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Skaters Biographies Pairs: more detail | ||||
61. Great Olympians - Biographies - RO Winner of the Ice Skating pairs at Sapporo (with Alexei Ulanov), Two skatershad already set world records when Romme hit the ice in the 5000m at Nagano http://users.skynet.be/hermandw/olymp/bioro.htm | |
62. UD Figure Skaters Fare Well In Nationals Championship pairs skaters Tiffany Scott and Philip Dulebohn were pewter medalists,finishing fourth and being named alternates on the world team. http://www.udel.edu/PR/UDaily/2005/dec/skate012005.html | |
63. Unseen Skaters - Alicia Heelen Biography Heelen skates both singles and pairs, and has had much success in both. Her pairpartner is Eric Leser, and they have been to two National Championships http://www.geocities.com/unseenskate/biography/heelenalicia.html | |
64. Crystal Report Viewer pairs. Date of birth. 11.10.1977. Elena BEREZHNAYA. RUS. Nevinnomirsk coaches Tamara Moskvina and Igor Moskvin and fellow skaters Oksana Kazakova/Artur http://www.isufs.org/bios/isufs00000277.htm | |
65. Figure Skating: Editor Selected ResultsAbout Figure Skating ISU Figure Skating biographies Official biographies for ISU skaters. Unseenskaters - Unseen skaters is the website for those who are not famous yet! http://results.about.com/figure_skating/ | |
66. Skøyter The skaters started two at a time. Originally, the winner of each pair proceededto the Have a look at Evert Stenlund s biographies of the greatest male http://home.ringnett.no/lars.finsen/speedskating.htm | |
67. IcePartnerSearch.com The seminar is open to single skaters and Dance Couples. Only biographiesthat have been updated within the past 6 months will be shown. http://www.icepartnersearch.com/ | |
68. Salé - Pelletier.com : 1999 - 2000 Biography Other figure skaters who have won the Lou Marsh award include Barbara Ann The pair finished 12th in the event. The 2002 Olympic Winter Games in Salt http://www.sale-pelletier.com/english/bio20012002.html | |
69. American Visions: Breaking The Ice: The Mabel Fairbanks Story - Includes Informa Women skaters / Biography Discrimination in sports / Personal narratives For AfricanAmerican figure skaters, that legend is Mabel Fairbanks. http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1546/is_n6_v12/ai_20084308 | |
70. Untitled Document Schedule. Entries. skaters Biography. Results. Medallists PairsFree Skating.1915. Awards. 2120. Saturday, November 8, 2003. LadiesFree Skating http://www.chnfs.org/SAISHI/6-9,11,2003/2003cup of chinaindex.htm |
72. I-une.com: Ice Skating > Skaters A closeup look at pair skaters Tiffany and Johnnie Stiegler, The site containsa biography, schedule, photos, competitive history and online interviews http://dir.i-une.com/Sports/Skating/Ice_Skating/Skaters/ | |
73. Skating Books- Mary Lu's Reading List A book aimed at helping skaters prepare psychologically for training and competitionhas been written by Biography of Todd Eldredge current to 2001. http://radio.weblogs.com/0100243/stories/2002/02/26/skatingBooksMaryLusReadingLi | |
74. EMailman: Figure Skating Bookstore New Figure skating discussion forum for fans and skaters. Reference/History/General (see also the general category of biography immediatelybelow) http://www.figureskating.net/ | |
75. Books & Publications Harris 13 Coach s Manual Choreography and Style For skaters It was billedas the greatest event in the history of pair skating three of the best teams http://store.worldskatingmuseum.org/books.html | |
76. I C E - D A N C E . C O M >> News >> Current News The Professional skaters Association will be holding a Seminar for Dance The fetching pair finished fifth in the madein-Canada compulsory dance, http://www.ice-dance.com/news/ | |
77. Welcome To The Official Site For Skate Canada Newfoundland And Labrador How to be safe on the ice tips from one of our younger skaters! Read shortbiographies of prominent volunteers in figure skating in Newfoundland and http://www.skating.nf.ca/ | |
78. Biography Of Sonja Henie of the life and career of Sonja Henie. for all the great figure skaters who would follow her in this sport......Biography of sonja henie. http://wa.essortment.com/figureskatingm_rnau.htm | |
79. Adam Sandler Biography Tiscali film brings you the most complete artist biographies and filmographieson the web. Mightily miffed, the older pair, Rhys Ifans and Tiny Lister, http://www.tiscali.co.uk/entertainment/film/biographies/adam_sandler_biog/8 | |
80. Free Prize Draw (6); pairs of tickets to a JuJu night at the Boardwalk (subject to availabilityand valid Claire Tomalin talking about her biography of Samuel Pepys. http://www.sheffieldfirst.net/city-strategy-consultation/sponsorsandprizes.html | |
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