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         Social Movements:     more books (100)
  1. Solutions to Social Problems from the Bottom Up: Successful Social Movements (Solutions to Social Problems Series) by Stan Eitzen, Kenneth Stewart, 2006-12-23
  2. Making Islam Democratic: Social Movements and the Post-Islamist Turn (Stanford Studies in Middle Eastern and I) by Asef Bayat, 2007-05-16
  3. Restructuring World Politics: Transnational Social Movements, Networks, and Norms (Social Movements, Protest, and Contention, V. 14)
  4. Averting the Apocalypse: Social Movements in India Today by Arthur Bonner, 1990-12
  5. Social Movements for Global Democracy (Themes in Global Social Change) by Jackie Smith, 2007-12-31
  6. Democratization and Women's Grassroots Movements
  7. Frontiers in Social Movement Theory
  8. Routing the Opposition: Social Movements, Public Policy, and Democracy (Social Movements, Protest and Contention)
  9. Social Conflict And Social Movements - by Anthony Oberschall -, 1973
  10. Social Movements and Networks: Relational Approaches to Collective Action (Comparative Politics)
  11. Social Movements in an Organizational Society by Mayer N. Zald, John McCarthy, 1987-01-01
  12. Latin American Social Movements in the Twenty-first Century: Resistance, Power, and Democracy by Richard Stahler-Sholk, 2008-03-28
  13. Conscious Acts and the Politics of Social Change (Feminist Approaches to Social Movements, Community, and Power)
  14. Methods of Social Movement Research (Social Movements, Protest, and Contention)

41. Bolerium -- Welcome
Scholary, scarce and used books on Anarchism, Trotskyism, American Labor Radical History, and social movements. Catalogs issued. Online database listings. E-mail orders accepted.
Purveyors of rare and out-of-print books, posters, and ephemera on social movements. Browse by Category Abolitionism Aborigine Abortion Abraham Lincoln Abyssinia Addicts, Addiction Advertising catalogue Afghanistan AFL-CIO Africa African American African Communism African National Congress African National Congress, ANC, A.N.C. Afrikans, Afrikaner Afro-Cuban, African-Cuban Agriculture AIDS Alabama Alaska Albania Alberta Alcohol, Alcoholics, Alcoholics Anonymous Algeria Amazon American Civil Liberties Union American Federation of Labor American Indians American Legion American Presidents American Revolution Americana Americans from India Anarchism Angling, fishing Angola Animal Rights Antebellum Anthropology Anti-Fascist Anti-nuclear, anti-nuke Anti-Semitism Anticatholic Anticommunist Antiques-Craft-Furniture Antiquities AntiZionism, AntiZionist Apartheid Appalachia Arab Arab-Israeli Conflict Arabia Arabic American Archaeology Architecture Argentina Arizona Arkansas Armaments manufacture Armed struggle Armenia Armenian American Arms, weapons Art Art Young Ashanti Asia Asian American - Pacific Islander Asian American history Assassinations Assimialte, assimilation

42. Oxford Scholarship Online: Social Movements And Networks
Theoretical chapters discuss network perspectives on social movements in relation to recent 13 Networks and social movements A Research Programme
About OSO What's New Subscriber Services Help ... Political Science Table of contents Subject: Political Science Book Title: Social Movements and Networks show chapter abstracts hide chapter abstracts
Diani, Mario (Editor), Professor of Sociology at the University of Trento, Italy McAdam, Doug (Editor), Professor of Sociology at Stanford University, and Director of the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences Social Movements and Networks Relational Approaches to Collective Action Print ISBN 0199251789, 2003 Abstract:
Keywords: collective action cultural analysis network analysis participation ... social networks Table of Contents Preface document.write(getFullTextAccess('politicalscience', 'ALL')) 1. Introduction: Social Movements, Contentious Actions, and Social Networks: 'From Metaphor to Substance'? document.write(getAbstractAccess('politicalscience', 'TOC')) document.write(getFullTextAccess('politicalscience', 'ALL')) Part I. Individual Networks 2. Social Networks Matter. But How? document.write(getAbstractAccess('politicalscience', 'TOC'))

