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         Slovakia History:     more books (100)
  1. Looking at Slovakia (Looking at Europe) by Daniel Kollar, 2006-08-31
  2. Paul's War: Slovakia, 1938 - 1945 by Paul A. Strassmann, 2006-04-10
  3. Slovakia's place in the Czechoslovak defense system of the late 1960's.: An article from: East European Quarterly by Miloslav Pucik, 1996-06-22
  4. From Good King Wenceslas to the Good Soldier Svejk: A Dictionary of Czech Popular Culture by Andrew Lawrence Roberts, 2005-12-30
  5. Local Communities and Post-Communist Transformation: Czechoslovakia, the Czech Republic and Slovakia by Simon Smith, 2007-03-23
  6. A New Slavic Language is Born: The Rusyn Literary Language of Slovakia by Paul Robert Magocsi, 1996-04-15
  7. Dedina Na Slovensku Vcera a Dnes: Vychadza Z Prilezitosti Desiateho Vyrocia Zalozenia Prvych Jednotnych Rol'nickych Druzstiev
  8. Commies, Crooks, Gypsies, Spooks & Poets by Jan Novak, 1995-04
  9. Buster brown's America: how a Jew from Slovakia became a Catholic from Manhattan, then fell from grace and turned into a real American. : An article from: American Scholar by Jiri Wyatt, 2006-01-01
  10. Literature of Post-Communist Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania: A Study by Robert Murrary Davis, 2007-11-12
  11. 20th Century Architecture in Slovakia by Matus Dulla, Henrieta Moravcikova, 2003-02
  12. Politics and Government in the Visegrad Countries: Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia by John Fitzmaurice, 1998-11-15
  13. Art in Changing Times: Painting & Sculpture in Slovakia 1890-1949 by Jan Abelovsk, Katarina Bajcurova, 2002-05
  14. Vienna Broadcast to Slovakia by Henry Delfiner, 1974-05-15

121. CHEMZA A.s.
CHEMZA,a.s. belongs to the largest chemical plants in slovakia and is focused on production of basic products both in organic and inorganic chemistry.

Find information about the association and its activities.
Cserkész SZMCS Foglalkoztató Megjelenés ... olvasó) Legnépszerûbb oldalak turacipo.html Képek FELCSER 2005 turaboltok.html ... Elérhetõségek
Üdvözöllek a Szlovákiai Magyar Cserkészszövetség honlapján!
Rovertúra képek Angyaltanya, Kürt Õszi vizitúra VK 2005, ... ÖV VK képei
Szövetségünk 1990. március 11-én alakult meg. Azóta is állandó cserkészmunkát végzünk a 10 cserkésztörvényünk alapján.

123. SLOVAKIA.ORG - Roma In Slovakia
By Klara Orgovanova for
Roma in Slovakia
Society: General Miscellaneous Sport Entertainment
by Klara Orgovanova
As in all post-Communist countries, the danger of national and ethnic conflicts in the Czech Republic and Slovakia is becoming increasingly evident. An state of uncertainty has arisena state of nervousness, of indefinitude, of insubstatialityin which old rules are no longer valid, everything is changing, and the new rules do not yet exist.
The Roma (also known in English as "Gypsies") form the second largest minority group in Slovakia. In 1991, the Roma of former Czechoslovakia obtained the right to freely proclaim themselves as members of a distinct minority in the census. In Slovakia, 80,627 Roma (1.52% of the citizens of Slovakia), officially declared themselves as such. According to estimates of the urban and communal offices of the state administration from 1989, however, as many as 253,943 Roma live in Slovakia, thus constituting 4.8% of the population. Since these statistics did not include Roma who have a standard of living comparable to that of the majority population, Roma political and cultural activists estimate that the number of Roma in Slovakia is even higher, citing a figure of 350,000 to 400,000 in Slovakia. The Romany population tends to suffer disproportionately from higher rates of poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, crime and disease. When discussing "the Roma problem", most references focus on the part of the Romany population living in very poor rural and urban conditions. The number of Roma living in unbearable conditions in rural communities and devastated central city zones is agglomerating and represents a potentially very serious societal, social and economic problem. Roma often live 2-3 kilometers outside of a village in camps of settlements with only a few dirty houses without facilities, in cellars, or in cardboard or wooden shacks. Some of the camps, such as the one near Rudnany in Eastern Slovakia, were built on dumping grounds or other areas containing materials such as mercury and arsenic.

