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Samoa (western) History Regional: more detail |
61. Western Samoa Economy (western) samoa Economy key figures and sources of income (western) samoa.On a smaller scale there are two regional soft drink and beer bottling plants. http://www.world66.com/australiaandpacific/westernsamoa/economy | |
62. Terrestrial Ecoregions -- Samoan Tropical Moist Forests (OC0112) Islands of (western) samoa and American samoa in the Southern Pacific regional ecosystems survey of the South Pacific area. South Pacific Commission http://www.worldwildlife.org/wildworld/profiles/terrestrial/oc/oc0112_full.html | |
63. Global Volcanism Program | Volcanoes Of The World | Volcanoes Of New Zealand To The geology and hydrology of (western) samoa. New Zeal Geol Surv Bull, 63 192 Eruptive processes during regional extension. J Volc Geotherm Res, http://www.volcano.si.edu/world/region.cfm?rnum=04&rpage=sources |
64. Samoan Sensation - Samoa Films The family travels to (western) samoa to participate in a matai ceremony. Synopsis Overview of history and traditions of samoa, with emphasis on the http://www.samoa.co.uk/samoan-film-video.html | |
65. MSN Encarta - Samoa samoa is also a member of the South Pacific Forum, a regional organization that Although (western) samoaÂs request for selfgovernment was denied, http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761565823_2/Samoa.html | |
66. Samoan Snail Field Guide - Literature (western) samoa National Environment and Development Management Strategies.South Pacific regional Environment Programme, Apia, samoa. http://www2.bishopmuseum.org/PBS/samoasnail/fgbiblio.html | |
67. Journal Of Pacific History, The: Ethnic And Racial Cleavages In Pacific Island C The recent history of Fiji demonstrates that explosive political change, See JAC Gray, Amerika samoa (Annapolis 1960), 237. (western) samoa legally http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2375/is_n2_v32/ai_20554490/pg_3 | |
68. WESTERN SAHARA, PUERTO RICO, GUAM DISCUSSED IN CARIBBEAN REGIONAL (western) SAHARA, PUERTO RICO, GUAM DISCUSSED IN CARIBBEAN regional SEMINAR Because the government of American samoa had sent a clear message, http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2001/gacol3045.doc.htm |
69. Western Samoa Visa Information - Tourist Visas, Business Visas, Expedited Visas samoa Visa New Zealand occupied the German protectorate of (western) samoa at the history Migrants from Southeast Asia arrived in the samoan islands more http://www.travisa.com/Samoa/ | |
70. Download Interdisciplinary, Cross-regional And Standard-specific Units, Outreach Learning about Galileo and how ideas developed through history The influenceof philosophers on (western) development http://www.outreachworld.org/searchresources.asp?globalregionid=41 |
71. Anthropology - Pacific Islands Internet Resources - Arts Information Sevices - L upto-date.. national and regional data in table, graph, and map form. ArchaeologyHistory Excavations (Archaeology)(western) samoa. http://www.library.auckland.ac.nz/subjects/anthro/nzppacific.htm | |
72. The 2005 Western Samoa Economic And Product Market Databook - Market Research Re This study covers the outlook products in (western) samoa. benchmarks allowthe reader to quickly gauge (western) samoa vis?is regional and global totals. http://www.mindbranch.com/products/H307-0233.html | |
73. Pacific Regional Branch International Council On Archives (PARBICA) PACIFIC regional BRANCH INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON ARCHIVES 1991 American (western) samoa; 1989 - Wellington, New Zealand; 1987 - Port Moresby, http://www.archivenet.gov.au/archives/parbica/parbica_main.htm | |
74. Regional Press Freedom Seminar - Samoa samoa country report from the Asia-Pacific regional seminar on Press The issue was discussed by the Journalists Association of (western) samoa in 1998. http://www.presscouncil.org.au/pcsite/activities/meetings/asiapac/samoa.html | |
75. The IRIS Keyword Index: M Through Z 263 Family Planning Planning 655 regional Planning Planning 1963 Rural Secretions Salvador 207 El Salvador samoa 2643 (western) samoa Sanctions 2773 http://www.library.uiuc.edu/iris/index_m_to_z.html | |
76. EUROPA - Development - Countries - Samoa samoa (known until 1996 as (western) samoa) comprises two main islands, samoa has a history of considerable political stability since becoming the first http://europa.eu.int/comm/development/body/country/country_home_en.cfm?cid=ws&st |
77. LearnCalifornia.org - Archives And Libraries Wellknown for its extensive collections in California and (western) history, The regional history Project at UCSC collects material related to http://www.learncalifornia.org/doc.asp?ID=96 |
78. World Telephone Numbering Guide 1 April 2000 Integration of history into the World Telephone Numbering Guide . Guam +683 - (western) samoa +684 - American samoa +685 - Cook Islands +687 http://www.wtng.info/wtng-hst.html | |
79. Ministry Of Foreign Affairs And Trade: Pacific Division - American Samoa Politic Visits/Contacts; Trade/Economic Links; regional Linkages; Travel Advice Germany occupied (western) samoa, while the US formally occupied its portion  a http://www.mfat.govt.nz/foreign/regions/pacific/country/americansamoapaper.html | |
80. Country Home Page Click on a country to view a listing of USAID Reports and Project history documents . (western) samoa Yemen. Europe and Eurasia Regions http://www.dec.org/country/index.cfm | |
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