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81. Sami People An indigenous people with a strong position The sami are indigenous people whohave lived in this northern region long before the countries established http://www.vasterbotten.se/english/arkives/samipeople.htm | |
82. Arctic: [Becoming Visible: Indigenous Politics & Self-government] demands by the sami as to their situation as an indigenous people. Year ofthe World s indigenous People held in 1993, the Centre for sami Studies http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3712/is_199706/ai_n8761467 | |
83. LWF News - Sami People Support Autonomy Within Church Of Sweden There are an estimated 17000 members of the indigenous sami people in Sweden.According to the sami parliament, a distinct congregation for the sami would http://www.lutheranworld.org/News/LWI/EN/1449.EN.html | |
84. Aboriginal Planet - Swedish Inquiry Looks At Canadian Aboriginal Hunting And Fis The proportion of indigenous people in the total population is Approximately 2500 of Sweden s 20 000 sami are engaged in reindeer husbandry. http://www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/aboriginalplanet/archives/january2005/art7_main-en. | |
85. Aboriginal Planet - International Day Of The World's Indigenous People, Stockhol The sami people are indigenous to Sweden, Norway, Russia and Finland. Relationsbetween the Swedish government and sami people have come a long way. http://www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/aboriginalplanet/archives/october2003/art4_main-en. | |
86. World Christian Gathering On Indigenous People World Christian Gathering on indigenous People in Kiruna. sami people are alsoknown as the Laplanders, Lapps or Reindeer People. Today, the sami mostly http://www.wcgip.com/ |
87. Saami Of Scandinavia Excerpt The history of the sami people has been one of colonisation, missionising,prohibitions, The Sámi are the indigenous people of Norway, Sweden, http://www.ankn.uaf.edu/sami.html | |
88. Sametinget - News Sweden has also recognized the sami as an indigenous people. But concerning theright for the sami to own land it is very difficult, almost impossible. http://www.sametinget.se/sametinget/view.cfm?oid=2000&sat=no |
89. Colummn Published Dec 1998 . Around the world the indigenous peoples are allowed some variety of The Samipeople have the right to their own land, where they will be allowed to http://www.oloft.com/tribalpark.html | |
90. INDIGENOUS PERSON FROM PAPUA NEW GUINEA CLAIMED IN US GOVERNMENT Patenting indigenous People In an unprecedented move, the United States In contrast, at the Beijing Women s Conference, sami indigenous women from the http://www.spunk.org/texts/colon/sp001144.txt | |
91. Indigenous People Make Voices Heard I think it s good for indigenous people to rise up and make people listen. Sweden and Finland, the indigenous sami people are hard at work on a http://www.mapuche.nl/english/00sept.htm | |
92. Aboriginal Connections - Web Directory Europe Listings to resources of the indigenous people in Europe, sami People Anoverview of the native sami art, culture, current issues and history. http://directory.aboriginalconnections.com/Europe/ | |
93. Www.environment.fi - Sami People sami people are indigenous people that live traditionally in Finnish Lapland,Kola peninsula and central and northern parts of Sweden and Norway. http://www.ymparisto.fi/default.asp?node=5461&lan=en |
94. Unasylva - No. 186 - Forest - Dependent People - Boreal Forest Dwellers: The Saa The Saami are the indigenous people of Sápmi (LaplandSaamiland), Compared withother indigenous peoples, the Saami have come a relatively long way. http://www.fao.org/docrep/w1033e/w1033e05.htm | |
95. Odin - The Sami Of Norway It is clear that the sami, as an indigenous people in Norway, have a specialright to cultural protection. Norway s sami policies mark the consolidation of http://odin.dep.no/odin/engelsk/norway/history/032005-990463/index-dok000-b-n-a. | |
96. Wfn.org | Sami People Support Autonomy Within Church Of Sweden STOCKHOLM, Sweden/GENEVA, 12 May 2004 (LWI) * The sami people in Sweden There are an estimated 17000 members of the indigenous sami people in Sweden. http://www.wfn.org/2004/05/msg00117.html | |
97. Human Dignity And Humiliation Studies | Conference On Globalization And Indigeno Globalization and indigenous peoples Poverty and Education workers and Samiorganisations engaged in cooperation with indigenous peoples in the South. http://www.humiliationstudies.org/news/archives/000358.html | |
98. Rainbowcooperative What if different combinations of indigenous musicians from around the world had a One day I asked, do the sami people have their own music? http://www.geocities.com/pherlevi/rainbowcooperative.html | |
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