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61. Sarah Katherine (McEwen) Ramsland - Celebrating Women's Achievements / Women In saskatchewan history. Vol. 43, no. 2 (spring 1991). P. 5256. saskatchewan history. Vol. 46, no. 2 (autumn 1994). P. 3-18. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/women/002026-270-e.html | |
62. Travelogues - Canada, By Train saskatchewan history. Vol. 21, no. 1. P. 61. Top of Page. Graphical element saskatchewan history. Vol. 22, no. 2. P. 63. Graphical element http://www.collectionscanada.ca/trains/h30-4000-e.html | |
63. IPac2.0 Search Results. Browsing results matching Saskatchewan History saskatchewan history Bibliography Catalogs. http://ipac.vpl.ca/ipac20/ipac.jsp?index=SUBJECT&term=Saskatchewan - History |
64. The Anglican Church In The North West: An Historical Bibliography The Mathesons of Saskatchewan Diocese. saskatchewan history 13 4162. The Early History of Emmanuel College. saskatchewan history 9 81-101, 1956. http://justus.anglican.org/resources/pc/indigenous/bibliography.html | |
65. L.H. Thomas Fonds Finding Aid His history, The University of Saskatchewan, 19091959, was complemented by anumber of As editor of saskatchewan history, 1949-1957, he established an http://archive1.lse.ualberta.ca/FindingAids/LHThomas/LHThomas.html | |
66. Prairies North: Saskatchewan's Life Magazine The saskatchewan history Folklore Society (SHFS) volunteered to administer theproject Our mandate is to preserve the social history of Saskatchewan. http://www.prairiesnorth.com/winter01/skpride.html | |
67. Civilization.ca - Doukhobors - Bibliography saskatchewan history, 36(3), 1983, pp.102114. saskatchewan history, 34(1),1981, pp.17-24. Woodcock, George. Doukhobors. In The Canadian Encyclopedia http://www.civilization.ca/cultur/doukhobors/dou21eng.html | |
68. The Genealogical Tree Of R.B. ADAMSON: Genealogy Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Town and RM (Rural Municipality History Books) Compiled by GlennSchwartz Online Book about Northern saskatchewan history and Trapping in http://millennium.fortunecity.com/rover/518/saskatchewan.htm | |
69. CBC.ca - Saskatchewan Centennial - For Teachers Students can divide up the centennial of saskatchewan history by working in smallgroups focusing on one decade. After exploring/analyzing/summarizing and http://www.cbc.ca/sask100/en/core_content/for_teachers_b.html | |
70. Saskatchewan History And Historical saskatchewan history providing information about historical sites in the Prairies. http://www.recreationsaskatchewan.com/historical.htm | |
71. Canada.com - Travel saskatchewan history rife with cowboys, gangsters, dinosaurs. South of provinceboasts RCMP museum, Moose Jaw tunnels, dude ranches http://www.canada.com/travel/story.html?id=42feeb18-39a2-4f5d-b4eb-a5b81ee81249 |
72. CJDB saskatchewan history. ISSNs. 00364908. Subjects. Northwest, Canadian History saskatchewan history. Availability. Langara Library (2nd Floor) http://lib-cufts.lib.sfu.ca/CUFTS/cjdb.cgi?site=BVAVCL&state=show_journal&journa |
73. CJDB saskatchewan history. ISSNs. 00364908. Subjects. Canada Canada History Northwest, Canadian History saskatchewan history. Associations/Organizations http://lib-cufts.lib.sfu.ca/CUFTS/cjdb.cgi?site=BSKC&state=show_journal&journal_ |
74. Markeroni : Saskatchewan Resources Official marker program Yes run by the saskatchewan history and Folklore Society . Provincial The saskatchewan history and Folklore Society http://www.markeroni.com/lists/list_sk.php | |
75. Canadian Womens Internet Directory Women in Alberta and saskatchewan history. WASHãs website in honor of WomenãsHistory Month. Includes historical facts, a quiz, a Canadian chronology, http://directory.womenspace.ca/retreive.cgi?1489 |
76. Additional Reading (from Saskatchewan) -- Encyclopædia Britannica e Pages from the Past Essays on saskatchewan history /e (1979); Currentresearch may be found in e saskatchewan history /e (3/yr.). http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-43206 | |
77. The American Indian Quarterly, Volume 26, 2002 - Table Of Contents Forest fires Saskatchewan History 20th century. Caribou saskatchewan history 20th century. Chipewyan Indians Saskatchewan History http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/american_indian_quarterly/toc/aiq26.3.html | |
78. The Western Historical Quarterly on the Heritage Endeavour, saskatchewan history 51 (Spring 1999) 3241.Faragher, John Mack, ÂClaims and Prospects of Western History A Roundtable, http://www.usu.edu/history/whq/raspr2000.htm | |
79. History Over 100 communities in saskatchewan owe their existence to Francophone settlers English becomes the language of instruction in saskatchewan; the use of http://collections.ic.gc.ca/fransaskois/Historique/history.html | |
80. Virtual Saskatchewan Is An Independent Ezine About Saskatchewan People And Place Awardwinning travel, tourism and leisure magazine featuring the people, places, attractions, events, legends and history saskatchewan has to offer. http://www.virtualsk.com | |
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