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Skaters Biographies Pairs: more detail | ||||
21. Women In Olympic Skating Links to biographies of women who were part of the Harlem Renaissance. Ice Dancing. Jayne Torvill. Article. Women Olympic skaters http://womenshistory.about.com/library/bio/blbio_list_skating.htm | |
22. IcePartnerSearch.com Only biographies that have been updated within the past 6 months will be shown . skaters, signin and click Add/Edit Photos at the top of the page if http://www.icepartnersearch.com/news.php?archives=1 |
23. SkateWeb: Elite Skaters Some of these national skating federations have biographies of their Links toweb pages of nonelite-level skaters are on the Participant skaters page. http://www.frogsonice.com/skateweb/skaters.shtml | |
24. Competitive Figure Skating FAQ: Skating People And Events Ludmila Oleg Protopopov Russian pair skaters who won Olympic gold medals in For currentseason music information, check out the skater biographies on http://www.frogsonice.com/skateweb/faq/people.shtml | |
25. CM Magazine: Figure Skating Now: Olympic And World Stars. 2nd. Ed skatersBiography. Skating. Grades 5 and up / Ages 10 and up. There are over25 individual skaters featured as well as ten pairs teams and 13 ice dance http://www.umanitoba.ca/outreach/cm/vol10/no12/figureskatingnow.html | |
26. CM Magazine: Super Skaters: World Figure Skating Stars skatersBiography-Juvenile literature. Grades 4 and up / Ages 9 and up. pairs and ice dance), and an explanation of how competitions are judged. http://www.umanitoba.ca/cm/vol4/no1/superskaters.html | |
27. Tiffany Vise & Larry Ibarra Biography (Unseen Skaters) to up and coming American ice skaters (ladies, mens, pairs and dance). Vise formerly skated pairs with Ryan Bradley, and also skates singles, http://www.unseenskaters.com/biography/vise-ibarra.html | |
28. Stacey Pensgen Biography (Unseen Skaters) A webzine deditcated to up and coming American ice skaters (ladies, mens, pairsand dance). Stacey Pensgen Retired from Senior Ladies and Senior pairs http://www.unseenskaters.com/biography/pensgenstacey.html | |
29. Biography - Valova-Vasiliev.com In three years, Oleg was among other young skaters who were bearing flowers for the He executed their long program, replacing pairs elements for http://www.valova-vasiliev.com/EnglishBiography.htm | |
30. Valova-Vasiliev.com Their biographies, from the moment of the pair was organized till the retirement remarkable figure skaters of that time, their faces and achievements. http://www.valova-vasiliev.com/indexEnglish.htm | |
31. Salé - Pelletier.com : 1998 - 1999 Biography Martin Cleary, pairs skaters Prepare for Spirited Battle, The Ottawa Citizen,Tuesday, January 26, 1999. Beverley Smith, Pair Put Canada Back of Figure http://www.sale-pelletier.com/english/biography.html | |
32. Skaters Includes biographies, newsletters, competition results, and photos photos,and background information about Olympic silver medalist pair skaters http://www.reference.com/Dir/Sports/Skating/Ice_Skating/Skaters/ | |
33. TSB Features | Articles | May 25, 2003 - Page 1 Without further ado, here is our list of the twenty skaters that you should After reading all the biographies and introducing yourself to all of the http://www.theskateblade.com/features/articles/030525.htm |
34. Short Canadian Figure Skater Biographies: Dance Back in those days 8), pair skaters often competed as dance skaters and vice versa.With some success as dance skaters, Dafoe and Bowden are probably still http://www.skate.org/can/bio-dance.html | |
35. Skate.org Short Canadian Skater biographies A NonCanadian Figure Skating Fan Page are the quickest and most direct ways of contacting specific skaters (short http://www.skate.org/ |
36. Figure Skating -- Encyclopædia Britannica figure skating sport in which ice skaters, singly or in pairs, Includesbiographies of athletes, a list of member skating clubs, news, results, http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9034240 | |
37. Untitled Document Event Information. Schedule. Entries skaters Biography. Results. Medallists pairs. Free Skating. Capital Gymnasium. Friday, February 14th http://www.chnfs.org/saishi/2003si/2003Four ContinentsFigureSkatingChampionshi |
38. Olympics 2002: Figure Skating The singles and pairs competition has been a part of every Winter Games since Some of its most famous Olympians were figure skaters, including Sonja http://www.infoplease.com/spot/02olfigure1.html | |
39. EPL.ca: Figure Skating Story of the pairs figure skating scandal at the Salt Lake City Olympic Games . Find Topics in our Catalogue; Ice Dancing skatersBiography http://www.epl.ca/EPLMaster.cfm?id=FIGURESKATIN0002 |
40. The Figure Skating Corner Mail Contact Then check out the Biography Pages of Figure skaters or the Official Home Pages of Fi. pairs first and surnames nation/region/club CD1 (CD2) OD FD TFP http://home.snafu.de/eberl/emailto.shtml | |
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