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101. The Times Of Our Lives: Investigations Into Socio-chronology Also of sociological relevance are individuals perspectives of social change, for instance, Horology The index (The Science of Timekeeping) http://www.trinity.edu/~mkearl/time.html | |
102. Ed Stephan's Timeline Of Sociology (1600present) By Ed Stephan. http://www.ac.wwu.edu/~stephan/timeline.html | |
103. Lawley--Bourdieu Paper Examines applicability of Pierre Bourdieu's work in the sociology of culture to computermediated communications. http://www.itcs.com/elawley/bourdieu.html | |
104. Department Of Religious Studies The Religious Studies Department at California State University, Northridge offers a Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies. The Department encourages students to draw upon a variety of fields and disciplines for AfricanAmerican Studies, Anthropology, Psychology, and sociology. A major will be able to interpret religious texts, think both empathetically and critically about conflicting religious claims, acquire knowledge of the history of more than one major religious tradition, apply intercultural methods to religious inquiry and analysis, and articulate a perception of one's role in society, in both career and public service options. http://www.csun.edu/religious.studies/ | |
105. QUALIA V The Quantum Physics And Sociology Of Participatory Democracy. Father Jerome talks about spirituality and consciousness and relates Einsteinian principles to participatory democracy. http://www.angelfire.com/ca/sanmateoissues/Qualia5.html | |
106. SLGBTC Encourages unprejudiced sociological research on lesbians and gay men and their social institutions, and provides a forum for current research, teaching methods and materials, and professional issues relevant to homosexuality. http://www.qrd.org/www/orgs/slgc/SLGC.html | |
107. Weiterleitung Study of language use in social behaviour. Includes description, subscription information, editorial team and information for authors. Online access available for institutional subscribers. http://www.degruyter.de/journals/ijsl/ |
108. Research In The Department Of Sociology A group that carries out social research on environmental topics with the aim of providing inputs to the formation of policy and practice. http://www.soc.surrey.ac.uk/research/research_groups/environment.htm | |
109. Contents By Dr. Raddai Raikhlin (translated from Russian). Society and individuals are described in terms of their social cohesion and integration. http://israel.net/raikhlin/social_dynamics/myengbook/Contents.html | |
110. Clemson Sociology Department Homepage of the sociology Department. This page is maintained by Linda LeCroy, sociology Department of the College of Business Behavioral Science http://business.clemson.edu/Socio/ | |
111. Welcome To Saint Mary's University Offers degree programs in Psychology, Marketing, Human Resource Management, sociology, and Accounting. http://www.stmarys.ca | |
112. Journal Of American Studies Publishes works by scholars from all over the world on American history, politics, literature, institutions, economics, fillm, popular culture, geography, sociology and related subjects. http://titles.cambridge.org/journals/journal_catalogue.asp?historylinks=SUBJ& |
113. British Sociological Association - Sociology In Britain The professional association for sociologists in Britain and the BSA website is a key resource for anyone wanting to keep in touch with developments in the http://www.britsoc.co.uk/ | |
114. SociologyOnline UK The site for all serious students of sociology. It includes essays, articles, quizzes and presentations. It also includes a regularly updated SocioNews section. http://www.sociologyonline.co.uk/ | |
115. EASST An interdisciplinary scholarly society, addressing the history, philosophy, psychology and sociology of science. http://www.chem.uva.nl/easst/ | |
116. Sociology - The New School For Social Research The sociology Department of the Graduate Faculty builds on its historical connections to European social science and their development in an American http://www.newschool.edu/gf/soc/ | |
117. CSAA Has Moved Bilingual professional association promoting research, publication, and teaching in Anthropology and sociology in Canada. http://www.unb.ca/web/anthropology/csaa/csaa.html | |
118. Kearl's Guide To The Sociology Of Death: Suicide Includes some history of sociological research of suicide and numerous statistics and analysis. http://www.trinity.edu/~mkearl/death-su.html | |
119. The Next Generation: Children Of Prisoners Examines the unintended consequences of the incarceration of parents on children. By Dr. John Hagan, Professor in the Department of sociology and the Faculty of Law at the University of Toronto. http://www.doc.state.ok.us/DOCS/OCJRC/Ocjrc96/Ocjrc19.htm | |
120. Criminal Sociology Complete text of the work by Enrico Ferri, published 1899. http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/toc/modeng/public/FerCrim.html | |
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