regulations was recently conducted to determine the extent to which regulations include provisions for children with special needs. Policy documents from the child care licensing agencies in four case study states were reviewed. Reviewers targeted requirements for child care centers in the areas of admission policy; adaptation of centers' physical environment, schedules and activities; special training for caregivers; consultation with specialists, and participation on a team of specialists for children with special needs. These efforts are part of a larger study that examined the relationship between state licensing regulations for child care and recommended practices for quality. Funded by the Office of Education Research and Improvement, the purpose of this research is to increase our knowledge and understanding of barriers to quality in early care and education settings, particularly as they relate to children's readiness for school.

72. Search Enhanced Regulations - Sec. 300.382 Improvement Stategies.
Each state must describe the strategies the state will use to address the needs therefore, the regulations do not specify which needs must be addressed
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Comprehensive System of Personnel Development (CSPD)
(a) Prepare general and special education personnel with the content knowledge and collaborative skills needed to meet the needs of children with disabilities including how the State will work with other States on common certification criteria; (b) Prepare professionals and paraprofessionals in the area of early intervention with the content knowledge and collaborative skills needed to meet the needs of infants and toddlers with disabilities; (c) Work with institutions of higher education and other entities that (on both a pre-service and an in-service basis) prepare personnel who work with children with disabilities to ensure that those institutions and entities develop the capacity to support quality professional development programs that meet State and local needs; (d) Work to develop collaborative agreements with other States for the joint support and development of programs to prepare personnel for which there is not sufficient demand within a single State to justify support or development of a program of preparation; (e) Work in collaboration with other States, particularly neighboring States, to address the lack of uniformity and reciprocity in credentialing of teachers and other personnel;

73. The Civil Rights Of Students With Hidden Disabilities And Section 504
The ED Section 504 regulation defines an individual with handicaps as any person Once it is determined that a child needs special education or related
resultsagenda_off = new Image; resultsagenda_off.src = '/images/ed_gl_tnav_resultsag1.gif'; resultsagenda_over = new Image; resultsagenda_over.src = '/images/ed_gl_tnav_resultsag1_r.gif'; How to File a Complaint Topics A-Z Civil Rights Data Other Civil Rights Agencies ... Resources Available in Other Languages Get More!
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About OCR Programs/Initiatives Know Your Rights ... Questions and Answers The Civil Rights of Students with Hidden Disabilities Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
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Office for Civil Rights Washington, D.C. 20202-1328

74. United States Patent And Trademark Office Home Page
This is the only official Web site of the United States Patent and Trademark Office, MusiciansArtists-Authors, special Interests or needs
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United States Patent and Trademark Office
an Agency of the United States Department of Commerce
MORE KATRINA LINKS: FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) FirstGov Hurricane Katrina Recovery Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez Announces USPTO-Related IPR Initiatives U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez this week unveiled new Bush administration initiatives to fight intellectual property theft. The new initiatives include the appointment of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Experts in key overseas countries including Brazil, China, India and Russia, a new Small Business Outreach program to educate U.S. small businesses on how to protect their intellectual property rights, and a Global Intellectual Property Academy that will provide training programs for foreign government officials on global IPR issues.

75. Using Consumer Reports: What Employers Need To Know
who will be subject to state or federal regulation as truckers. The FCRA allows individuals to sue employers for damages in federal court.
Download Printable PDF Using Consumer Reports: What Employers Need to Know Your advertisement for cashiers nets 100 applications. You want credit reports on each applicant. You plan to eliminate those with poor credit histories. What are your obligations? You are considering a number of your long-term employees for major promotions. Can you check their credit reports to ensure that only financially responsible individuals are considered? A job candidate has authorized you to obtain a credit report. The applicant has a poor credit history. Although the credit history is considered a negative factor, it's the applicant's lack of relevant experience that's more important to you. You turn down the application. What procedures must you follow? What is a Consumer Report?
Applicants are often asked to give references. Whether verifying such references is covered by the FCRA depends on who does the verification. A reference verified by the employer is not covered by the Act; a reference verified by an employment or reference checking agency (or other CRA) is covered. Section 603(o) provides special procedures for reference checking; otherwise, checking references may constitute an investigative consumer report subject to additional FCRA requirements. Key Provisions of the FCRA Amendments
Written Notice and Authorization
Adverse Action Procedures.

