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121. Education Center Activity: Solar System Adventure For this activity, students learn about the solar system and our galaxy from World Wide Web sites and write a science fiction story based on what they http://www.eduplace.com/rdg/gen_act/advent/solar.html | |
122. New Scientist Breaking News - New Solar System World Has A Moon New solar system world has a moon. 1801 29 July 2005; NewScientist.com news New world found in outer solar system; 29 July 2005; Farout worlds, http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn7758 |
123. Abama Space Prints. Posters and prints of earth, hurricanes, space shuttle flights, deep space and our solar system. http://www.abama.com/posters/z7a-----.htm | |
124. New Scientist Breaking News - New World Found In Outer Solar System Pluto was pushed out of the plane of the solar system when Neptune moved outwards soon after the solar system formed, Grav told New Scientist. http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn7751 |
125. EarlyGkAstronomy.html Early Greek scientists struggle to explain how the heavens move. http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/GreekScience/Students/Ellen/EarlyGkAstronomy.html | |
126. Exploring The Solar System HubbleSite News Releases about solar system - Page 1Browsing in solar system Next 10 . Results 1 - 10 of 118 poring over 35 NASA Hubble Space Telescope images of the solar system s farthest . http://www.nytimes.com/library/national/science/solar-main.html | |
127. World Almanac For Kids The solar system. Nine planets, including Earth, travel around the Sun. These planets, together with the Sun, form the solar system. http://www.worldalmanacforkids.com/explore/space.html | |
128. Views Of The Solar System The solar system on the Web. This mirror site is no longer operational. The original site is at http//www.hawastsoc.org/solar/homepage.htm. http://www.anu.edu.au/physics/solarsystem/homepage.htm | |
129. Our Solar System - True To Scale Shows solar system true to scale. Helps realize the vastness of distances between planets compared to planet sizes. http://www.panoptikum.net/sonnensystem/solarsystem.htm | |
130. Tingan's Homepage 3D solar system, various games, and screensavers. http://www.tingan.com | |
131. Grade Three Science - The Solar System Core Unit The solar system Abrams Planetarium Skywatchers Diary {7191239} Earth and Sky This unit is a study of the structure of the solar system, http://www.sasked.gov.sk.ca/docs/elemsci/gr3udesc.html | |
132. Welcome To Nori's Page Java applets and Quicktime movies of physics simulations such as solar system, ideal gas, wave interference, and the Doppler effect. http://www2.biglobe.ne.jp/~norimari/e-sciencenori.html | |
133. Solar System Dynamics Webbased resources accompanying the book solar system Dynamics, by Carl D. Murray and Stanley F. Dermott. http://ssdbook.maths.qmw.ac.uk/ |
134. Backyard Astronomy For Amateur Astronomers Contains sections for equipment, the beginner, books, the solar system and deep sky, web log, and links. http://www.backyard-astro.com | |
135. Scale Model Demo Of Solar System This demonstration uses NASA's Starship 2040 to illustrate the size of the planets and the distances between them. http://www.starship2040.com/solar-system-teacher-aid.pdf |
136. Laboratory For Extraterrestrial Physics - Education And Outreach Front Page Astronomy, chemistry, and physics of the solar system and beyond. http://lep694.gsfc.nasa.gov/lepedu/FrontPage.html | |
137. Solar Energy Panels Power Electric And Heating Systems For solar energy system information, panels, products, installation and service we are your solar power expert. http://www.solarexpert.com | |
138. Renewable Energy Multimedia System Data bank from European renewable energy programs on photovoltaics, biomass, wind energy and solar thermal energy. Hosted by Ireland's ICT research centre. http://nmrc.ucc.ie/groups/solar/remshome.html |
139. CET: The Largest Alternative Energy Dealer In The Northeast Renewable energy product distributor. From starter kits, separate components or entire system kits, including heating, lighting, appliances, water purifiers, water pumping, toilets, tankless water heating and wind generators. http://www.cetsolar.com | |
140. NASA ADS: ADS Home Page Free online abstracts and fulltext papers in astronomy, astrophysics, planetary sciences, and solar physics. http://adswww.harvard.edu/ | |
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