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101. Shareware King - Shareware And Freeware Software Downloads A software site with no distractions, no flashy banner ads, just pure shareware and freeware content. http://www.sharewareking.com/ | |
102. MegaFile - Educational Site Educational freeware and shareware games for children who do not read. http://www.megafile.com.br/ | |
103. Windows Mobile Software, Pocket PC Shareware, Windows CE Software, PocketPC Foru Software, news, links, shareware, freeware, tips, products, classifieds, and a wealth of handheld PC and Windows CE information. http://www.hpc.net/ | |
104. Sharewareisland.com Is The Ulitmate Shareware And Freeware Site - Software Downl Links to freeware and shareware downloads with reviews, user ratings. http://www.sharewareisland.com/ | |
105. POWER DEFRAG :: SPAM RUNNER Power Defrag 2.00 optimizes the operation of the Windows disk defragmenter tool and improves its stability. shareware and freeware versions available. Windows 95/98/ME http://www.powerdefrag.com/ | |
106. HNM-Freeware.com - Shareware And Freeware Free software and shareware by HNMfreeware. Among them the Photo Editor EasyPeg with a Thumbnail Creator, lots of filters and other features. http://www.hnm-freeware.com/ |
107. Studna.Cz - Studna Plná Software Rozs¡hl¡ nabÂdka shareware a freeware programà ¯ ke staà ¾enÂ. Moà ¾nost registrace vybran©ho shareware do zahraniàv ÃÂesk½ch korun¡ch. http://www.studna.cz/ | |
108. Mac Shareware For People With Disabilities Mac shareware and freeware. for People with Disabilities. freeware. see Scott Norris Macintosh Disability shareware and freeware Page. http://www.specialink.com/mac.htm | |
109. Palm Software - Télécharger Des Logiciels Palm - Pdassi France - Grand Choix D T©l©chargement de logiciels pour Palm, freeware, shareware, news. Grand choix de logiciels de bureautique, jeux, navigation, lexiques, etc http://pdassi.com/fr/ | |
110. Download Shareware Freeware Software At SharewareWire.com Download shareware and freeware at shareware wire downloads. http://www.sharewarewire.com/ | |
111. Touch Typing Tutors Reviews of freeware and shareware touchtyping tutors. Screen shots and downloads. http://www.staminapro.com/tutors/typing.htm |
112. LinkeSOFT - Software For Handhelds Site offers a variety of popular shareware and freeware Palm OS programs. http://linkesoft.com/ | |
113. Dr. Load Gegen Langeweile Das Angebot umfasst nach Kategorien sortierte freeware und shareware Spiele f¼r den PC. http://www.drload.de | |
114. Anneau Français Du Shareware Translate this page Anneau francophone des sites concernant les logiciels shareware et freeware. http://www.sharedif.com/sharering/ | |
115. Paul Vigay Software Collection of shareware and freeware software for RISC OS based computers. http://www.vigay.com/software/index.html | |
116. RadFiles Shareware And Freeware RadFiles is a shareware/freeware archive with a large collection of rated shareware and freeware programs. http://www.radfiles.com/default.asp | |
117. Real Shareware Features a growing online archive of Windows shareware, freeware and licenceware games from around the world. http://www.realshareware.3rdrock.co.uk/ |
118. ▷▷ Download Software, Shareware, Freeware, Trialware, Demoware For F Download software, shareware, freeware, trialware, demoware for free. Download means copy a software from a server to a computer. http://www.1000apps.com/ | |
119. #1 Freeware And Shareware WebRing Ring is only for web pages that have freeware or shareware programs on their site. http://P.webring.com/hub?ring=jasonmo |
120. Totware Here are some PC and Mac shareware and freeware programs we liked. For other opinions, see what they re saying on misc.kids.computer. http://www.het.brown.edu/people/mende/totware.html | |
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