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61. Laptop Accessories: Laptop Accessories Offers DirecTV satellite equipment. Includes information on programming packages, self installation guide, and FAQs. http://www.tvforme.com | |
62. Slate Language Website s, programming manual, tutorials, summaries, bulletin board Swiki, CVS. Open Source, LGPL......LanguageOS based on CLOS, self, Smalltalk; Smalltalk syntax; libraries inspired by Common Lisp, Dylan, Strongtalk (strong typing). http://slate.tunes.org/ | |
63. Enlightenment: Andrew Breese, J.D.: Understanding Neuro-Linguistic Programming ( It teaches that you are selfprogramming and self-responsible. NLP gives you some detailed understandings of and methods for responsible self-programming. http://enlightenment.supersaturated.com/essays/text/andrewbreese/neurolinguistic | |
64. The MPSGE Modeling Framework (Mathematical programming System for General Equilibrium analysis) describes the GAMS subsystem for CGEmodeling developed by Thomas Rutherford. Introduction, material for self-study, papers and downloadable library of examples. http://www.gams.com/solvers/mpsge/index.htm | |
65. Flash Facilitates MCU Self-programming: News From GD Technik Atmel s new family of AVR microcontrollers features a revolutionary selfprogramming Flash memory. http://www.electronicstalk.com/news/gdt/gdt113.html | |
66. Evolution Of Complexity - HOME selfemergence and artificial life, genetic algorithms, genetic programming - essays and links http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/1402/ | |
67. Fiscal 1994 Project Portfolio Report Top/Computers/programming/Languages/Smalltalk/self http://research.sun.com/techrep/1994/annualreport94/self.html | |
68. Self-Hypnosis Mind programming using selfhypnosis to, stop smoking, lose weight, improve relationships, banish fears, and improve memory. http://www.paepublications.com/mindtapes.htm | |
69. Evolutionary Computation - At The Crossroads Of Evolutionary Computation And Mus Keywords selfprogramming audio synthesizers, cellular automata music, generative music, evolution of music, adaptive behaviour, cultural evolution. http://mitpress.mit.edu/catalog/item/default.asp?ttype=6&tid=13745 |
70. NLP CLASSES DALLAS TEXAS Business and personal training using neurolinguistic programming for sales, communication skills, and self-improvement. Introductory classes, practitioner certification and customized programs. http://www.nlpLearningSystems.com/ | |
71. Self-Programming - Blog Information, Ratings, Reviews selfprogramming by Philip Dhingra Who am I? How do I change it? Using anecdotal cognitive therapy, generally psychology, and a ton of motivation, http://portal.eatonweb.com/weblog.php?weblog_id=20195 |
72. Self Heal Natural Therapies Dave Gilbert, hypnotherapy, Neurolinguistic programming, personal and professional coaching, Auckland, New Zealand. Biography, list and description of services. http://www.yellow.co.nz/site/davegilberthypnotherapy/ | |
73. Science -- Published E-Letter Responses For Siegfried, 309 (5731) 76-77 (Note Although this reference isn t explicitly about selfprogramming it does show how a computing system can cope with arbitrary variations within it and http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/eletters/309/5731/76 | |
74. Concurrency In Ada - Cambridge University Press By Alan Burns, Andy Wellings; Cambridge University Press, 1998, ISBN 052162911X. A main Ada trait is facilities for concurrent programming; thorough, selfcontained book, good for beginners to experts. Cambridge University Press http://books.cambridge.org/052162911X.htm | |
75. [cond-mat/0109099] Hierarchical Self-Programming In Recurrent Neural Networks We study selfprogramming in recurrent neural networks where both neurons (the `processors ) and synaptic interactions (`the programme ) evolve in time http://arxiv.org/abs/cond-mat/0109099 | |
76. Web Design, Web Development & Web Services New York, NY Website design, programming and hosting. Specializes in selfmaintenance websites by making use of dynamic technolgies such as PHP, ASP and Cold Fusion. http://www.rustybrick.com/ | |
77. DirtSimple.org: The Multiple Self So, I probably could turn this idea into yet another school of selfhelp of my In programming terms, each of these nets could be considered a business http://dirtsimple.org/2005/08/multiple-self.html | |
78. Incipient Posthuman: Self-programming You will be selfprogramming, able to define your own identity. I do not see myself as a slave to the blind whims of evolution. Evolution is not a sentient http://www.incipientposthuman.com/self-programming.htm | |
79. Diana Beaver Make life simpler, be more effective; have more confidence, more selfesteem, more time and a lot more fun, with NLP (Neuro-Linguistic programming)and Lazy Learning with Diana Beaver. http://www.dianabeaver.co.uk | |
80. C Programming: Self Modifying C Code. The technique used to be big to prevent assembly programs being hacked. Can/Has this been done for C? Just a link or two ) http://www.experts-exchange.com/Programming/Programming_Languages/C/Q_10177190.h | |
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