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181. Society Redefined : Category / Forum Listings Multiple fora for the discussion of sociology topics. http://www.sociopranos.com/forums/category-view.asp | |
182. Site Index Site index. Department of Anthropology. Main Page Academic Programs Interest/Research Groups Four Fields Grad Program Applications Admissions http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/anthro/siteindex.htm | |
183. School Of English, Sociology, Politics & Contemorary History | University Of Sal Offered by the School of English, sociology, Politics and Contemporary History as part of an undergraduate degree in social policy. Includes details of preliminary reading. http://www.espch.salford.ac.uk/sociology/football.php | |
184. University Of Regina: Department Of Sociology And Social Studies Course syllabus and lectures by Paul Gingrich of the University of Regina Department of sociology and Social Studies. Covers work of Marx, Durkheim, Weber, Mead, and 20th century theorists. http://uregina.ca/~gingrich/s250iw03.htm | |
185. Electronic Journal Of Sociology Refereed ejournal of scholarly research that makes an original contribution to the advancement of sociological knowledge. http://www.sociology.org/ | |
186. MMU - MIPC > Teaching > Football & Society A core optional unit for 3rd Year Cultural Studies and sociology. Brief overview with details of teaching staff. http://www.mipc.mmu.ac.uk/pages.php?node=02/10/06/9114929 |
187. Canadian Journal Of Sociology Online Peerreviewed, bi-monthly. Book reviews, tables of content, article indices, and other information available on-line. http://www.ualberta.ca/~cjscopy/cjs.html | |
188. Research Unit In Football Studies Overview of the department's activities with background information and details of publications. http://www.gla.ac.uk/departments/sociology/units/football.htm | |
189. BJS - Berlin Journal For Sociology [English] The Berliner Journal f¼r Soziologie (Humboldt University Berlin) is devoted to empirical as well as theoretical research in sociology and related fields of study. Peerreviewd, quarterly. Tables of contents and some abstracts available on-line. http://www2.rz.hu-berlin.de/bjs/en/ | |
190. School Of Applied Social Sciences : Sociology - Durham University Covering a range of subjects including social work, primarily Crime and Social Order, Gender and Sexuality, Culture, Consumption and Social Exclusion. Provides information on staff, research post and undergraduate programmes and contact details. http://www.dur.ac.uk/sass/sociology/ | |
191. American Journal Of Sociology Peerreviewed, bi-monthly. Tables of contents available on-line. http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/AJS/ | |
192. European Studies A multidisciplinary programme drawing on the key methodologies and insights of economics, geography, history, sociology, politics and modern languages. Covers entry requirements, course, duration and contact details. http://www.dur.ac.uk/stockton/courseinfo/eurostud.htm | |
193. Southern Rural Sociology Official journal of the Southern Rural Sociological Association. Peerreviewed, annual. Tables of content available on-line. http://www.ag.auburn.edu/srs/journal/ | |
194. Jolique - Exploring Dress And Culture: Www.jolique.com Explores the history of human beauty and adornment by studying art history, anthropology, psychology, and sociology. New articles weekly. http://www.jolique.com/main.htm | |
195. MEJS HomePage The Journal was developed to publish scholarly research that focuses on sociology in the state of Missouri. Peerreviewed, occasional. Tables of contents and articles available on-line. http://www.cmsu.edu/sociology/mejs.htm | |
196. SocioSite A multipurpose guide for social scientists. A reference for researching any subject in society. Editor Dr. Albert Benschop (University of Amsterdam). http://www2.fmg.uva.nl/sociosite/ | |
197. Questia - The Online Library Of Books And Journals Paid subscription service that provides access to a large online collection of books and journal articles in the humanities and social sciences, http://www.questia.com/ | |
198. CSA Abstracts have been added to 19631972 records in the CSA Sociological Abstracts backfile, increasing access to this literature. http://www.csa.com/ | |
199. Annual Reviews Nonprofit science publisher, publishing annual syntheses of the latest developments in 29 fields of science. http://www.annualreviews.org/ | |
200. Double Standards And Simulation: INTERNATIONAL SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION Research Committee 24 Environment and Society. Double Standards and Simulation Symbolism, Rhetoric and Irony in http://www.bath.ac.uk/esml/conferences/ | |
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