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         Self Programming:     more books (100)
  1. Be the Person You Want to Be: Harness the Power of Neuro-Linguistic Programming to Reach Your Potential by John J. Jr Emerick, 1997-01-15
  2. The Human Factor at Work: A Guide to Self-Reliance and Consumer Protection for the Mind by Eric G. Oliver, 1993-07
  3. Self-Stabilizing Systems: 6th International Symposium, SSS 2003, San Francisco, CA, USA, June 24-25, 2003, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
  4. Learn Programming and Mathematics with MATLAB by Yuri Rojan, 2005-04
  5. Winning Web Sites: Plan and Design Your Own (Self-Counsel Business Series) by Bob Whitcroft, 1997-12
  6. Self-Managed Networks, Systems, and Services: Second IEEE International Workshops, SelfMan 2006, Dublin, Ireland, June 16, 2006, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
  7. Mond-Weir type second order symmetric duality in non-differentiable minimax mixed integer programming problems [An article from: European Journal of Operational Research] by S.K. Mishra, 2006-04-16
  8. Using Your Brain--For a Change: Neuro-Linguistic Programming by Richard Bandler, 1985-05
  9. An Introduction to Assembly Language Programming for 8086 Family: A Self-Teaching Guide by Thomas P. Skinner, 1985
  10. Computer programming in ANS MUMPS: A self-instruction manual for non-programmers by Arthur F Krieg, 1981
  11. Visicalc Programming: No Experience, Atari 800 and 1200 Xl Home Computers (Self-Instructional Disk and Book) by Shaffer & Shaffer, 1984-03
  12. Issues in programming for gifted instruction in the self-contained (regular) elementary classroom by Cameron Anderson, 1988
  13. The bases of FORTRAN: A self-training approach to computer programming by Robert E Smith, 1973
  14. The bases of COBOL: A self-training approach to computer programming by R. E Smith, 1974

101. Hierarchical Self-programming In Recurrent Neural Networks
We study selfprogramming in recurrent neural networks where both neurons (the processors ) and synaptic interactions ( the programme ) evolve in time
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Alerts Contact us Journals Home ... This issue T Uezu et al J. Phys. A: Math. Gen.
Hierarchical self-programming in recurrent neural networks
T Uezu and A C C Coolen
Department of Mathematics, King's College London, The Strand, London WC2R 2LS, UK
E-mail: and
On leave from: Graduate School of Human Culture, Nara Women's University, Kitauoyanishimachi, Nara City, 630-8506, Japan. Received 6 September 2001, in final form 10 December 2001
Published 15 March 2002
Print publication: Issue 12 (29 March 2002) Abstract. We study self-programming in recurrent neural networks where both neurons (the 'processors') and synaptic interactions ('the programme') evolve in time simultaneously, according to specific coupled stochastic equations. The interactions are divided into a hierarchy of L groups with adiabatically separated and monotonically increasing time-scales, representing sub-routines of the system programme of decreasing volatility. We solve this model in equilibrium, assuming ergodicity at every level, and find as our replica-symmetric solution a formalism with a structure similar but not identical to Parisi's L -step replica symmetry breaking scheme. Apart from differences in details of the equations (due to the fact that here interactions, rather than spins, are grouped into clusters with different time-scales), in the present model the block sizes

102. The Daily WTF
and classes is one of the cooler features available in modern programming languages. def init(self, *args) Set base path self.base
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Structured Code Reuse
Friday, September 23, 2005 Talanb's colleague was well trained in best-practices. He knew it was a bad idea to hard code things and had a deep undesrtanding of code reuse. He also knew it was awfully silly to create different data structures for entities that were identical. Like a person's name and some coordinates. They're really the same thing if you think about it: firstname/lastname and longitude/lattitude, both just a simple Pair. Making two different structs would be as silly as hard coding your variable names ... public class public int PairID; public String public String public class public int TripleID; public String public String public String public class public String QuadrupleID; public String public String public String public String public class public String Quintuple; public String public String public String public String public String Seeing a pattern yet? Can you guess the next one? public class public String public String public String public String public String public String public String As it would turn out, Talanb's colleague spent all of his research time on best practices, instead of finding out what -tuple comes after quin- ...

