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         Slovenia History:     more books (100)
  1. Slovensko Stajersko pred marcno revolucijo 1848: Topografski podatki po odgovorih na vprasalnice nadvojvode Janeza (1811) in Georga Gotha (1842) (Materialia ad ethnographiam Slovenorum spectantia) by Niko Kuret, 1985
  2. Historical perspective on the U.S. Army experience of Jacob Cuznar (USAWC strategy research project) by Janez Kavar, 1996
  3. Gottschee 1406-1627: Feudal Domain on the Frontier of Empire by Georg Widmer, 2001-07
  4. The Protestant movement of Slovenes in Pannonia by Franc Šebjanič, 1978
  5. Selnica ob Dravi: Zbornik ob 900-letnici kraja
  6. Gottschee : The Lost Cultural Heritage of the Gottscheer Germans by Mitja Ferenc, 2001-10
  7. Shedding the Balkan Skin by Brian Pozun, 2000-11-20
  8. Kulturni pomen Slomskovega dela by Joze Pogacnik, 1991
  9. Safe Area Gorazde : The War in Eastern Bosnia 1992-1995 by Joe Sacco, 2000-09-01
  10. Mecklenburg Collection, Part III, The Emergence of an Iron Age Economy: The Mecklenburg Grave Groups from Hallstatt and Sticna (American School of Prehistoric Research Bulletins) by Peter S. Wells, 1981-09
  11. T.V. Scenic Designs of Joze Spacal by Stane Bernik, 1993-12-01
  12. So Like Fire by S.D. Curtis, 1999-04
  13. The Fall of Yugoslavia by Misha Glenny, 1996-10-31
  14. Civil-Military Relations in the Soviet and Yugoslav Successor States

121. Ministrstvo Za Obrambo
Ministry of Defense.
MORS, Kardeljeva plošèad
Pomoè 25, 1000 Ljubljana, SI
English tel.: +386 1 471 2211
MINISTRSTVO Organizacija MORS Kdo je kdo Obrambni sistem Pravni akti SLOVENSKA VOJSKA Organizacija SV Kdo je kdo Struktura SV Èini in oznake SV ... Zgodovina SV TISKOVNO SREDIŠÈE Sporoèila za javnost Novinarske konference Pojasnila MORS Publicistika MORS ... Arhiv
Uprava RS za zašèito
in reševanje Statistika dostopov SPOROÈILA ZA JAVNOST NAJDI Minister se je sreèal z organizatorji Špegl festa Naèelnik generalštaba v Gornji Radgoni s poveljniki o razmejitvah pristojnosti Zadnji dogovori za Dneve zašèite in reševanja 2005 Posvet o implementaciji mednarodnih obveznosti na vojaškem, obrambnem in varnostnem podroèju ... govor ministra ob odprtju sejma (PDF, 55 KB) Položili vence v spomin na vojno za Slovenijo Predstavili bodo knjigo Franceta Malešièa Spomin in opomin gora Sporoèila o dogajanju v enotah SV Slovesna prisega v centru ... Slovesnost ob 13. obletnici delovanja gorskega bataljona in podelitev priznanj najbolj urejenim vojašnicam

122. Ice Climbing
Conditions, pictures, local waterfall guide and information regarding competitions.
Welcome all ice men and ice women!
Here you will find actual ice conditions. Results and schedules of ice climbing competitions in Slovenija and around the World Links about ice climbing Slovenian Ice climbing competitions History of ice climbing. Guide to Slovenian waterfalls.

123. Bank Of Slovenia -- Banknotes And Coins
Official page about Slivenian banknotes and coins, with technical details and information about the designs.
The monetary unit in the Republic of Slovenia is the Tolar. It consists of 100 Stotins (Law on monetary unit of Republic of Slovenia - Official Gazette RS, No. 17/91-I). The abbreviation for this monetary unit is "SIT" and this is used in monetary transactions. (Law on change of the law on monetary unit in the Republic of Slovenia, Official Gazette RS, No. 33/92).
Banka Slovenije

124. Embassy Of The Republic Of Slovenia
Embassy of the Republic of slovenia in Copenhagen, accredited to Denmark, Norway, Iceland and Lithuania. Has contact details for the embassy and for its consular and political sections.
events ambassador Slovenia
Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Copenhagen
Slovenia and the EU in brief consular section political section commercial section ... contacts Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia
Amaliegade 6, 2. floor
1256 Copenhagen K, Denmark
Accredited to:
Denmark Norway Iceland and Lithuania
opening hours

