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81. Glossary Of Hebraic Terms: H
High Holy Days — A ten day period from rosh haShanah to yom kippur hoshanah — (alt, Hosheanah, Hoshiahna) chant of “Save us, L-rd” or “please save”
Contents About Us Articles Bible ... Misc Pages on this level »» Up A B C ... G [H] I J-K L M ... Pronunciation A Glossary of
Hebraic Terms Abbreviations Used In This Glossary abbr.
= abbreviated alt. = alternate Ar. = Aramaic esp. = especially Gr. = Greek Heb. = Hebrew lit. =literally n. = noun pl. = plural pron. = pronounced prop. = properly sg. = singular usu. = usually v. = verb Yid. = Yiddish Transliteration/Pronunciation Guide Books of the Bible Proper Names Tribes of Israel ... The Mishnah This is a work in progress, and will very probably be so for many, many months.
Please expect it to be different the next time you visit our website.
ha — the definite article “the” (Hebrew and Aramaic do not use the indefinite articles “a” or “an”)
When transliterating from Hebrew or Aramaic into English there are several forms commonly used:
(1) the article is added to the beginning of the word with no other indication: haaretz
(2) the article is added to the beginning of the word, and the word is capitalized: haAretz
(3) the article is added to the beginning of the word, and both words are capitalized: HaAretz

82. Restoration Records
High Holy Days A ten day period from rosh haShanah to yom kippur. Hoshana Rabbah (al. hoshanah Raba) - the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles.
* Hear Oh Yisrael Yahweh Our Mighty One Yahweh Is One *And You Shall Love Your Neighbor As Yourself Glossary of Hebraic Terms
Click on any letter below to go to terms starting with that transliterated English letter sound
A B C D ... Z Numbers correspond to the Strong's Concordance. You will also find the correct spelling for some Hebrew names, the Hebrew spelling for the Tanach, and the Tractates of the Mishnah at the end of this work. HOME ARTICLES PALTALK TEACHINGS ALEF-BET ... KNOW YOUR CONSTITUTION
Adar - Sixth month of Hebrew civil calendar: February-March.
Afikoman (al. Afikomen) - This word, from the Greek meaning "after-dish," refers to the last morsel eaten at the sederhalf of the central matzah broken off and put away at the beginning of the meal...Greek word meaning that which comes after. It is represented in a broken piece of matzah wrapped in linen and buried (hidden)...A Greek word meaning "dessert." This piece of the ceremonial matzah is the final thing eaten at the Passover seder meal. Aggadah (al. Agada, Agadah) pl. Agadot

A yom kippur sermon centering on habitat and an important lesson about the power of Examining rosh Hashanah with an eye towards saving the environnment.

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View All Programs Programs are sorted by date added. Sort alphabetically Environmental Beit Din
A large group re-enactment of a town hall meeting based on an environmental question.
Shavuot: Festival of Wheat Harvest

Celebrate the agricultural elements of Shavuot by learning the steps of a wheat harvest through a cooperative relay race.
The Revenge of the Oak Trees: A Non-Fiction Story

A non-fiction, early reader story.
Animal Sounds Game

Developing a sense of the diversity within the animal kingdom and identifying with Adam's role in naming the animals. Genesis Creation Story Skits To explore the concept of God as the Creator of the world, and to develop a sense of the cumulative nature of creation as expressed in the Biblical story. Jewish Quotes Discussion To consider in depth ancient Jewish teachings on Tsaar Baalei Chayim. To enable children to respond within an authentically Jewish formula by creating their own 'talmudic' commentaries. A Yom Kippur pledge to the earth A Yom Kippur sermon centering on habitat and an important lesson about the power of truth and activism. Also includes discussion questions. Omer for the Earth Day: A Family Programme This programme was created to remind us of our reliance on and responsibility to our natural environment. This program is written for families but can also be adapted for classrooms.