103. Total Recovery/Self-Programming
Chapter 6 selfprogramming So begin by accepting, without judgment or self-criticism, yourself exactly the way you are. Don t beat yourself up because
Total Recovery: A Guide to Balancing Body and Mind, Heart and Soul in Chemical Dependency Recovery Author: Jim Parker Publisher: Do It Now Foundation Publication Date: Catalog No:
Chapter 6: Self-Programming
Try? There is no try. There is only do or not do. Yoda, The Empire Strikes Back All the changes we've talked about thus far have been aimed in the same direction: expanding our ability to be responsible for ourselves and our thoughts, feelings, and actions. Still, there's a further place that we can get to. Because while it's fine to accept ourselves exactly the way we are, it's even better to take responsibility for making ourselves exactly the way we want to be. The problem is that change can't be forced. That touches back on one of the basic operating principles of the mind that what we resist persists. So how do we change? How do we override the programs that have gotten us stuck and led us down the path of chemical abuse and dependency? This issue is one that has intrigued human beings as long as we've been human beings, and something that's likely to hold our attention a good while longer.

104. ARN Board: Self-Programming DNA ---> Adam And Eve
In fact this is how selfprogramming Robots are able to learn how to navigate The only analogy which should ever be made is to self-programming circuits
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This topic comprises 2 pages: 1 Author Topic: Self-Programming DNA -> Adam and Eve Gary S. Gaulin
Member # 2091
posted document.write(timestamp(new Date(2005,6,31,23,43,0), dfrm, tfrm, 0, 0, 0, 0)); 11:43 PM Divine intervention was not necessary in the tangling-fusing of great ape chromosomes 2p and 2q which led to 46 chromosome humans from our 48 chromosome ancestors. DNA is constantly adding on while falling apart or tangling, is prone to unintended inheritable random changes.
Humans were to the mother ancestor which first gave birth to our species a birth defect. We were probably still cute so she still nurtured us to spite our maybe looking a little funny in comparison to the other kids. And in our case the altered coding had advantages over the old. So 46 chromosome offspring became plentiful in the 48 chromosome population, then soon went off to become it's own unique species. Probably happened quickly too, in just a small number of generations. And it is said that it's still possible for gibbon and human to fertilize. Not sure about chimps, have not been in the jungle long enough to hear about that happening.
So molecular biology predicts the gap observed in the fossil record. Evolution is more alive and well then ever.

105. ROBOT1
A selfprogramming Autonomous Robot. by Terry Newton, November 1996. This is an ongoing project to explore simple learning algorithms by incorporating them
A Self-Programming Autonomous Robot
by Terry Newton, November 1996
This is an ongoing project to explore simple learning algorithms by incorporating them into a small toy "Spider" robot. Although not specifically programmed to do anything, it learns through experience to make moves and seek conditions that satisfy pre-programmed conditions. In other words, I don't tell it HOW to avoid obstacles in its path, all I tell it is that objects in its path are not desirable. It has to discover the proper solutions through trial and error then remember the correct responses.
The Three Classes of Machine Intelligence
Many of the ideas I'm using here come from a 1979 book entitled "How to Build Your Own Self-Programming Robot" by David L. Heiserman (TAB books number 1241). He describes three levels of machine intelligence. Taken from the book, these are:
    "An Alpha-Class robot is one whose responses are limited to basic reflex activity. One can include any number of sensory systems to sense light, sound, touch, and so on, but the responses are purely reflexive, and for the most part, random in nature." "A Beta-Class robot is slightly more intelligent than any Alpha-Class version. Beta robots have the same primitive reflex mechanisms, but they are also able to remember reflex responses that work best under a given set of circumstances. So whenever a Beta-Class robot manages to extricate itself via a set of random responses from an undesirable environmental condition, it remembers the one response that worked and then uses it immediately whenever the same situation arises again. The responses are purely reflexive and random the first time around, but they become more rational as the machine gains experience with the world around it."

