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21. What Does The Name “Rosh Hashanah” Teach Us?
What is the connection between rosh Hashanah and the creation of the world? Also blown to signify the conclusion of the yom kippur holiday.

22. The Holidays Of God—Fall Feasts
The Feast Of Trumpets (rosh Hashanah) The Day Of Atonement (yom kippur) He was a living sacrifice, sanctified, and spiritual” (rosh hoshanah—Its

The Holidays Of God Chart
The Feast Of Trumpets ( Rosh Hashanah ...
Managing Editors: David Sper, Dean Ohlman
Cover Photo: Tony Stone Images
If observant Jewish people are right, the ancient festival cycle of Israel is a timeless source of spiritual renewal. If those who call themselves messianic believers are right, the seven holidays of God are more than mere Jewish tradition. Those who believe that the Messiah has already made an appearance believe He fulfilled the spiritual meaning of the first four feasts, leaving the three final feasts for fulfillment in the last days. Martin R. De Haan II, President of RBC Ministries
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With these words, the Lord of Israel established an annual cycle of holidays that are still observed in Jewish communities all over the world. Whether these communities are Orthodox, Conservative, or Reform; whether they are Russian, Yemenite, or American, these feasts form a common thread in global Jewish culture. about Jewish culture. Even though they are linked to the harvest cycle of the land of Israel, and even though the festival calendar is used to retell stories of Jewish life and origins, these holidays provide a panorama of history that has strong implications for all of the families of the earth. Seen individually and together, these feasts paint a compelling picture of the past, present, and future work of a Messiah who is the source of life, hope, and peace for all the nations of the world. As we saw in

23. Fall Wisdom 2003
For the 5 days before the Full Moon (yom kippur), it is a time for forgiveness and This year, rosh hoshanah (Sept. 6) came BEFORE Equinox (Sept. 22). wisdom 2003.htm
Fall Wisdom 2003 On this page you will find tidbits of wisdom collected from the Celestial
Storehouse of Information.
For more detailed info, stay tuned for news regarding the next presentation of the LightHouse Lecture Series (lecture notes available). Check back frequently for updates! Winter Wisdom Mid-Winter Wisdom Springtime Wisdom Mid-Spring Wisdom ... Mid-Fall Wisdom by Tchiya Amet
Fall Equinox 2003: September 23, 2003 But Fall begins when the Sun crosses into Libra, right? Not necessarily! The Sun moved into Virgo on September 16. Rosh Hashanah "should" begin when the New Moon is in Libra, right? Maybe yes, maybe no. It is different every year. (see more below, in the discussion from 2002.) This year, let's do an experiment. Make your own observations of the moon, and write to me . I will post these observations here. How can we tell? We must observe the crescent moon the days before and after the new moon, which is on September 25. I would make observations on the Equinox, the 23rd, and through September 27, which is during Rosh Hashanah. You won't need a telescope. According to the ephemeris, this year's Rosh Hashanah has a lot of Scorpio energy: Moon goes into Scorpio on that day. Look for Jupiter in Virgo and Venus in Libra to help you find your way. Go back to the

24. Prophecy And Current Events Is Rosh Ha'Shanah The Rapture? Part 2
Feast of Trumpets (rosh Ha Shanah). Day of Atonement (yom kippur) The liturgyfor hoshanah Rabbah says that the Messiah will come to the Mount of Olives
Prophecy and Current Events
Rosh Ha'Shanah - Is it the Rapture? - Part 2
By: Vince Aquilino
To His Glory Ministries
Rosh Ha'Shanah - Is it the Rapture? - Part 1 Rosh Ha'Shanah - Is it the Rapture? - Part 3 Rosh Ha'Shanah - Is it the Rapture? - Part 4 Will some Rosh Ha'Shanah around the turn of the century [some have calculated a possible date as late as 2012], be the start of a new page in history some say the rapture, others say the start of the tribulation. But I say it is very difficult to understand Biblical prophecy unless you have an understanding of the Jewish Festivals and the Jewish idioms of the first century. For example, consider 1 Cor 13:12 which says: "For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face." To the first century Jews, "face to face", was an idiom for Yom Kippur (as will be explained later in this article). The statement by Jesus that "no man knows the day or hour but only the Father," is often used as a baseball bat to beat anyone who would dare suggest a possible date for the rapture into a deathly silence. It is bantered about as the proof text that you should not even consider suggesting a possible date, but, in fact, such a stance is contrary to the whole counsel of God. What does the Bible say about looking into the time and circumstances of the Lord's return? The answer may surprise you.