yom kippur September 25 SUKKOT September 30 October 7 hoshanah RABBAH ritual items in Judaism, a symbol embodying a duality to teach a moral lesson.
@import "images/china-with-palette-35.css"; /* */
October 4-5
October 6
October 13
October 18-25
October 24 SHEMINI ATZERET October 25 SIMKHAT TORAH October 26 KHANUKAH December 26- January 2 FAST OF TEVET 10 January 10 TU B'SHEVAT February 13 FAST OF ESTHER March 13 PURIM March 14 SHUSHAN PURIM March 15 PASSOVER April 13-20 YOM HASHOAH April 25 YOM HAZIKARON May 2 YOM HA'ATZMAUT May 3 LAG B'OMER May 16 YOM YERUSHALAYIM May 26 SHAVUOT June 2-3 FAST OF TAMMUZ 17 July 13 TISHA B'AV August 3 Remember that holidays start at sundown the evening prior to the date listed.
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NOW AVAILABLE! Order here Is this a gift? Wrapping available! or call Be sure to check the HOLIDAYS TIPS PAGE for special information on the upcoming holiday. Next: ROSH HASHANAH, beginning the evening of Monday, October 3, through Wednesday, October 5
Place an Order E-mail Author E-Mail Jewish Legacy Press Created by The Authors Guild This site will look a lot better in a newer browser. Download one for free!

85. The Festivals Of Tishre For The Teacher
There is very little time (34 school days) between yom kippur and Succot. The School teaching team, or Principal of Jewish Studies, produces an overall
Languages English - Main Page Hebrew - Main Page Espanol - Main Page Deutsch - Main Page Russian - Main Page Francais - Main Page Portugues - Main Page Italiano - Main Page Nederlands - Main Page New Eye on Israel Worldwide Community Jewish Time ... FAQs
School Syllabus - Teaching the Tishrei Festivals At the beginning of the school year, Jewish Studies' teachers devote many hours to the subject of the Tishrei Festivals. This subject contains six themes, those addressed by this series: a. The month of Ellul
b. Rosh Hashanah

86. "The Days Of Punishment Have Come; The Days Of Recompense Have Come
Don t they teach the law of God? What about the Orthodox rabbis? Since YomKippur is. one week and two days after rosh Hashanah, rosh Hashanah cannot
"The days of punishment have come; the days of recompense have come. Israel knows! The prophet [minister] is a fool, the spiritual man is insane, because of the greatness of your iniquity and great enmity. " The watchman of Ephraim is with my God ; but the prophet [minister] is a fowler's snare in all his ways ENMITY in the house of his God. They are deeply corrupted . . ." (Hos.9:7-9, NKJV). A New Look at the "Postponements" of the Sacred Calendar WHY Does Almighty God Say, " Your Feast Days My Soul Hates! "? But why would God say such a thing? Why would He tell His people that He abhors and despises the New Moons, and Sabbaths including the annual Feast Days? Is there more to this enigmatic prophecy of the end-times than meets the eye at first glance? What has been done to the annual Holy Days and New Moons that warrants such a declaration? Could it involve some action the Jews have taken involving the sacred calendar? William F. Dankenbring Almighty God declares in His Word, "The New Moons, the Sabbaths, and the calling of assemblies I cannot endure iniquity and the sacred meeting. Your New Moons and your appointed feasts My soul hates;

87. Dear Middle School Parents,
Wednesday, September 15 through Friday, September 17 (rosh Hashanah). Friday,September 24 (Erev yom kippur). Wednesday, September 29 through Friday,
This message contains images. If you are unable to see the image below, please click here Friday, September 3, Shalom We had a wonderful beginning of Middle School this week and are delighted to welcome back our enthusiastic returning students and to meet our new 5th graders and transfer students. Again this year, we will be using this twice monthly e-mail newsletter to maintain communication with parents about important issues, programs and activities of interest to Middle School families. Hot Lunch Friday Dismissal Remember to pick up your child promptly at 3:30 p.m. on Fridays. Please note that early Friday dismissal will be at 2:30 p.m. beginning November 5th. 5th Grade "Out of the Box" Program Our 5th graders look forward to receiving their laptop computers at our annual “Out of the Box” program on Tuesday, September 7th during the school day. Back to School Programs Please save the following important dates:
  • r – Wednesday, September 8 at 6:00 p.m. in the Tuvin Assembly Hall

88. Untitled Document
Wednesday night, rosh Hashanah begins the Yamim Noraim, the Days of Awe. Shana tovatikateivu you School closed. Erev yom kippur, 9/25 yom kippur
E-Newsletter-Rosh Hashanah Edition
28 Elul 5764/September 14, 2004
Wednesday night, Rosh Hashanah begins the Yamim Noraim, the Days of Awe. Shana tova tikateivu - you should be inscribed for a good New Year. May the Source of blessing and peace grant us and our loved ones shlemut (wholeness) and briut (health). May God grant the people of Israel, and all of God's creations, a year of peace and healing.
-Roslyn Stein and Stewart Flink
Head of School and President of the Board of Directors
CJHS welcomes new students at Orientation
It's about getting a locker, finding out which room the chemistry lab is in, and registering for the hot lunch program. It's about getting new gym clothes with the new school mascot and logo. It's about finding out how to try out for the basketball team. It's about meeting new friends and saying hello to new faculty. Eighty-three students filled the halls on Sept. 1 trying to locate their new locker after receiving their books for class.
The energy was exciting and contagious as the students returned from their summer vacations. Special thank you to the Va'ad Hatalmidim (Student Government) and Student Ambassadors for organizing much of the day's events: Lanie Abisdris, Leore Avidar, Aaron Gore, Ari Gore, Deanna Levin, Geoff Levin, Sofi Petchersky and Jason Wiznitzer.