76. Watchdog_Methadone Federal Regulations
Searchable version of the Methadone federal regulations. The preamble to the July 22, 1999, notice emphasized the need for States to consider serving as
Home Report Form Clinic Reports Features Home Report Form Clinic Reports Features ... State Contacts

77. NCSHA - National Council Of State Housing Agencies
At the center of HFA activity within the states and NCSHA s work in Washington are housing assistance with no more federal regulation than necessary.
NCSHA 2005 Legislative and Regulatory Priorities The National Council of State Housing Agencies (NCSHA) is a national, nonprofit organization created by the nation’s state Housing Finance Agencies (HFA) to assist them in increasing housing opportunities for lower income and underserved people through the financing, development, and preservation of affordable housing. NCSHA’s legislative and regulatory priorities, adopted annually by its Board of Directors after consultation with all state HFAs, set the agenda for NCSHA’s advocacy before Congress, the Administration, and the federal agencies concerned with housing, including HUD and the Treasury. NCSHA’s overarching goal is to increase federal affordable housing assistance with no more federal regulation than necessary. In pursuit of this goal, NCSHA will focus on achievement of the major priorities specified below:
Top Priorities
  • Seek the following changes in the Housing Bond and Credit programs to simplify their administration, increase their flexibility, and make them even more responsive to states’ housing needs.
    • change the Housing Credit program’s name to the Affordable Housing Tax Credit;

78. Broadband Networking Regulatory News
Jones supports targeted federal regulation for E91-1 and VoIP, believing further that this is (3) Protect VoIP data from federal and state taxation.

79. NASMD's Comments On BBA Medicaid Managed Care Regulations
States need flexibility to define these timeframes and design programs that meet the Overall, the proposed federal regulations include nine pages of
NASMD's Comments on Proposed
Medicaid Managed Care Regulations
Provisions that apply to PHPs, Section 438.8 Information requirements, Section 438.10
Choice of managed care entities, Section 438.52 This section establishes choice provisions for all beneficiaries required to enroll in a managed care program. We appreciate that several options are provided to address the needs of rural area residents. We do, however, have some concern over what is meant by a provider who is not part of the network but has an "existing relationship with the recipient." For example, how long would a state have to allow an enrollee to receive services from a physician with an existing relationship? We recommend that states be allowed the flexibility to determine how to identify existing provider relationships and the proper timeframe for continuing to allow such arrangements if the provider(s) is not a part of the MCE network. Enrollment and disenrollment, Section 438.56 The provisions of sections 438.56(a) - 438.56(d) establish enrollment requirements for states implementing managed care programs under the section 1932 state plan option. States choosing to use the state plan option may not mandatorily enroll certain beneficiaries such as special needs children, dual eligibles, and Native Americans.

speech nannystate, incumbent-protecting crusader for more regulation - has Insurgents of every political stripe need to wake up and realize that
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Section: FEC
A Quick Thank You By: John Cole Section: FEC
A quick thank you is in order for our own Mike Krempasky and Allison Hayward dKos's Markos Zuniga , and the many others who have really been doing much of the hard work in the fight to make sure that not only do we have the continued ability to bring you this website, but our own personal political websites. It isn't easy take on the establishment, and it isn't easy dedicating all the hours they have put in to wage these (in many cases, thankless) battles, but to their credit and to our benefit, they have taken it upon themselves to do their best to advance our shared cause. The outcome of these battles and what they are doing is going to have a big impact in your ability to take a meaningful part in the political process. So, thanks, guys and gals, for all the hours you have invested on our behalf. (5 comments) Comments >> Sep 22nd, 2005: 23:19:11

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