Monday-Friday: 9:00-17:00
Phone: +45 33 73 01 20
Fax: +45 33 15 06 07
Ambassador: Rudolf Gabrovec mini stry of foreign affairs

125. Dr¾avni Zbor Republike Slovenije
The National Assembly, with more detail in Slovenian.

126. Wines Of Slovenia
Describes the regions where Slovenian wine is made, how it is made, and how it is classified. Includes a long list of Slovenian wineries.
latin-1 latin-2 WinEE IBM-852 7-bit ...
Pages created by Mat'Kurja

127. Welcome To The Embassy Of India In Austria
Indian embassy located in Vienna and accredited to Austria, slovenia, and as the Permanent Mission of India to the International Organisations in Vienna. With details of consular and commercial services, and tourist and cultural information.

128. Ministrstvo Za Finance
Laws, departments, and basic information about TBills.
Kazalo Kontakt Katalog inf. javnega znaèaja Pomoè ... domov Index Ste na stari strani. Stran avtomatsko preusmerila na novo stran. Prosim, da od sedaj uporabljate novo stran. Za neprijetnosti se opravièujemo. Sprememba:

129. Government Public Relations And Media Office
Information on governmental politics, general information on slovenia and the public awareness programme on slovenia's accession to EU.
Government sites - President of the Republic - National Assembly - National Council - Prime Minister - Government - Ministries - Constitutional Court - Supreme Court - Court of Audit - Human Rights Ombudsman - Commissioner for Access to Public Information - e-Government Search this site: Search government sites: Slovensko Text only Sitemap Contact us ... About us Information about Slovenia and its government GOVERNMENT PR AND MEDIA OFFICE
Tr¾a¹ka 21
1000 Ljubljana
tel.: +386 1 478 2600
fax: +386 1 251 2312 Slovenia in Brief A comprehensive presentation of the country Slovenia in Pictures Photographs showing Slovenia, its geographical characteristics, tourist attractions, natural and cultural heritage, and much more. ADDRESS by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia dr. Dimitrij Rupel at the 60th Session of the UN General Assembly New York, 19 September 2005 Slovenia Remembering Return of Primorsko Speech by the President of the Republic of Slovenia, H.E. Dr. Janez Drnov¹ek,at the High-Level Plenary Meeting of the 60th session of the United Nations General Assembly New York, 15 September 2005 Weekly e-Newsletter Slovenia News - a weekly newsletter covering politics, environment, culture, business, science, sports, etc.

130. Programma Operativo Interreg II Italia Slovenia - Opportunità Slovenia
Informazioni sul progetto partners, proposte e servizi alle imprese.

News, fixtures, results, and standings for European competitions and league clubs.
PAGE NOT FOUND Sorry. The page you have requested is unavailable. Return to
  • Football Europe UEFA Organisation Magazine Fanzone ... Portuguªs Competitions - Club - UEFA Champions Lge UEFA Cup UEFA Super Cup UEFA Intertoto Cup UEFA Cup Winners' Cup EUSA Cup - National - UEFA EURO 2008™ FIFA World Cup Under-21 Under-19 Under-17 Regions' Cup Meridian Cup - Women - Women's EURO Women's World Cup Women's Cup Women's Under-19 - Futsal - Futsal EURO Futsal Cup Football Europe Countries Albania Andorra Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium Bosnia-Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark England Estonia F.Y.R. Macedonia Faroe Islands Finland France Georgia Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Israel Italy Kazakhstan Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Moldova Netherlands Northern Ireland Norway Poland Portugal Republic of Ireland Romania Russia San Marino Scotland Serbia and Montenegro Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey Ukraine Wales UEFA Organisation Magazine Fanzone action ... action

132. Slovenia 2001
Photographs of people and places throughout the country.
Slovenia 2001
Karina Carroll

133. Zveza Tabornikov Slovenije
National Scout Organization, member of WOSM.

134. Citroen Slovenija
Aktualno, vozila, tehnologija, butik in podetje.
SI: Napaka: Vaš brkljalnik ne podpira JavaScript-a !
Za ogled strani priporoèamo brkljalnik, ki je zmožen izvajati JavaScript-e.
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EN: Your browser does not support Java Script !
We recommend a web browser capable of running JavaScript.
To the sitemap..
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135. VIBRO D.o.o. ŽIRI
Tovarna elementov in sistemov za avtomatizaciju.