43. Oxford Scholarship Online: Green States And Social Movements
Abstract social movements take shape in relation to the kind of state they face, while, social movements are central to democracy and democratization.
About OSO What's New Subscriber Services Help ... Political Science Table of contents Subject: Political Science Book Title: Green States and Social Movements show chapter abstracts hide chapter abstracts
Dryzek, John S. , Australian National University Downes, David , Victoria Department of Education and Training Hunold, Christian , Drexel University Schlosberg, David , Northern Arizona University Hernes, Hans-Kristian Green States and Social Movements Environmentalism in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, and Norway Print ISBN 0199249024, 2003 Abstract:
Keywords: democracy ecological modernization environmental risks environmentalism ... states Table of Contents Preface document.write(getFullTextAccess('politicalscience', 'ALL')) 1. States, Movements, and Democracy document.write(getAbstractAccess('politicalscience', 'TOC')) document.write(getFullTextAccess('politicalscience', 'ALL')) 2. Patterns of Movement Inclusion and Exclusion in the Four Countries document.write(getAbstractAccess('politicalscience', 'TOC')) document.write(getFullTextAccess('politicalscience', 'ALL')) 3. Co-optive or Effective Inclusion? Movement Aims and State Imperatives document.write(getAbstractAccess('politicalscience', 'TOC'))

44. UNRISD: Research | Civil Society And Social Movements
It analyses some important contemporary social movements, in which alliances are social movements, Activism and Social Development in the Middle East

45. Our World Is Not For Sale
A loose grouping of organizations, activists and social movements worldwide fighting against the current model of corporate globalization embodied in global trading systems. Site includes articles relating to agriculture, Hong Kong, TradeRelated Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, non-agriculture market access, wars and terrorism.
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OWINFS Network Statement
The "Our World is Not For Sale" (OWINFS) network is a loose grouping of organizations, activists and social movements worldwide fighting against the current model of corporate globalization embodied in global trading systems. OWINFS is committed to a sustainable, socially just, democratic and accountable multilateral trading system. Sign the OWINFS Sign-On Statement Latest Articles
WTO Agriculture: Dynamite quotes from Congress, USTR, Ag Secretary on US agenda
, Lori Wallach, Todd Tucker, Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch, 9/23/2005, Highlights on the best of the best and also has a transcript based on Public Citizen's notes of the entire hearing
USTR Portman Backs Congress in Rejecting EU Call to Turn Food Aid Into Cash Transfers
, By Gary G. Yerkey, International Trade, 9/22/2005, U.S. Trade Representative Rob Portman on Sept. 21 rejected calls being made by the European Union to agree in the ongoing Doha Round of World Trade Organization talks to convert U.S. food aid into cash payments, saying that he would fight to maintain the current system.
Civil Society Organisations Denounce EC’s Push for Anti-Development “Complementary Approaches” in GATS Negotiations
, Press Release, 9/22/2005, There's a crisis in the services negotiations where several countries are pushing to change the negotiating process in GATS in order to force developing countries to liberalise extensively all their service sectors.

46. UNRISD: Publications | Gender And Urban Social Movements: Women's Community Resp
Gender and Urban social movements Women s Community Responses to Restructuring and Urban Poverty. Authors, Amy Lind, Martha Farmelo

47. Tools For Change: Social-movements
This is the Web site and document archive for the socialmovements mailing list. Along with discussion on the subject of understanding social movements,
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This is the Web site and document archive for the social-movements mailing list. To subscribe to this list, email with the following message body: subscribe social-movements To unsubscribe from this list, email with the following message body: signoff social-movements Do not include a subject line or signature file in the email in either case. You can also join the list via the Web at
social-movements list charter version 2.1
Web site (from November 2000):
Last updated: November 10th, 2000
This charter defines the nature and purposes of the social-movements mailing list. It includes basic technical information for using the list, information on participation, and sources of further information or alternative resources. It isn't written in stone, but is open to modification at any time in accordance with the decisions and needs of listmembers. It is hoped eventually to develop an FAQ (a list of frequently-asked questions and collected responses) to orient new listmembers and those in search of basic information. Anyone interested in helping with this project is warmly invited to contact the listowner at

