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101. UNESCO Moscow Office The Ministry of culture and Youth Affairs of the Republic of Armenia and Koïchiro Matsuura, Directorgeneral of UNESCO, will open the session on May 25. http://www.unesco.ru/eng/pages/bythemes/cul_main.php | |
102. New Russian-Language Newspapers In Berlin - 64th IFLA General Conference - Confe 64th IFLA general Conference August 16 August 21, 1998 The House of russianCulture - originally a meeting place in the context of GDR-russian http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla64/096-116e.htm | |
103. Jewish Heritage In Russian Children's Literature - 66th IFLA Council And General 66th IFLA Council and general Conference The Jewish tune remains in Russianculture, though it is not so loud as before. Unfortunately the revival of http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla66/papers/107-152e.htm | |
104. Slavic: Courses: Literature Courses Civilizing Process Paradigms of Society and culture in Modern russian Literatureand The Age of Dissent A Survey of russian Literature and culture, http://www.stanford.edu/dept/slavic/courses/literature_courses.html | |
105. History Of Science Society HSSOnline.org russian and Soviet Science and Technology, Page 2. general HISTORIES. The bestoverview in English of the history of science in Russia before 1917 is http://www.hssonline.org/teach_res/essays/graham/grahamp1.html |
106. Face Of Russia Experience russian culture and history through an interactive timeline from 850 Explore Russia and russian culture within this section which includes a http://www.pbs.org/weta/faceofrussia/text-only.html | |
107. Russian 10: A Curriculum Guide For International Languages (2000) Some of the objectives for russian will also develop certain Common EssentialLearnings. Explore the application of cultural and linguistic knowledge, http://www.sasked.gov.sk.ca/docs/int_lang/russian10/ruscurr04.html | |
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