Business telephone directory for slovenia.
Slovene search engin Google slovenski Google
Registracije domen
od 4.800,00 SIT/12 mesecev

officially accredited Registrar for .SI
Poišèi èe je ime domene prosto:
, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 JASICO d.o.o. Yellow Pages Slovenia

137. Chamber Of Craft Of Slovenia
Information on professional organisation of Slovene craft, business environment and opportunities.
Chamber of Craft of Slovenia, Celovška cesta 71, SI-1000 Ljubljana, phone: +386 1 583 05 00, fax: +386 1 505 43 73 About Slovenian Craft
  • Slovenian craft has a hundreds of years of tradition (already in the middle ages when crafts nearby castles, fair centres, guilds and later on also collectives, started to develop). The organisation of Chamber of Craft is over 150 years old. The present Chamber of Craft has been active for 35 years. Craft has been fighting for its existence and development all the time. Slovenian craftsmen have numerous values diligence, knowledge, quality, honesty, innovativeness, introduction of technological novelties, market adaptability which enables preservation of craft.
Send to a friend Print Chamber of Craft of Slovenia, Celovška cesta 71, SI-1000 Ljubljana, phone: +386 1 583 05 00, fax: +386 1 505 43 73, e-mail:


138. History
Important dates in Slovenian history from the end of the 6th century to thepresent day history of events leading up to Slovenian independence
Country info
Printer friendly pages in pdf format [292 Kb] Some Important Milestones: 6th century AD The Slavic ancestors of present day Slovenia first settle in the area in the 6th century AD. 7th century The Slavic Duchy of Carantania, the first Slovenian state. Carantania becomes part of the Frankish empire; the Slavs convert to Christianity and gradually lose their independence. around 1000 The Freising manuscripts , the first known writings in the Slovenian and Slavic dialect in Latin script. 14th century to 1918 All the Slovenian regions pass into the possession of the Habsburgs, later the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. 1550 and 1584 The Reformation brings literacy, the first printed book in 1550 and in 1584 the first Slovenian translation of the Bible Formation of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. Federal Peoples' Republic of Yugoslavia (officially declared on 29 November 1945). April 1990 First democratic elections. 23 December 1990 88.5% of voters at the referendum vote in favour of an independent Slovenia. 25 June 1991 Slovenia officially declares its independence 15 January 1992 The EU officially recognises Slovenia's independence.

139. News — LUGOS
Obsežne strani slovenske skupine uporabnikov LINUXa (Linux User Group Of slovenia)
Skip to content Search
Sections Personal tools You are here: Home Navigation Novice Lugos Projekti Linux in OSS Povezave
Preskusne različice Firefoxa in Thunderbirda 1.5 v slovenščini
V kratkem bosta izšla Firefox in Thunderbird različice 1.5. Ker vsebujeta prenekatero novo sporočilo in marsikakšen popravek prevodov, vabimo vse pogumne, da preskusijo in komentirajo slovenske pakete t.i. nočnih gradenj.
Mini install-fest v Postojni
Kdor se je naveličal morja in ne ve kam bi se to soboto dal, je vabljen to soboto (jutri) 20.8. na mini install fest v Postojno.
Poziv za odprtokodne projekte
Ministrstvo za visoko šolstvo, znanost in tehbologijo objavlja razpis za "Sofinanciranje projektov razvoja, lokalizacije in razširjanja programske opreme temelječe na odprti kodi". Razpis je odprt do 5. avgusta 2005.
  • Posted by gandalf Published: 12.07.2005

140. ZRS Association Of Radio Amateurs Of Slovenia
S5 callbook, CQ ZRS magazine, packet radio in the country, hardware and local information, and Amateur Frequency Band Plan in S5.
This is the official home page of Zveza Radioamaterjev Slovenije
(Association of Radio Amateurs of Slovenia)
Spletne strani v slovenšèini


Web site in english

S5 HAM Software

Radioamaterski forum

Amatersko RadioGoniometriranje ARG.HAMRADIO.SI Amaterska TeleVizija ATV S5 VHF-UHF-SHF portal VHF-UHF-SHF ZVEZA RADIOAMATERJEV SLOVENIJE Lepi pot 6 SI-1000 Ljubljana Slovenia phone: ++368 (0)1 25 22 459 fax: ++386 (0)1 422 422 e-mail:

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