48. University Of New Mexico Sociology Department
Offers information on staff and programs, research in sociology and criminology, comparative sociology, gender, work and organizations, social movements, race and ethnicity and social welfare. Includes faculty program and contact details.
Department of Sociology
Graduate Studies
Undergraduate Studies
Course Descriptions ...
Contact Information
last updated Welcome to the Department of Sociology's website. Here you will find information on our people and programs. Department members are actively engaged in research in sociology and criminology while maintaining a strong commitment to graduate and undergraduate education.
Historically, comparative sociology (often focusing on Latin America) and criminology have been major strengths of the Department. This is still the case, but Department interests are also wider ranging: gender, work and organizations, social movements, race and ethnicity, the Southwest, medical sociology, and social welfare are areas of great faculty and student interest. A variety of other areas are represented among our faculty and students as well. The Department offers graduate (MA and PhD) degrees in sociology, undergraduate (BA) degrees in sociology and criminology, and an undergraduate minor in social welfare. Please use the links at left to learn more about our faculty and our graduate and undergraduate degree programs. For general comments or questions, please write to

49. Tools For Change: Participatory Research On Social Movement Practice
The idea is to provide intellectual resources for social movements such This kind of research starts from the assumption that social movements are a
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Participatory research on social movement practice
Master's and PhD possibilities
Laurence Cox, Dept. of Sociology, Maynooth
This is an open invitation to people who are involved in or actively supporting social movements, and who would like to explore the idea of researching and thinking about those movements in a supportive semi-formal context, leading to a Master's degree (MLitt) or PhD in sociology. The idea is to provide intellectual resources for social movements - such as the anti-globalisation movement, ecology, community development, feminism or alternative media - through participatory research geared to movement needs, as well as giving activists an opportunity for personal development which is supportive of their activism. The general area of research is social movement practice - what we do as activists, and how we could do it better.
What is it?
For the last seven years I've been developing a small-scale postgraduate research programme (MA / MLitt or PhD) along these lines, from 1996 to 2000 at the Centre for Research on Environment and Community (CREC) in Waterford Institute of Technology , and now in the

50. Computer-linked Social Movements
These tendencies in the emergence and evolution of social movements have An alternative approach to the antagonisms between social movements and the
Computer-linked Social Movements
the Global Threat to Capitalism
Recent writings on the spread of widespread, computer communications have found them playing new roles in all kinds of social conflict: in the activities of terrorists, drug cartels, illegal arms merchants, nation-states, advocacy groups and social movements. The content of these roles differ from hacker break-ins and extortion demands, to the circulation of information on the Internet but they all involve the use of modern computer technologies as weapons of criminal acts or political struggle. Clarifying the importance of communications in such conflict areas depends on the examination of case studies. Case studies, in turn require us to narrow our focus and select a specific area of conflict for closer scrutiny. How to choose? In general this question is being answered by individuals according to their own interests and by funding agencies according to their priority of worries. Everyone, I assume, wonders "in which area of conflict are the effects of these new behaviors and organizational forms likely to be the most profound?" Of all the areas mentioned above, I argue that the area developing in ways most likely to produce profound effects is that of broad-based social movements. The reasons for this view are simple.

51. Democratic Socialists Of America
The largest socialist organization in the United States, and the principal U.S. affiliate of the Socialist International. DSA's members are active in progressive social movements and are active within the US Democratic Party. DSA's founding chair was Michael Harrington.
Andrew Hammer

national office
Democratic Socialists Click here for Questions and Answers about Democratic Socialism.
Click here for documents on the perspective and positions of DSA.
Young Democratic Socialists Update: September 11, 2005

Introducing the new YDS organizer Elizabeth Rothschild
The Left Responds to Katrina and its Aftermath
New DSA Statement on IRAQ and the Anti-War Movement for Sept. 24, 2005 Anti-War demonstration. Contribute to Katrina Relief through the DSA Fund The Summer 2005 issue of Democratic Left is now online. Click here for the pdf file. DSA Issues Call to Convention
Nov. 11-13, 2005 in Los Angeles, CA
DSA Membership Increases by 13% Germany's Political Crisis And Why its Left is in Disarray
Norman Birnbaum - reprinted from DIRELAND Progressive Politics in Europe, A Frog's-eye Perspective
Stephan Peter - Twin Cities DSA DSA recommends the article by Stephen Shalom: The Anti-War Movement and Iraq DSA has issued a new statement on Defending Social Security The statement is available as a flyer by clicking here . Other documents and resources can be obtained by checking the toolbox to the left. Earlier items The DSA Low Wage Economy Page
Updated September 6, 2005

