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81. MBNMS Ecosystems Observations 1998 - ENDANGERED AND THREATENED SPECIES endangered species Snapshot Sanctuary salmon and Steelhead Populations Examples of endangered and threatened species of the Monterey Bay National http://bonita.mbnms.nos.noaa.gov/educate/newsletters/1999Eco/Pages/endangered.ht | |
82. MBNMS Ecosystems Observations 1999 - ENDANGERED AND THREATENED SPECIES Examples of endangered and threatened species of the Monterey Bay National Marine Coho salmon central California (Oncorhynchus kisutch). threatened http://bonita.mbnms.nos.noaa.gov/educate/newsletters/2000Eco/Pages/endangered.ht | |
83. NMFS Salmon ESA Reports And Publications Pacific salmon and Artificial Propagation Under the endangered species Act MODIFICATION endangered and threatened species; Request for Information on http://www.nwr.noaa.gov/1salmon/salmesa/pubs.htm | |
84. Fisheries Service Lists Central California Coho Salmon As "Threatened," Delays D The endangered species Act defines a threatened species as one likely to QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT COHO salmon UNDER THE endangered species ACT http://swfsc.nmfs.noaa.gov/NewsRel/cohopr.htm | |
85. Wild Atlantic Salmon In Maine Protected As Endangered Species The Services proposed to list the Atlantic salmon as endangered in November plans and works to prevent species from becoming threatened or endangered. http://northeast.fws.gov/newsrel/asalmon2.html | |
86. Threatened Species In An Urban Environment: Chinook Salmon And The 4(d) Rule. threatened species in an urban environment Chinook salmon and the 4(d) rule are generally applicable to endangered species, to threatened Chinook. http://www.djc.com/special/environment2000/scb.html | |
87. Governor's Salmon Recovery Office The ultimate goal of the ESA is to return endangered and threatened species to the point where they no longer need the law s protections. http://www.governor.wa.gov/gsro/faq/default.htm | |
88. Endangered Species Federal Register Publications 3/24/99 endangered and threatened species threatened Status for Three Chinook species threatened Status for Ozette Lake Sockeye salmon in Washington. http://www.fws.gov/endangered/federalregister/1999/99MAR.HTML | |
89. Threatened And Endangered Species Information Links, Natural Resources Informati of salmon and steelhead listed as threatened under the endangered species Act endangered, threatened, Proposed, and Candidate species under National http://rainbow.dfw.state.or.us/nrimp/links/esa.htm | |
90. Endangered Species On EE-Link: Species Highlights - Main Page A few of these species are not currently on the FWS threatened and endangered list because of species recovery, or may be threatened in a limited area. http://eelink.net/EndSpp/specieshighlights-mainpage.html | |
91. Extinct, Endangered And Threatened Species threatened species are likely to become endangered in the future. There are 1072 endangered and threatened species in the world. The list includes http://www.factmonster.com/ipka/A0906937.html | |
92. CRS Report IB10072 - Endangered Species Difficult Choices - NLE A threatened species is defined as any species which is likely to become Land may be acquired to conserve (recover) endangered and threatened species http://www.cnie.org/nle/biodv-1.html | |
93. Endangered Species Series - Wildlife University - National Wildlife Federation species Series teaches you about endangered and threatened species. If you decide to take the endangered species Series, please start with this http://www.nwf.org/wildlifeuniversity/endangered.cfm | |
94. Endangered Animal Printouts - EnchantedLearning.com When a species is listed as endangered or threatened, it is not a death sentence. Many animals, like the bald eagle and the American alligator, http://www.enchantedlearning.com/coloring/endangered.shtml | |
95. Deleting Scientific Advice On Endangered Salmon However, the court ruled that, under the endangered species Act, ÂShift on salmon Reignites Fight on species Law, The New York Times, p. A1. May 9. http://www.ucsusa.org/global_environment/rsi/page.cfm?pageID=1444 |
96. Articles And Editorials endangered species Act continue to submit certain species conservation designation of critical habitats for endangered and threatened species as part http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?j106:I03951:j106ELLIOT.html |
97. Endangered Species Act Program Portland s endangered species Act Program was created in March 1998, system as a threatened species under the federal endangered species Act. Portland http://www.portlandonline.com/bes/index.cfm?c=29710 |
98. Endangered Species Program Grants To States, Territories And Private Individuals All about endangered species Program grants available for species conservation. grant programs that may also benefit endangered and threatened species. http://www.fws.gov/endangered/grants/ | |
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