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81. Product Data Management Including Data Representation And Process Product Data Management for engineering manufacturing and customer support including product data representation and eng. process http://engdb.tripod.com | |
82. SIB - Presentation SIB operates the ExPASy proteomics server and the Swiss node of EMBnet. Teaching activities include a series of postgraduate courses given at the Universities of Geneva and Lausanne, as well as at the EPFL, and a Masters Degree in bioinformatics. Major research areas include the development of integrated databases and software resources in the field of proteomics. http://www.isb-sib.ch/ | |
83. EWeek Databases Latest articles on the database industry from eWeek. http://rssnewsapps.ziffdavis.com/eweekdatabase.xml | |
84. JB Business Solutions - Brisbane & Ipswich Microsoft Access Database Developer / JB Business Solutions develop affordable Microsoft Access databases for small medium businesses. Based In Brisbane, Australia. http://www.jbsolutions.com.au | |
85. Iranian Bioinformatics Research Center Research on Bioinformatics topics include Genomics, Drug discovery, intelligent agent applications, sequencing, pattern matching, complex algorithms, distributed databases, pharmaceogenomics, http://www.Bio-IT.org |
86. PinderSoft Information Technology Publisher of software for home and office use. Offering personal information managers, databases, organizers, wallpaper changers and a lotto generator. http://www.pindersoft.com/ | |
87. Fee-based Databases The BCPS Feebased databases may be accessed from the revised Database page. http://www.bcps.org/offices/lis/misc/feebaseddb.html | |
88. PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor PHP is a serverside HTML embedded scripting language. It provides web developers with a full suite of tools for building dynamic websites native APIs to Apache and other web servers; easy access to MySQL, Sybase, Oracle, and other databases; IMAP; LDAP; HTTP headers and cookies. This site is the official home of PHP4. http://www.php.net/ | |
89. Databases: Chemical - Chemicals, Chemical Profiles, MSDS, Material Safety Data S MSDS, toxicology profiles, chemical health hazards, chemical labeling requirements, TLVs, government lists of hazardous substances, pesticide information, storage compatibility, and chemical safety guides. Use of site requires paid subscription. http://www.rmis.com/db/dbchemicals.htm | |
90. UCI KDD Archive An online repository of large datasets which encompasses a wide variety of data types, analysis tasks, and application areas. The primary role of this repository is to serve as a benchmark testbed to enable researchers in knowledge discovery and data mining to scale existing and future data analysis algorithms to very large and complex data sets. http://kdd.ics.uci.edu/ | |
91. There Is Such A Thing As A Free Lunch Article by Sandy Lewis containing a list of databases that produce a list of citations to scientific literature, published in Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship. http://www.library.ucsb.edu/istl/01-winter/internet.html | |
92. Heuristics And Artificial Intelligence In Finance And Investment Resources on general heuristics, neural networks, genetic algorithms, simulated annealing and tabu search databases, articles, references, journals, software, links, conferences and education. http://www.geocities.com/francorbusetti/ | |
93. Database Organizations & Standards - DB Lab - UMass Listed standards for database architectures including SQL, OLE, COM,CORBA. Links to DB Special Interest Groups and organizations too. http://www-ccs.cs.umass.edu/db/organizations.html | |
94. Welcome To INFOhio, The Information Network For Ohio Schools. Online resources for teachers, students, school librarians, library automation, media booking, and statewide union catalog of K12 school libraries. http://www.infohio.org/ | |
95. Introduction To Object Oriented Databases Lecture notes giving a brief overview of OO databases, comparing and contrasting them with relational dabatabases. http://www.dis.port.ac.uk/~chandler/OOLectures/database/database.htm |
96. Pen & Paper :: A Collection Of Resources For Pen And Paper RPGs News and reviews for current and upcoming roleplaying games. Also features a RPG Database, release dates, message board, fonts, and gaming databases for D D, Star Wars d20, Exalted, and World of Darkness. http://www.pen-paper.net/ | |
97. ICON - Build On Our Standards Web design, online databases, computer graphics, animation and video. http://www.iconuk.net | |
98. CDS, Strasbourg (CDS) Astronomical databases, bibliography, documentation, and directory. http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/CDS.html | |
99. Drug Information, Full Product Disclosures, Drug Monographs, Package Inserts, Ph Links to pharmaceutical information and drugs databases, for professionals and consumers. http://www.coreynahman.com/druginfopage.html | |
100. Databases For Atomic And Plasma Physics From Plasma Laboratory of Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel http://plasma-gate.weizmann.ac.il/DBfAPP.html | |
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