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181. CA : Spanish Demos - Xerox XRCE Interactive tools which perform tokenization, morphological analysis and partof-speech disambiguation. http://www.xrce.xerox.com/competencies/content-analysis/demos/spanish.en.html | |
182. Spanish Schools In Ecuador spanish Schools in Ecuador by location and by type of course. http://www.spanish-language.org/spanish_in_ecuador.htm | |
183. GOtoED English School Guide To US, Australia, Ireland And Canada - Study English Study spanish. GICArg Cultural Exchange Group of Argentina language Immersionand Study Abroad University Programs in Argentina Buenos Aires, Argentina http://www.gotoed.com/ | |
184. United Nations CyberSchoolBus Global studies, geography, social studies, environmental studies, history, government, civics, and language arts activities. Available in English and spanish. http://www.un.org/Pubs/CyberSchoolBus/ |
185. MALOOF LANGUAGE SERVICES, INC. Translation and certified translation from spanish, French and Portuguese into English. Certified freelancer based in the United States. http://www.malooflanguageservices.com | |
186. Welcome To Living Language Learn lots of useful phrases in spanish. Just click the little circle next to spanish and pick which topic you would like to learn. http://www.fodors.com/language/ | |
187. Spanish Language Schools In Argentina. - LINKS-ABROAD.COM Directory of spanish, English, Italian language schools to study and learn different languages in Spain, Argentina, Mexico. Study Abroad programs, Volunteer and Summer programs. http://www.links-abroad.com/argentina.htm | |
188. English To French, Italian, And Spanish Dictionary - WordReference.com Dictionary containing English to/from spanish, French, German, and Italian, and a language forum. http://www.wordreference.com/ | |
189. Learn Spanish Learn spanish online. This site contains a free tutorial with audio, culturalnotes, a random idiom generator, a list of spanish schools, and links to other http://www.studyspanish.com/ | |
190. BBC - Languages - Learn Spanish Learn spanish with the BBC. Have a taster with our games, start up with ourbeginners courses or brush up with our intermediate audio magazine. http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/spanish/ | |
191. Mesoamerican Languages Documentation Project Lexicon, phonology, and morphosyntax of selected MijeSokean languages Oluta and San Miguel Chimalapa Soke. Translations to/from spanish and English. http://www.albany.edu/anthro/maldp/ | |
192. Learn Spanish Online For Free & Spanish School Guide: Spanish Language Unlimited Study spanish for free with our OnLine Lessons, Vocabulary Games and didacticalcontents developed by spanish Teachers. http://www.spanishunlimited.com/ | |
193. Langtolang English,French,Italian,German,Turkish,Spanish ... Language Dictionary Langtolang English,French,German,Italian,Turkish,spanish,Portuguese,Rumanian,Swedish,Danish,Polish,Czech,Hungarian,Finnish,Esperanto,Swahili,Serbo_Croat http://www.langtolang.com/ | |
194. Casa Xelajú - Quetzaltenango, Guatemala A sociallyresponsible educational institute in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala promoting cross-cultural understanding through its spanish, Quiche languages and cultural programs, social projects, internship program, volunteer work and travel services. http://members.aol.com/cexspanish/index.htm | |
195. MedlinePlus Información De Salud De La Biblioteca Nacional De Medicina Department of Health Human Services Freedom of Information Act, Actualizado03 agosto 2005 Dirección de esta página http//medlineplus.gov/spanish/ http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/spanish/medlineplus.html | |
196. MedlinePlus Información De Salud De La Biblioteca Nacional De Medicina Department of Health Human Services Freedom of Information Act, Actualizado12 agosto 2005 Dirección de esta página http//medlineplus.gov/spanish/ http://medlineplus.gov/spanish/ | |
197. Resources For Students Of Spanish http://humanities.uchicago.edu/depts/romance/resources/spanish/ |
198. CDC En Español | Centros Para El Control Y La Prevención De Enfermedades Translate this page Noticias y recursos informativos sobre prevención, control de enfermedades, saludambiental y actividades educativas para su promoción. http://www.cdc.gov/spanish/default.htm | |
199. FrontierNet.net > Internet And DSL Services, News, Local Weather, Email, And Tec Our FrontierNet family of services offers you a choice of speeds at prices youcan afford. http://www.frontiernet.net/ | |
200. La Página Del Idioma Español (elcastellano.org): Portada Translate this page ArtÃculos sobre varios temas del idioma y la literatura. Diversos cursos digitalesde Español. Para extranjeros y para nativos. http://www.elcastellano.org/ | |
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