124. ABC SLOVAKIA, Traveling, Accommodation And Board In Slovakia
Database of lodging and dining facilities with photos, descriptions and contacts. Information on places of interest, weather reports, exchange rates.


Accommodation server
National parks Ciernohronska narrow-track railway Terchova Region Rafting-Pieniny Water-mill Kolarovo Spa Autocamps
Country ranch Agrotourism
Caves Weather report Ski in Slovakia Advertisements Links
Reserve Write us
Service Homepage Add as favorite Exchange rate - NBS (26.09.2005) 1 CZK 1,308 Sk 1 EURO 38,584 Sk 1 Libra 56,839 Sk 100 HUF 15,564 Sk 1 PLN 9,875 Sk 1 USD 31,791 Sk More about Slovak currency... Welcome to Slovakia Holiday and accommodation in Slovakia. Hotels... Pensions... Cottages... Autocamp... Spa... SKI in Slovakia National parks The most beautiful nature. Caves and more atraction... Just click on a district and find accommodation in Slovakia. BANSKA BYSTRICA BRATISLAVA Banska Stiavnica Bardejov ... Ziar n.H. ABC SLOVENSKO © 2001-2005

125. SlovakRadio_OnLine
Official site of Radio slovakia International.
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126. DanDerek - Digital Photo Gallery
Dan Derek, in Czechoslovakia, shares a gallery of handmade laces.
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127. Highways And Tunnels In Slovakia
Contains maps, photographs, and charts for facilities around the country.
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128. Ministerstvo Zahranièných Vecí Slovenskej Republiky
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic.

129. Presmerovanie
Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic.

130. Asociácia Volejbalových Rozhodcov SR
Regularly updated, in Slovak as well as in English, with refereeing matters, rules of the game, and pictures.
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131. Symsite Research Ltd.
Provides information about slovakia's business environment, industrial sectors, performance, and company intelligence.
Consumer Credits
Asset Management

Comparison of the products of the asset man-agement companies
Consumer Credits

The best mortgage
Insurance in Slovakia

What motivates the banks to diversify to supplementary pension insurance business?
Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare

Healthcare and pharmaceutical sector
Power generation and distribution: liberalization and privatization 2002

The opening of the Slovak Electricity market will cause a decline in domestic production Life Insurance In Slovakia The best capital life insurance is offered by KONTINUITA Cardiovascular drug market What did changes in drug politics bring? Retail Banking 2004 Internet Banking in Individual Banks Motor insurance in Slovakia Vybrat si tú správnu poistovnu je tažšie ako vlani Oil refinery Slovnaft is facing problems with oil supplies The price of labor in Slovakia is losing its cheap attribute SMK and KDH have withdrawn from the idea of an early election GDP growth UNEMPLOYEMENT [May 05, disposable; UPSVAR]  INFLATION [May 2005, CPI]

132. The Slovak-American International Cultural Foundation
Slovak history Chronology and Lexicon (Available); Illustrated Slovak history A Struggle for Sovereignty in Central Europe ( 2005)
Home Be a Partner Opportunities Wall Calendar ...
The Slovak-American
International Cultural
Foundation, Inc. The Foundation is a not-for-profit, tax-exempt educational and charitable corporation. Its mission is twofold:
  • Showcase the literary, artistic, and scholarly contributions of Slovaks and Slovak-Americans to the world Provide editorial, technical, marketing, and financial assistance to publishers in Slovakia
Foundation Activities in Progress or Under Consideration
  • Sponsoring the publication of notable books about the history and culture of Slovakia and Slovak-Americans
    • Slovak Tales for Young and Old: Pavol Dobsinsky in English and Slovak ( Available
      Tales from Slavic Myths ( Available
      In Search of Homo Sapiens: Twenty-five Contemporary Slovak Short Stories ( Available
      The Night of the Barbarians: Memoirs of the Communist Persecution of the Slovak Cardinal ( Available
      Slovak History: Chronology and Lexicon ( Available
      Illustrated Slovak History: A Struggle for Sovereignty in Central Europe (
      Slovak Biographical Dictionary ( Available The Slovak Republic: A Decade of Independence Available In Search of Beauty
      177 Slovak poems by the Slovak Writers Society translated into English ( original Slovak poems Martin Martincek "Slovak Poet of Light" This new book, co-published by Matica, with 140 photographs, some in color, the rest in black and white. (