89. Untitled Document
in others they included Unetaneh Tokef (from the rosh Hashanah/yom KippurMusaf) as well as Hence the name hoshanah Rabbah The Great hoshanah .
Parsha Archives
Chol Hamoed Succot Vol 13 No 54 6 October 2001 19 Tishri 5762 Shabbat ends in London at 19:14 Hertz p.362/697 Hatarah p.979
Soncino p.558/949 Kohelet (Ecclesiastes) Contents Succot: The Time to Refocus on our Own Needs Rabbi Stanley Coten Is HE a Mem or a Nun? Daniel Sperber Save Us Bernd Koschland Finis! Bernd Koschland Succot: The Time to Refocus on our Own Needs
Rabbi Stanley Coten - Kingston, Surbiton and District Synagogue Every seven years, in the year after the Shemittah (which would be this year) on the first day of Chol Hamo'ed Succot, everyone including the young children were gathered to hear the King of Israel read sections of Sefer Devarim. The Sefer Hachinuch suggests that the reason for this ceremony of Hakhel was to stress the centrality of Torah in our personal and national lives. Such a throng would lead to a commitment of renewed enthusiasm to study Torah by the whole nation. The Talmud explains that this Mitzvah would also highlight the family in Torah study and in transmitting Torah values to a new generation. Why though is it Succot which has been chosen to recite the fundamentals of Judaism - the importance of the Torah and the primacy of the family? Perhaps such a message would be more appropriate to another occasion in the Jewish year, for example Shavuot, the anniversary of the Giving of the Torah on Sinai.

90. P'nei Adonai
Shabbat after rosh Hashanah, Hosea 14210(9) Micah 718-20 Joel 215-27. Oct.13th, yom kippur Tirshrei 10, Leviticus 161-34 Leviticus 181-30
Congregation P'nei Adonai of Eugene, Oregon
3484 Harlow Road, Eugene OR 97401
(in the building of North Park Church)
(541) 221-3163 penei -at-

worship: liturgy music schedule
service: community involvement vision
discipling: FAQ Hebrew participation statement of faith ... quizzes
celebration of heritage: holidays liturgy parashot 1st century
Parashot Click this image to see our Quick Index of Parashot teachings.
In the table below that image goes straight to the appropriate teaching.
Judiasm dividies the Torah (first five books of the Bible) into 54 weekly sections, called Parasha (plural pasharot ). Each Parasha also has accompanying scripture from the Haftorah (the Old Testament after the Torah). Note: Most congregation have a sermon about the past week's Parasha. We have our sermons about the upcoming week's Parasha. Holy days and fast days also have assigned scripture readings. Below is a chart that shows the Parasha for the year, including holidays. Weeks are counted since Rosh Hashanah, the beginning of the civil calendar year. Notice that the cycle begins on the holy day Simchat Torah, in the beginning of the fourth week. Occasionally the traditional verse numbering for the Hebrew Bible differers from the numbering traditional for the Christian Bible. Christian verses appear in parenthesis when there is a discrepancy.

91. Baraita: October 2004 Archives
Really, what about yom kippur afternoon could possibly remind someone of the You see, what I have been doing on this blog writing and teaching and
Baraita Blogging academic, religious, and pop-cultural
esoterica since 2001. With citations.
I Have Set Before You If baseball is America's civic religion, what event in the Hebrew Bible parallels the Red Sox victory in the World Series? Chronologically speaking, it closely approximates the restoration under Zerubabbel; in terms of reaction, however, I am more closely reminded of Elijah and his Iron Chef Ancient Israel shtick with the prophets of Baal. That's not quite right either, though. Suggestions? Also, would it be terrible to use this as an extra-credit question on a test? Link TrackBack Comments (0) In Which I Am Intense I've been meaning to blog about intermarriage* for awhile now. A few months ago, you see, I went to a Bar Mitzvah party for a wonderful young man I'm good friends with his parents and I wound up sitting with a few acquaintances from the Marvelous Monthly Minyan, where we had an exchange that has stuck in my mind ever since. One of them said something in passing about the "problem of intermarriage," and when I asked him what the problem was, he explained that "the children don't grow up Jewish." I went with the simple truth: "Well, I did." His eyebrows went up. "I hadn't realized you were... um." I like the man, so I took pity on him, made a joke about my shiksa name, and changed the subject. But, honestly: even if he doesn't judge by English names (a smart idea), he's heard me called up to the Torah by my

