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101. It's Your Health - Products It s your health is a series of topical and brief publications produced by Exposure to cigarette smoke and asbestos greatly increases your chances of http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/english/iyh/products/insulation.html | |
102. Concerning Your Health smoking cessation can also gain multiple health benefits. If you are pregnant, quitting smoking will reduce your chances of having http://www.sma.org.sg/concern_health/featured.html | |
103. Quitting Smoking smoking is bad for your health. smoking is responsible for 420000 deaths each year in the US That s one in every five deaths! It s a leading cause of heart http://www.hap.org/healthy_living/smoking/quitting.php | |
104. Wisconsin Medical Society - Spring 2005 Index, Your Doctor. Your Health.; Cigare your health. is published quarterly by the Wisconsin Medical Society. health care costs related to smoking add up to well over $1 billion a year in http://www.wisconsinmedicalsociety.org/health_news/yourdoctor/2005vol1_index.cfm | |
105. Health Care: Consumers And Patients Index Page Consumer health and patient information on health plans and insurance, prescriptions, conditions and diseases, surgery, quality of care, quitting smoking, http://www.ahrq.gov/consumer/ | |
106. How To Quit | You Can Quit Smoking Consumer Guide Studies suggest that everyone can quit smoking. your situation or condition can You may want to talk about your answers with your health care provider. http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/quit/canquit.htm | |
107. The Dental Health Foundation - Dental Health & Prevention your General health Will Also Improve  The benefits of stopping smoking begin immediately. Stopping smoking decreases the risk of http://www.dentalhealth.ie/dentalhealth/index.tmpl?secid=20020821120218 |
108. Health Articles Smoking GIC health Articles smoking. Click on the For your Benefit issue link to obtain articles in Acrobat Reader Format. I Need a Cigarette. Or, Not http://www.mass.gov/gic/healthartsmoking.htm | |
109. Telegraph | News | Couch Potato Lifestyle Is Worse For Your Health Than Smoking Couch potato lifestyle is worse for your health than smoking By Celia Hall, Medical Editor, I am not saying that smoking plays no part in illhealth. http://www.news.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2002/09/03/whart03.xml |
110. You Can Quit Smoking your health care provider? Family? Friends? Exsmokers? http://webcenter.health.webmd.netscape.com/content/article/6/1680_51956.htm?DEST |
111. Alternative Health, Natural Health, Complementary Health, Conventional Health Get Listed Love The Planet is listed, you can be too! Promote your health related products or services to people who are actually looking for you http://www.worldwidehealth.com/ | |
112. Yourhealthfoodstore.co.uk - Free UK Delivery On Quality Vitamins And Health Supp Welcome to yourhealthfoodstore.co.uk, your online supplier of quality Top health Food Brands. As an independent company we are able to supply the http://www.yourhealthfoodstore.co.uk/ | |
113. Focus On Employees- King County For example, you might choose to quit smoking as your healthy action. Because smoking is a powerful addiction, you might start smoking again six months http://www.metrokc.gov/employees/focus_on_employees/FAQ.aspx |
114. Secondhand Smoke In Your Home Even your pets will be happier. For example, secondhand smoke increases the risk Tell them that for the sake of your familyÂs health, you simply cannot http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/research_data/environmental/etsfact3.htm | |
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