133. Demographics Of Slovakia - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Encyclopedia overview of Slovak population in terms of age, growth, nationality and religion.
Demographics of Slovakia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
The majority of the 5.3 million inhabitants of Slovakia are Slovak Hungarians are the largest ethnic minority (9.7%) and are concentrated in the southern and eastern regions of Slovakia. Other ethnic groups include Roma Czechs Rusyns Ukrainians ... Germans , and Poles While both international organisations (the United Nations, the World Bank etc.) and the official Slovak statistics office offer population figures for ethnic groups, these figures seldom come close to agreement. Figures for the Roma population (for a variety of reasons) vary between 1 and 10% of the population. In the most recent survey carried out by the Slovak Government's Roma Plenipotentiary, the figure for the percentage of Roma was arrived at through interview with municipality representatives and mayors, according to how many Roma they think live in their jurisdictions. The figure arrived at by this means was in the region of 300,000 (about 5.6 %).Note however that in the case of the 5.6%, the above percentages of Hungarians and Slovaks are lower accordingly.
The Slovak constitution guarantees freedom of religion . The majority of Slovak citizens (60.3%) practice Roman Catholicism ; the second-largest group consider themselves atheists (9.7%). About 8.4% are Protestants, and 4.1% are Orthodox. About 2,300

134. The Slovak-American International Cultural Foundation, A Not-for-profit Organiza
Translation of Anton Spiesz Illustrated Slovak history into English with new copious notes by Drs. Kopanic and Votruba is on schedule to be copublished
Schuster is well, the wife of the American Ambassador is a supporter of Slovak art, Korec wants to be published in English, etc.: The Ancient World, to the Greco-Roman jewelry at the Art Institute of Chicago. She is, I believe, a board member of it. The 5:30 AM EXPRESS train from Bratislava to Košice is tough to get up for, the morning of your second day in Europe. Don't try it! But if you do, you'll be rewarded by some spectacular scenery along the 4.5 hour route. At cousin Feri Gursky's house, Marie and Allan had a quick lunch while I napped at the hotel. By 4 PM we were on our way through the hallway, when I heard a child's voice at the head of the stairway saying "Good-bye." Thereupon, his mother, a cardiologist, introduced the President's grandchild to us while I stuttered some incoherent words in English. Outside, there was more chatting on the part of Dr. Pavlo as he made his leave of the press representatives. Then, in two cars we were taken to the President's hometown, Medzved, to see his ancestral farm home, now turned into a museum housing hundreds of cameras, a working replica of a shovel-factory run by a waterfall and a number of antique farm implements. The President's brother presented the rooms, most still furnished and laid out as they had been when he and the President still lived in them with their parents.

135. Slovakia Travel And Hotel Guide
Independent source of information and recommendations on travel in slovakia.
Slovakia Travel and Slovakia hotels Guide
Slovakia hotel
a land most travelers know little about and therefore a land with many surprises (mostly pleasant) in store for its visitors. Hopefully, these pages will help you through the more difficult surprises.
Slovakia Hotel
This is an independant source of information and recommendations on travel in Slovakia. While the sponsoring company ( Pro Region Slovakia ) accepts advertising as a means of support, these pages are dedicated to unbiased recommendations, based on authentic experiences. If you feel some information or recommendation in these pages to be unfounded, we will appreciate your comments to the editor by e-mail. (For more on rights and responsibilities, please read the Information on the region of the High Tatras - Vysoke Tatry is covered in detail on our URL We are introducing a basic review on travel in Slovakia in general on a test basis. Also, please find here feedback from visitors, and information on how to get here general prices , and tips on safety, currency exchange and other situations. Have a wonderful visit to Slovakia!