52. The Blackwell Companion To Social Movements - Book Information
Offers the most comprehensive discussion of social movements available. He is widely published in social movements, and author of, among other books,

53. Bolerium -- Welcome
Scholary, scarce, and used books on anarchism, Trotskyism, American labor and radical history, and social movements.
Purveyors of rare and out-of-print books, posters, and ephemera on social movements. Browse by Category Abolitionism Aborigine Abortion Abraham Lincoln Abyssinia Addicts, Addiction Advertising catalogue Afghanistan AFL-CIO Africa African American African Communism African National Congress African National Congress, ANC, A.N.C. Afrikans, Afrikaner Afro-Cuban, African-Cuban Agriculture AIDS Alabama Alaska Albania Alberta Alcohol, Alcoholics, Alcoholics Anonymous Algeria Amazon American Civil Liberties Union American Federation of Labor American Indians American Legion American Presidents American Revolution Americana Americans from India Anarchism Angling, fishing Angola Animal Rights Antebellum Anthropology Anti-Fascist Anti-nuclear, anti-nuke Anti-Semitism Anticatholic Anticommunist Antiques-Craft-Furniture Antiquities AntiZionism, AntiZionist Apartheid Appalachia Arab Arab-Israeli Conflict Arabia Arabic American Archaeology Architecture Argentina Arizona Arkansas Armaments manufacture Armed struggle Armenia Armenian American Arms, weapons Art Art Young Ashanti Asia Asian American - Pacific Islander Asian American history Assassinations Assimialte, assimilation

54. Social Movements In Health - Book Information
Demonstrates that health social movements are an innovative and powerful form of Brings together the study of health and illness with social movement

55. Guelph Socialist Homepage
An political group active in organizing against government cutbacks to education and social programs, and supportive of strikes and social movements which challenge the status quo.
Guelph Student Occupation Page
The Guelph Socialists are a revolutionary marxist group seeking to build a larger socialist current in our community. We stand opposed to the "state capitalist" forms of 'socialism' developed in the USSR, China and elsewhere and instead stand in the democratic tradition of 'socialism from below'. The Guelph Socialists are active in organizing against government cutbacks to education and social programs, and support strikes and social movements which challenge the status quo. We stand opposed to all forms of oppression, including racism, sexism and homophobia, and work for their elimination. The Guelph Socialists are affiliated to the Canadian New Socialist Group. If you would like more information about our groups activities, call Andrew at 822-2799, e-mail or drop by our office (UC 217), during office hours.
Comments about our webpage are always welcomed. Email our web designers . Last updated on Jan 24th 1997.

56. EPAA Vol. 1 No. 1 Kemmis: Action Research
Moreno was interested in research as a part of social movement. Fals Borda, O. (1990) social movements and political power Evolution in Latin America,
This article has been retrieved times since January 19, 1993 other vols. abstracts editors board ...
Education Policy Analysis Archives
Volume 1 Number 1
January 19, 1993
ISSN 1068-2341
A peer-reviewed scholarly electronic journal. Editor: Gene V Glass, Glass@ASU.EDU. College of Education, Arizona State University,Tempe AZ 85287-2411
Action Research and Social Movement:
A Challenge for Policy Research
Stephen Kemmis
Deakin UniversityGeelong Abstract:
Large-scale policy research on topics of concern to teachers may assist in changing educational theory, policy and practice, as may educational action research. This article discusses different traditions of action research in relation to their views about the connection of research and social movement, touching on the so-called "macro-micro" problem which bedevils conceptualizations of this relationship.
Kurt Lewin is usually asserted to be the "father" of action research, especially in social psychology and education (for example, Kemmis, 1988: 29). For most purposes, this is a reasonable attribution. However, Altrichter and Gstettner (forthcoming) have recently thrown a little light on Lewin's "paternity" of AR. When Lewin went to the US, he had been much influenced by Moreno, the inventor of group dynamics and sociodrama and psychodrama. Moreno had already developed a view of action research in which the "action" was about activism, not just about changing practice or behaviour understood in narrowly individualistic terms. Moreno was interested in research as a part of social movement.