106. Genetic Programming And Evolvable Machines-Springer Artificial Intelligence (inc
Optimization; Process control; Robotics and motor control; selfrepair; self-reproduction of software and hardware, self-programming; System modeling.,11855,5-147-70-35574852-0,00.h
Please enable Javascript in your browser to browse this website. Select your subdiscipline Artificial Intelligence Computer Hardware Foundations of Computing General Computer Science Information Systems Mathematics of Computing Media Design Home Computer Science Artificial Intelligence
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107. Genetic Programming And Evolvable Machines-Springer Artificial Intelligence (inc
The journal of Genetic programming and Evolvable Machines is devoted to selfreproduction of software and hardware, self-programming; System modeling.,11855,5-40100-70-35574852-0,00
Please enable Javascript in your browser to browse this website. Select your subdiscipline Artificial Intelligence Computer Hardware Foundations of Computing General Computer Science Information Systems Mathematics of Computing Media Design Home Computer Science Artificial Intelligence
Select a discipline Biomedical Sciences Chemistry Computer Science Economics Education Engineering Environmental Sciences Geography Geosciences Humanities Law Life Sciences Linguistics Materials Mathematics Medicine Philosophy Popular Science Psychology Public Health Social Sciences Statistics preloadImage('/sgw/cda/pageitems/designobject/cda_displaydesignobject/0,11978,5-0-17-900180-0,00.gif'); preloadImage('/sgw/cda/pageitems/designobject/cda_displaydesignobject/0,11978,5-0-17-900170-0,00.gif'); preloadImage('/sgw/cda/pageitems/designobject/cda_displaydesignobject/0,11978,5-0-17-900190-0,00.gif'); preloadImage('/sgw/cda/pageitems/designobject/cda_displaydesignobject/0,11978,5-0-17-900200-0,00.gif'); preloadImage('/sgw/cda/pageitems/designobject/cda_displaydesignobject/0,11978,5-0-17-900369-0,00.gif'); preloadImage('/sgw/cda/pageitems/designobject/cda_displaydesignobject/0,11978,5-0-17-900344-0,00.gif');

108. Programming: Self Managed Data Buffer Memory In C
Linux Admin Portal self Managed Data Buffer Memory in C.

109. Programming: C Coding Tip: Self-manage Data Buffer Memory
Linux Admin Portal C coding tip selfmanage data buffer memory.

110. Multi-type, Self-adaptive Genetic Programming For Complex Applications
Multitype, self-adaptive Genetic programming as an Agent Creation Tool. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Evolutionary Computation for Multi-Agent Systems,
Multi-type, Self-adaptive Genetic Programming for Complex Applications
A project supported by the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) and the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)
DARPA Program: Agent-Based Computing, Taskable Agent Software Toolkit (TASK) Principal Investigator: Lee Spector School of Cognitive Science Hampshire College
Project Goals and Background
The aim of this project is to develop improved genetic programming techniques and to apply these techniques to difficult, unsolved computational problems. Of particular interest in this project are problems involving control and adaptation in heterogeneous, dynamic environments.
The proposed improvements to genetic programming techniques are intended to broaden the range of problems to which genetic programming can be applied, including problems with multiple data types and complex control requirements. A further goal is to decrease the need for expert configuration of genetic programming systems; ideally the system will "configure itself" as part of its evolutionary process. The methods by which such self-configuration will be achieved borrow heavily from evolutionary biology and it is also hoped that the system, considered as an "artificial life" model, will provide data that can inform the interdisciplinary study of evolutionary processes.
The improved genetic programming system will be tested on problems from several areas including the control of agents in complex environments and quantum computation (a recent research area at the intersection of computer science and quantum mechanics). Some of these problems, if solved, may have substantial practical applications. In addition, the improved genetic programming system should have applications to computational problems in almost any quantitative field (including all of those to which genetic programming has been previously applied). In the long term important results of this type of research may derive from insights that genetic programming and artificial life systems provide about the nature of evolution and about the ways in which nature's algorithms can be harnessed to solve human problems.

