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101. GE Corn Laced With Pharmaceutical Drug Contaminates Soybean Crop GE Corn Laced with Pharmaceutical Drug Contaminates soybean Crop. http://www.organicconsumers.org/gefood/FDAandGEcorn.cfm | |
102. AOL News - Page Not Available One expert said the Illinois soybean crop is approaching maturity and farmers won t need to spray for rust if the fungus has not infected fields by August http://aolsvc.news.aol.com/business/article.adp?id=20050805211609990002&cid=1209 |
103. Columbia Missourian - Missourian News Corn surpassed the previous record by 18 percent, and the soybean crop shattered its Rainfall could help save some of his soybean crop, Williamson said. http://columbiamissourian.com/news/story.php?ID=15191 |
104. U.S. Policy On Biotechnology - Soybeans The soybean is economically the most important oil crop in the world. This amounted to approximately 2% of the entire soybean crop in the United States. http://stockholm.usembassy.gov/biotech/soybeans.html | |
105. Market Clippings: US Crops - Where Are They Grown? The second largest crop grown in the United States is soybeans. As with corn, soybeans are primarily grown in the Midwestern states, although the http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/sis5219?opendocument |
106. Tom Harkin: HARKIN SEEKS DETAILED ACCOUNT OF PLANS TO COMBAT SOYBEAN RUST In order to prevent severe crop losses, growers need information, of funds to USDA to combat soybean rust and prevent major crop and financial losses. http://www.harkin.senate.gov/news.cfm?id=231131 |
107. Brian W. Diers 1999. Registration of Titan soybean. Crop SCI 391534. Kim, HS, CH Sneller, and BW Diers. 1998. Registration of Olympus soybean. Crop SCI 381400. http://www.cropsci.uiuc.edu/faculty/diers/ | |
108. Gregory R. Noel Relating numbers of soybean cyst nematode to crop damage. Proc. Fifth Cyst Nematode Workshop. Registration of ÂFayette soybean. Crop Sci. 2810281029. http://www.cropsci.uiuc.edu/faculty/noel/ | |
109. Double-Cropping Soybeans Following Wheat, AGF-103-01 remain after wheat harvest are enough to grow a second crop of soybeans. Although yield potential for doublecrop soybeans is reduced by late planting, http://ohioline.osu.edu/agf-fact/0103.html | |
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