High Holy Days A ten day period from rosh haShanah to yom kippur. Neilah -Literally closing; concluding service of yom kippur closing of the gate.
Y Home Y D'VAR TORAH Y Monthly News Letters Y Y Location Map Y Who we Are Y Mission Statement Y What is Messianic Judaism? Y CMY Academy Day School Y Books of Life Catalogue Y Rabbitizin Corner Y Links Y Our E mail
Y Our ICQ Is #
Go back to Torah Portions
A B ... Z Numbers correspond to the Strong's Concordance from which the definitions come. At the end of this work you will also find the correct spelling for some Hebrew names, the Hebrew spelling for the Tanach, and the Tractates of the Mishnah. Type word in the Box: Zeph 3:9 For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve him with one consent. Y The Books of the Original Testament
Y Names from the Hebrew Bible Y The Tribes of Israel
Y Partial Listing of the Mishnah A Adar - Sixth month of Hebrew civil calendar: February-March. Afikoman (al. Afikomen) - This word, from the Greek meaning "after-dish," refers to the last morsel eaten at the sederhalf of the central matzah broken off and put away at the beginning of the meal...Greek word meaning that which comes after. It is represented in a broken piece of matzah wrapped in linen and buried (hidden)...A Greek word meaning "dessert." This piece of the ceremonial matzah is the final thing eaten at the Passover seder meal.

93. Faith - Faith - Burke Connection - Connection Newspapers
715 pm Family Erev rosh Hashanah Service 845 pm Erev rosh Hashanah Service 8 am yom kippur Service 10 am Youth Service 1 pm Yizkor

94. Outline
This is the outline for the fourpart Sunday School teaching on Y shua in theFeasts of Name yom kippur 2. Date 10th day of Tishri (seventh month)
web hosting domain names photo sharing
This is the outline for the four-part Sunday School teaching on Y'shua in the Feasts of Israel.
A. Reasons for Feasts
1. Seasonal events
2. Memorials to Jewish people (Num.10:10)
3. Prophetic significance
4. Personal significance
B. Overview of Feasts
1. Timeline
2. "Feasts of Israel" 3. "God's Work in the Feasts of Jehovah" II. Spring Feasts A. Passover/Unleavened Bread/First Fruits 1. Names a. Pesach Passover b. Unleavened Bread c. First Fruits 2. Dates14th to 21st of Nisan (first month) also called Aviv 3. Biblical References a. Ex. 12:1-20 b. Lev. 23:4-11, 15 c. Deut. 16:1-8 4. Historical Observances a. Egypt (1) Lamb (perfect, without blemish) (2) Bitter herbs (bitterness of bondage) (3) Unleavened bread (bread of affliction) b. Commemorates redemption from sin (leaven=sin) c. First Fruitsthanksgiving for harvest 5. Passover in Y'shua' Time

95. Your Inheritance: Glorious Discovery To A Lonely Wretch: A Sermon On The Jubilee
The first is the Feast of Trumpets, or rosh hoshanah. The Day of Atonement (YomKippur). Let s continue reading in Leviticus 2326
Your Inheritance: Glorious Discovery to a Lonely Wretch What is the value of an inheritance? Suppose that you were an orphan; you never knew your father and mother, you never knew a mother's love or a father's care. All your life you have been without money, and without love. Now you receive word: You have a rich uncle! He has been searching for you! He loves you and wants you as part of his family! All that you have never known wealth, and family, and love is now yours in abundance. You are the heir! We love such stories, don't we? The poor orphan, without hope, who all along is really the son or daughter of someone important. Two of the best such stories are C.S. Lewis' The Horse and His Boy and Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre Both supposed orphans, Shasta and Jane, grow in character as they deal with adversity and then, in the end, discover that they are heirs to a fortune, related to those that they already love and admire. Many of you will remember how the central characters react when they discover the blessings that are theirs. Having been poor, both appreciate the money and the freedom from want it provides but of far greater value is the knowledge that they have family, that they are loved and cherished. Listen to Jane describing her emotions when she receives this good news: Glorious discovery to a lonely wretch! This was wealth indeed! wealth for the heart! a mine of pure, genial affections. This was a blessing, bright, vivid, and exhilarating! not like the ponderous gift of gold: rich and welcome enough in its way, but sobering from its weight. I now clapped my hands in sudden joy my pulse bounded, my veins thrilled.