111. Conversation With Manuel Castells, P. 6 Of 6
It is to develop what I call selfprogramming capabilities. So, self-programming capabilities; education, education, education; a few solid values;
Manuel Castells Interview : Conversations with History; Institute of International Studies, UC Berkeley
Photo by Jane Scherr Page 6 of 6
In the context of this new world emerging, you are saying then that there are possibilities for the individual. Do you have a positive view of what the individual can still do? I do, although, as you probably have noticed (and most people have criticized me for this in my work, at least in the trilogy), I am very shy about any prescription or any normative attitudes. I try to be as analytical as possible. It doesn't mean that I don't care about the world it's obvious that I do but I think my role is mainly to provide analytical tools for people, then to decide what they want to do. But, individuals, yes. This has two aspects. If we would need one word to characterize, in social terms, in terms of values and organization, our world, it is the growing juxtaposition of individualism and communalism. The two things are happening. Most people in our advanced societies, but also in others, are building their projects as individuals, in the family, in the economy, in everything. Even in the economy, people train themselves with the idea of having individual portfolios, which you can negotiate with different people. So we are in a world of individuals. And the Internet actually is very good for that, because rather than creating virtual communities that practically don't exist, what exists is networks of individuals which provides the basis for increasing, not decreasing, our sociability, but our sociability as individuals. On the other hand, people who don't feel strong as individuals build trenches of resistance, and they close the communities. For instance, religious fundamentalists. For instance, extreme nationalism. So we have individuals and communities, and in between, the civil society and the state they don't vanish, but they are dramatically weakened. And the civil society and the state were, in fact, the institutions that emerged as forms of social organizations in the industrial age.

112. Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP)
Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) is one of many New Age Large Group Awareness He started his own empire after transforming from a self-described fat
Robert Todd Carroll

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neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)
Richard Bandler Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) is one of many New Age Large Group Awareness Training programs. NLP is a competitor with Landmark Forum Tony Robbins , and legions of other enterprises which, like the Sophists of ancient Greece , travel from town to town to teach their wisdom for a fee. Robbins is probably the most successful "graduate" of NLP. He started his own empire after transforming from a self-described "fat slob" to a firewalker to (in his own words) "the nation's foremost authority on the psychology of peak performance and personal, professional and organizational turnaround." The founders of NLP, Richard Bandler and John Grinder , might disagree. NLP has something for everybody, the sick and the healthy, individual or corporation. In addition to being an agent for change for healthy individuals taught en masse , NLP is also used for individual psychotherapy for problems as diverse as phobias and schizophrenia. NLP also aims at transforming corporations, showing them how to achieve their maximum potential and achieve great success.

113. CAT Users' Manual
Initialize the self learning program catfind() by displaying the input bins. The selfprogramming feature of the CAT unit may introduce functions that Web Jobs FAQs ... Statistics
andreas Web email andreas
The CAT User's Manual
User Installation and Maintenance Documentation
CAT v. 7.0: Completely Autonomous Tester
Manufactured by MOMCAT System Design Specifications
  • User Friendly
  • Mouse Driven
  • Self Cleaning
  • Energy Saving Standby Mode When Not In Use
  • Self Portable Operation
  • Dual Video
  • Bi-directional Audio Input/Output
  • Primary and secondary output ports: high-speed serial port for streaming data and standard parallel port for data blocks.
  • Auto search Routines for Input Data
  • Autocracy for Output Bin
Production Details : After basic KIT construction, the unit undergoes six weeks of onside ROM programming and burn-in testing. Listed features are installed during this period. Since MOMCAT uses local suppliers, there may be variations between units. MOMCAT's quality assurance may reject inferior units. Users may sometimes salvage rejected units. Beware of Far East clones. These may violate import restrictions. Transportation : A suitable transportation case should be used for transportation to the operating site. Failure to properly ship a CAT unit may result in loss or damage to the unit and serious injury to the user. Installation Procedures : Upon receiving the CAT unit, the user should examine the unit to verify that all I/O channels are operational. Look for minor bugs in or on the system. Bugs are indicative of the MOMCAT production environment. The user may manually remove any bugs.