136. Slovakia Travel Guide - Including Information About Bratislava Hotels And Cottag
Includes general information, news, useful resources, guides, and articles about slovakia.
Slovakia Travel Guide

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Heart of Europe

Slovak Town Guide
Lets Learn Slovak Slovak Translations ... Other Useful Links Slovakia Travel Guide The Slovakia Travel Guide is a new online resource designed to help you plan your vacation or business trip to the Slovak Republic. At the center of the Slovakia Travel Guide is a user-friendly database of the best accommodation in the country, including Bratislava Hotels for both business and pleasure, family cottages in the Tatra Mountains and a wide range of hotels, pensions, cottages and rentals throughout Slovakia to suit all tastes and budgets. The database has been designed so that you can list the accommodation in Slovakia in a number of different ways. You can list the accommodation by type (e.g. just hotels or just cottages), by region (e.g. Bratislava hotels and pensions), or else you can choose the region you are interested in through a clickable map of Slovakia.

137. Rosnicka
Stol¡rske a n¡bytkov© polotovary. Kuchynsk© dosky,drezy a dvierka,dr´ten½ program.
Parapetné dosky interiérové Polyform Parapety VEKA exteriérové hliníkové Kuchynské dvierka ... Referencie
Vážení obchodní priatelia! Dovolujeme si upriamit Vašu pozornost, na niektoré zmeny, ktoré nastali v našom vztahu k obchodným partnerom s úcinnostou od 1. 1. 2004.
Naša firma otvorila svoju tretiu prevádzku, ktorej úlohou bude posilnit nᚠobchodný vplyv v regióne Trenèína a okolia a zároven napomôct k promptnejšiemu a rýchlejšiemu vybavovaniu obchodných zákaziek v tomto regióne. Postavenie tohto strediska bude rovnocenné s Bratislavskou prevádzkou, a tým bude možné vybavovat objednávky plynulejšie za tú istú cenu a zároven aj šetrit Vaše náklady na dopravu. Druhá novinka pre firmy ktoré sú zo vzdialenejších regiónov bude rozvozná služba zákaziek. Zákazky sa budú rozvážat našim vozidlom, alebo špediènou službou, podla vopred dohodnutých termínov priamo do Vašej firmy. Táto služba bude poskytovaná pre našich odberate¾ov za stanovených obchodných podmienok (odber nad 7.000,- Sk bez DPH - rozvoz zadarmo), alebo pri nižšom odbere spoplatnovaná pod¾a nášho cenníka dopravy a dopravných podmienok , platných od 1.3.2003.

138. Slovakia Holidays - Bratislava Weekend City Breaks, Bratislava, Slovakia Holiday
Personal tours and holidays in slovakia.

Cheap Flights To Slovakia

Eco Tourism

Currency Converter
Local Weather Forecast

Bratislava Stag About Slovakia Professional Services Bratislava Hotels Our Special Offers ... FAQ/Testimonials Slovakia Tours, Bratislava City Breaks
Bratislava Hotels
(On-Line Booking)
Bratislava City Breaks
(On-Line Booking)
Slovakia Eco-Tours offers you the chance to tour this small but beautiful country in the centre of Europe which is a little unknown gem for visitors and tourists. Slovakia Tours offers you a varied choice of places to see and things to do in Slovakia! The Tatra Mountains are a paradise for walking, hiking and nature lovers in the summer and perfect for skiing in the winter. Swim in one of the many natural mountain lakes to cool down on your summer holiday. See the history in one of our many tours across Slovakia - Spis Castle near Kosice to Unesco sites like Banska Stiavnica and Vlkolinec. Our Tours are a good way to get to know Slovakia. If you need our personal service and help then please send us an e-mail and we will help you plan you tour or holiday to Slovakia.

139. Map Of Slovakia
Political, 1994 (453KB).

140. Air Products Slovakia S R.o.
Technick© plyny.
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