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61. Sociology Of Religion, University Of Bradford Parttime Courses at the University of Bradford non-current modules. http://www.brad.ac.uk/admin/conted/cfa/module.php3/LED1070D | |
62. British Sociological Association ´Religion and Gender´ (Lancaster). 2004 (29 March1 April). ´A Sociology Religion and Identity (Durham). 1998. Teaching sociology of religion (Bristol) http://www.britsoc.co.uk/new_site/text_index.php?area=specialisms&id=258 |
63. Department Of Sociology And Philosophy, University Of Exeter, UK Creating an agenda in the sociology of religion common sources / different The Evolution of the sociology of religion Theme and Variations , http://www.huss.ex.ac.uk/sociology/staff/davie/publications.php |
64. CSP - 'Sociology Of Religion' By Glenn M. Vernon Council on Spiritual Practices Entheogen Chrestomathy entry. http://www.csp.org/chrestomathy/sociology_of.html | |
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66. SAGE Publications - Sociology Of Religion sociology of religion in India Rowena Robinson, 01/2004, £29.99. Christians ofIndia Rowena Robinson, 09/2003, £29.99. Buddhism in India http://www.sagepub.co.uk/Subject.aspx?sc=1&scode1=NG0&sname1=Sociology of Religi |
67. SAGE Publications - Sociology Of Religion In India PART THREE RELIGIOUS CONVERSION IN INDIA SOME SOCIOLOGICAL ISSUES Sociologyof Religion. -Social and Cultural History (General) http://www.sagepub.co.uk/printerfriendly.aspx?pid=104200&ptype=B |
68. Sociology Of Religion - Christianbook.com Christianbook.com is the online home of Christian Book Distributors (CBD), theworld s largest distributor of Christian resources. http://www.christianbook.com/Christian/Books/cms_content/219577149?page=645907&s |
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71. Department Of Sociology Of Religion And Everyday Life Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Sociology Department of Sociologyof Religion and Everyday Life. http://www.cl.bas.bg/sociology/Departments/DSREL.htm | |
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74. The CUNY Online Distributed Learning Network SOC 82 sociology of religion. Professor Barbara Walters Introduction tosociology of religion basic definitions, concepts, theories, and methods; http://www.dln.cuny.edu/courseinfo.php?CourseID=924 |
75. Sociology Of Religion Syllabus--Fall 1996 SOAN 332 sociology of religion. Fall 1996. Instructor. Instructor. Jim SpickardAssoc. Prof. of Sociology University of Redlands Redlands, CA USA 92373 http://www.aarweb.org/syllabus/syllabi/s/spickard/rel-syl.htm | |
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79. University Of Chicago - Department Of Sociology - Faculty sociology of religion (with Mary Ellen Konieczny). In Penguin Companion to theStudy of Religion, ed. by John Hinnels. London Penguin, 2000. http://sociology.uchicago.edu/faculty/riesebrodt/ |
80. Sociology Of Religion - Pathfinders - Kresge Library - Oakland University sociology of religion. sociology of religion Religious Studies Sociology ofReligion Skip down about half way. There is no focus to this site. http://www.kl.oakland.edu/services/instruction/pathfinders/SocReligion.htm | |
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