114. Self Study Computer Programming Case Study --
Concept Systems provides dynamic software and consulting services that are used by organizations for consensus building, decisionmaking, planning,
SEARCH SITE document.write(tips[random_number]); document.write("Read More..."); Case Study: Self Study Computer Programming related case studies Systems requirements course The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a self-study training program in computer programming. Nine persons familiar with the subject matter generated 71 statements describing different programming concepts that needed to be learned. The resulting nine cluster map includes general programming issues on the left (use of resources, personal work style, coding basics, testing and debugging) and more technical concepts related to the computer language on the right. The clusters related to the basics of the language itself and the basics of programming in general were rated highest in importance. Figure 1. Concept map for a self-study course in computer programming. The results indicated that the training was not achieving what was expected. In four separate conducts of the training there was virtually no match between what was expected and what participants reported they achieved (outcome pattern matching r’s = -.079, -.046, -.059, and .128 respectively). For instance, although

115. Self-Evaluation Part 1: Programming
selfEvaluation Part 1 programming. Instructions. You can use any programming language you want to complete the following tasks. You can write the programs
Self-Evaluation Part 1: Programming
  • You can use any programming language you want to complete the following tasks. You can write the programs described using a reference manual or online help for the programming language. You don't have to produce output that's exactly the same as the examples below. The examples are just there to make sure you know what the question is asking for. If you're writing in a language like Java, C++ or Python, you can create output like the examples below. If you're using a language like Javascript or Visual Basic that doesn't do text-mode input and output, you can use whatever method of input and output is appropriate for that language. In the examples, the input given by the user is bolded; the output produced by the program isn't. You have 90 minutes to complete this part of the evaluation.
  • How old are you now?
    Next year, you will be 19. How old are you now?
    Next year, you will be 46. Enter three numbers:
    Here they are in order: -4 6 17 If there is a function built into your language that sorts a list, you may
  • 116. High Performance Computing
    Parallel programming with MPI Introduction to MPI (selfpaced course using WebCT); Intermediate MPI (self-paced course using WebCT); Intermediate MPI
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    117. Camel POOP: Object Oriented Programming In Perl |
    If you ve used another objectoriented programming language such as Java or C++ or been A package is a self-contained unit of user-defined variables and
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    118. OO Programming, The Python Way |
    Genetic programming, anyone ? You can also use the class to act like record or structure to The convention is to use self as the name of this argument.
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    119. Neuro-Linguistic Programming(NLP) Information
    NLP Pattern self Esteem Quick Fix- -Written by Shlomo Vaknin Click here for additional articles on Neuro-Linguistic programming(NLP) Information Complete Topics Directory Topic Send this website to a friend
    Neuro-Linguistic Programming(NLP) Information please visit our sponsor Sponsor Websites
  • Advanced Hypnosis Sessions from Hypnosis - -Browse the library at the web’s largest selection of hypnosis downloads. Modern hypnosis utilising indirect, Ericksonian language patterns – come on over and choose yours today. A comparison of NLP and Memletics - -Memletics is a new accelerated learning system that's already helped more than 43,000 people worldwide. Covers several NLP topics however it also provides far more information on how to improve your overall learning and memory skills. A Free Report "The 10 Myths of Subliminal Programming" - -Subliminal programming for personal change has taken a new leap. We offer over 60 unique titles with a wide range of applications for self improvement. Sign up for our free subliminal self help newsletter and get your free report. Liberate Your Mind and Free Your Body!
  • 120. The Scala Programming Language: Explicitly Typed Self References
    Scala Overview Explicitly Typed self References As a consequence, the program above is not wellformed and the Scala compiler will issue an error
    Introduction Abstract Types Case Classes Compound Types ... Community WWW Scala Scala Overview: Explicitly Typed Self References When developing extensible software it is sometimes handy to declare the type of the value this explicitly. To motivate this, we will derive a small extensible representation of a graph data structure in Scala. Here is an interface describing graphs: trait type Edge; type trait def def nodes: List[Node]; def edges: List[Edge]; def Graphs consist of a list of nodes and edges where both the node and the edge type are left abstract. The use of abstract types allows implementations of trait Graph to provide their own concrete classes for nodes and edges. Furthermore, there is a method addNode for adding new nodes to a graph. Nodes are connected using method connectWith A possible implementation of trait Graph is given in the next program: abstract class DirectedGraph extends type class def from = origin; def class NodeImpl extends def val edge = newEdge( this protected def newNode: Node; protected def newEdge(from: Node, to: Node): Edge;

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