96. Todays Torah
Kabbalah `receive, the traditional term used for the teaching of Jewish mysticism . yom kippur Day of Atonement (Lev. 16; Num. 19711).
HEBREW DICTIONARY Adam Kadmon : Primordial or archetypal man. The mystical image of En- Sof . See Sefirot Adonai : lit. my lords (as in Gen. 19:2); the traditional pronunciation of God, the Tetragrammaton (Ex. 34:9). Aggadah : `tale, lesson'- the name given to those sections of Rabbinic literature which contains homiletic exposition of the Bible, stories, legends, fore-lore, anecdotes or maxims; aims at edification. Also spelled Haggadah B'nai No'ach : Sons of Noah. In Rabbinic literature they are those who take upon themselves the seven mitzvos of No'ach (The Seven Laws of No'ach Bar : son (Arabic) Baraita : (outside) It covers halakhic Midrash , and historical, and aggadic tradition not included in the Mishnah Bar Mitzvah : A son of the commandment; at thirteen years and one day, the Jewish boy reaches manhood, accountable for the performances of mitzvot , and able to be part of a minyan Bat Kol lit." daughter of a voice." A heavenly or divine voice (echo) which revealed God's will, choice, or judgment to man ( Mak . 23b, Sot. 13b

97. Glossary Of Jewish Terminology / Torah 101 / Mechon Mamre
A confession of community sins recited repeatedly on yom kippur. See yom kippurLiturgy. A spokesman for God, chosen to convey a message or teaching.
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Glossary of Jewish Terminology
Following is a partial list of Hebrew, Yiddish, and other Jewish terms used on this web site.  Unless otherwise specified, the terms are Hebrew. We have attempted to provide pronunciations for most of these terms.  Some of the pronunciations may not be strictly, technically correct, but they are the way we usually hear the terms pronounced.  Unfortunately, what is usually heard among English speakers is a mix of Ashkenazic and Sefardic pronunciations.  We have tried to present the Sefardic pronunciation as much as possible, but some things are never heard pronounced that way! Guide to pronunciation:
  • ' - a vowel that is not quite pronounced; a very short e a - as in a t ah - as in f a ther ahy - as in m y aw -as in awe (often used as awr to sound like or ay - as in w ay e - as in b e t ee - as in m e i - as in i t oh - as in h o pe oo - as in f oo d uh - as in u p u - as in p u t kh - as in Scottish or German, a throat clearing noise tsch - as in ch air ts - as in pain ts
13 Principles of Faith
The most widely accepted list of Jewish beliefs , compiled by Maimonides
613 Commandments
Judaism teaches that God gave the Jews 613 commandments, which are binding on Jews but not on non-Jews.  See

98. Hebrew Academy Parsha Sheet
of a person saying Neilah, the closing prayer on yom kippur. On HoshanahRabah one year, someone offered him a card on which were printed the
Back to This Week's Parsha Previous issues
Rabbi A. Leib Scheinbaum Hebrew Academy of Cleveland
Between Paran and Tofel and Lavan, and Chatzeiros and Di Zahav. (1:1) Rashi explains that these names are all allusions to a variety of sins committed by the people. Paran is a reference to the wilderness of Paran from where the meraglim, spies, were sent out. In an alternative explanation, Rashi says that Chatzeiros also refers to the sin of the spies, since Chatzeiros is where Miriam was punished for speaking ill of Moshe Rabbeinu. Moshe said to them, "You should have learned a lesson about lashon hora, defamatory speech, from what Hashem did to Miriam at Chatzeiros. Yet, you went ahead and spoke against Hashem and Eretz Yisrael." We wonder why it was necessary to rebuke them twice for the same sin. The Maharal m'Prague explains that the first rebuke was for the actual sin of speaking disparagingly. The second reproach was specifically for not learning a lesson from the incident of Miriam. Exclusive of the actual sin is another indiscretion - that of a failure to derive a deterrent from what happened to Miriam as a result of her strong criticism of Moshe. One who sees the effect of a sin and does not take note to correct his own ways is by the omission itself committing a sin. These are the words which Moshe spoke… between Paran and Tofel and Lavan. (1:1)

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