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61. South Korea - Geography The combined territories of North korea and south korea are about the same sizeas the state south korea alone is about the size of Portugal or Hungary, http://countrystudies.us/south-korea/29.htm | |
62. North Korea - GEOGRAPHY to the korean Peninsula, mostly along the south and west coasts. korea s northernland border is formed by the Yalu (or Amnok) and Tumen rivers, http://countrystudies.us/north-korea/19.htm | |
63. Mining South Korea - CountryMine CountryMine south korea presents complete information on mining in south korea, CIA World Factbook south korea Map, geography, People, Government, http://www.infomine.com/countries/southkorea.asp | |
64. South Korea WWW Virtual Library For studies of south korea s politics and economy, 1961 is the stopping point; Capital of korea; Economics; geography; Teacher Activities; Credits. http://www.duke.edu/~myhan/s-sk.html | |
65. Korea Links For Schools korea Online Information on history, geography, language and youth culture Web Subway - korean language guide to all south koreaÂfs subways http://www.seas.ac.uk/InfoEastAsia/Korea_for_Schools.shtml | |
66. Teach English In South Korea, World English Service Ltd. - Geography The World English Service runs a program for graduates who wish to teach englishin south korea. Our program can connect you with an ESL (English as a http://www.teachkoreanz.com/living/geograph.htm | |
67. Windows On Asia south korean geography. south korea was created in 1945 as the korean Peninsulawas divided between the Soviet Union and the US at the 38 th parallel. http://www.asia.msu.edu/eastasia/SouthKorea/geography.html | |
68. Geography Of North Korea: Information From Answers.com geography of North korea Location Eastern Asia , northern half of the koreanPeninsula List of korearelated topics geography of south korea http://www.answers.com/topic/geography-of-north-korea | |
69. List Of Korea-related Topics: Information From Answers.com A Airports of North korea Airports of south korea; B Battles of the korean E Education in south korea; K korea - korea geography stubs - korean http://www.answers.com/topic/list-of-korea-related-topics | |
70. Maps Of South Korea MapQuest Map south korea - Absolutely amazing maps of the world in which you can on geography, places of interest, visas, currency and transportation. http://www.embassyworld.com/maps/Maps_Of_South_Korea.html | |
71. Glencoe Social Studies Geography: The World And Its People: Chapter 25 In this chapter students read about Japan, North korea, and south korea. will take a closer look at the geography, history, and culture of south korea. http://www.glencoe.com/sec/socialstudies/geography/gwip2002/chap25/walp.shtml | |
72. GEsource World Guide - South Korea south korea links. Country Profile Demographics geography/Maps Economic Data A collection of maps and geographic information for south korea, http://www.gesource.ac.uk/worldguide/html/1024_map.html | |
73. GEsource - Search Results For south korea geography and Maps GEsource World Guide This page provides mapsat a variety of scales and geographic data for south korea, and forms part http://www.gesource.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/fullrecordsql.pl?handle=2005228-1024 |
74. South Korea On Hiker Central korea, south detailed statistics and information Statistical information aboutkorea, south including geography, people, government, economy, communications http://www.hikercentral.com/regions/asia/southkorea.html | |
75. Korea's Geography - General Description korean geography. List of Interactive Maps. GENERAL DESCRIPTION Among themost famous limestone caves in south korea are Kossigul, Kosudonggul, http://www.koreanhistoryproject.org/Jta/Kr/KrGEO0.htm | |
76. Korea's Geography - Terrain korean geography. List of Interactive Maps A large part of the agriculturalland of korea lies in the south and virtually all the long and navigable http://www.koreanhistoryproject.org/Jta/Kr/KrGEO1.htm | |
77. Interactive Korea: Geography/Maps geography and Location. The korean Peninsula extends southward from the south korea occupies 99392 square kilometers or 45 percent of the total land http://userpages.umbc.edu/~skim32/IFSM403/maps.html | |
78. Korea Infogate - South Korea Map, Travel, Korean Language, Music, Culture,news, korea infogate provides useful and practical information to people around korea s geography was a major factor in shaping its history; geography also http://www.koreainfogate.com/aboutkorea/item.asp?src=menu02_01 |
79. About Korea Home korea General geography Location Seoul, the capital of south korea,is the largest urban center, having 10 million residents. http://www.korea.net/korea/kor_loca.asp?code=A0101 |
80. Maps Of South korea News south korea Map Welcome to korea Roh Moohyun, south korean PresidentRepublic of korea Government News Home korea General geography Maps http://www.korea.net/korea/kor_loca.asp?code=A0102 |
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