57. Thinking Through Action: Twentieth-Century Social Movements And Their Legacy
America to discuss how the history of social movements in Canada and the social movements’ policy achievements, and a hostile political climate.

Photo Gallery Website Archive On June 10-12, 2005, The History Department of Simon Fraser University held "Thinking Through Action: Twentieth-Century Social Movements and their Legacy," a conference at SFU's Harbour Centre campus (see conference archive). Among the featured presenters was our keynote speaker, TransAfrica Forum founder Bill Fletcher, Jr. , along with Canadian women’s movement leader and editor Judy Rebick , peace movement organizer David Cortright , Vancouver peace activist and union organizer Mable Elmore , and distinguished movement scholars Michael Honey David McNally, Audra Simpson, Mark Solomon, Nikhil Pal Singh, and Michael Zweig The conference brought together a diverse group of over 200 scholars and organizers from across North America to discuss how the history of social movements in Canada and the United States can broaden our vision of the challenges facing today’s struggles, including the globalization of social justice issues, the ongoing retrogressive clawback of twentieth-century social movements’ policy achievements, and a hostile political climate. The program included panels on issues vital to organizing today , including ones on building a democratic culture, the necessity and challenges of coalition building, the impact of movements on electoral politics, labour and social justice, organizing poor people’s movements, and the struggles and balance between rights-based reform and social transformation, among many others.

58. Critical Social Movements And Media Reform
social movements have long been the carriers of liberatory social change. Critical social movements (CSMs) – movements committed to empowerment of the
CRITICAL SOCIAL MOVEMENTS AND MEDIA REFORM By Robert A. Hackett (Simon Fraser University) and William K. Carroll (University of Victoria). A version of this article was published in Media Development , January 2004 ( Democracy has never been a gift handed down from elites. It is a hard-won prize, perennially threatened by attempts at economic, cultural and political enclosure, as in the commodification of biogenetic knowledge, the concentration of media ownership and control and the securitization of the state (McNally 2002). Whether defined around gendered, ethnic, national, class, environmental or other interests, social movements have long been the carriers of liberatory social change. Critical social movements (CSMs) – movements committed to empowerment of the marginalized, movements that challenge the hegemonies of dominant groups and institutions – are key to revitalizing democracy today. The work of CSMs benefits millions of citizens, who are not members and may not even be aware of the work of the labor movement or of various NGOs active on human rights issues. Without doubt, the struggle for communication rights is one of the most important democratizing struggles of the current era.

59. People, Places, Politics, And Social Movements Of The Progressive Era
A quarterly online journal of fulllength reviews of Web sites that present history.

60. Social Movements - Cultural Revolution - Who Was The Greatest Of Revolutionaries
A look at social movements of the past effective and ineffective including a look at the revolutionary Jesus Christ and his movement.

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A look at social movements of the past, as well as history's greatest of revolutionaries for cultural revolution...
By Carlos Aguilar
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Download PDF version "We are the people of this generation, bred in at least modest comfort, housed now in the universities, looking uncomfortably to the world we inherit." "I rap about my life, and I rap about it in the hardest, most blatant sense. I consider what I say as real. This is the way the world I come from is. This is the way I talk and I live. This is the only way I can be." Whenever a group of people is locked within the margins of American social discourse, that community may find it necessary to scream or chant or rap to be heard. It should come as no surprise, then, that alienation serves to be the catalyst for counter-cultural movements. The ache of the reverberating "What about me?" coupled with the systematic muting of your inquiry, provides the primary ingredients for revolutionary stew; the spicier the better. But alienation and frustration does not a meal make. Discontentment is only the beginning. What usually follows is the mobilization, education and deployment of like-minded individuals. In theory, the movement that once was a fractured and disorganized cadre becomes a knowledgeable, harmonious unit like circumstance and like cause lead to like action. Unfortunately, this is highly unlikely.

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