25. What's New
is a story about asking for help perfect for rosh hoshanah and for any time In the middle of yom kippur services, the stranger gets up to leave.
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The Baal Shem Tov

Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav
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on the Hasidic Stories Home Page Updated as of Tuesday, August 5, 2003 Table of Contents: TOP OF PAGE Home
The entire site has been tweaked for better compliance with the HTML 4.0 standard. This should result in improved performance on Netscapte Navigator and some other browsers. March 10, 2003
Now, you can easily order recordings of Hasidic and other tales, via the secure server on the Hasidic Stories Home Page On-Line Store
Announcing a new service: monthly, free, email updates when stories or articles are added to this site. Never miss a new story again! You may even choose to have the entire new feature story emailed to you when it is posted. TOP OF PAGE Stories Hasidic stories themselves, although ideally told in-person, nonetheless retain much of their power in printed form. To reduce any confusion about which stories are traditional adapted from Hasidic tradition, or

26. Religion: Learn About The Different Religions Of The World
Page devoted to rosh Hashanah and yom kippur, Jewish High Holy Days. on theWeb Back to Top Jewish holidays, rosh hoshanah, yom kippur and Sukkot.
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From KidLink. Holiday calendar with information on the
holidays, countries, authors, and month.

27. Shabbat Shalom The Weekly Parsha Commentary - Parshat
After rosh Hashanah, on yom kippur, all Israel come and afflict themselves, yom kippur? To teach you that on rosh Hashanah The Holy One, Blessed Be He,
Click here to receive the weekly parsha by email each week.
Transience and Lack of Acquisitiveness as Expressions of Faith
The mitzvah of Sukkah requires a temporary dwelling (Sukkah 2a). The author of the Baal Haakeida wrote that the simple reason [behind the command] is to suggest to man that he make do in this world with only that which is necessary, like a temporary dwelling capable of housing only his head, most of his body, and his table. For this world is a temporary dwelling; all the acquisitions of this world - houses, fields, vineyards - do not provide him with a dependable foundation, and all are eventually lost to him. This is the meaning of " And they journeyed from Rameses. " "An Easy Mitzvah Have I, and Sukkah Is Its Name": ' Socheh' is one who finds shelter in the name of God, and needs nothing, and makes do with a temporary dwelling for the hour, for he who worries about tomorrow is deficient in faith. A temporary dwelling for the moment is sufficient, and this is

28. Jewish Holiday
1 rosh Hashanah 2 yom kippur 3 Sukkot 4 Simchat Torah 5 Chanukah The seventhday (fifth of the intermediate days) is called hoshanah Rabbah and has a
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Jewish holiday
The Jewish calendar has a number of festival, fast days and days of remembrance collectively known as holidays The denominations of Reconstructionist Judaism and Reform Judaism generally regard Jewish law relating to all these holidays as important, but no longer binding. Orthodox Judaism and Conservative Judaism hold that Jewish law relating to these days are still normative (i.e. to be accepted as binding.) There are a number of differences in religious practices between Orthodox and Conservative Jews because these denominations have distinct ways of understanding the process of how Jewish law has historically developed, and thus how it can still develop. Nonetheless, both of these groups have nearly identical teachings about how to observe these holidays. Table of contents showTocToggle("show","hide") 1 Rosh Hashanah
2 Yom Kippur

3 Sukkot

4 Simchat Torah
19 Shabbat (the Sabbath)
Rosh Hashanah
  • Erev Rosh Hashanah (evening of the first day) - Elul 29 Rosh Hashanah - Tishri 1
The Jewish spiritual New Year . The Mishna sets this day aside as the new year for calculating calendar years, sabbatical and jubilee years, vegetable tithes, and tree-planting (determining the age of a tree). According to Jewish legend, the creation of the world was finished on Tishri 1. This holiday is characterized by the blowing of the

29. Sermon
The ten days between rosh hoshanah and yom kippur gives us a chance to atone to He divides his time between teaching and two other activities he helps
Unitarian Universalist
SERMONS AT FIRST CHURCH Tikkun Olam: Building God
Rev. Edmund Robinson
First Church in Belmont
September 19, 2004 The High Holy days are a time we can ask, what is out of balance here in our individual lives, and what is out of balance in our collective lives. The ten days between Rosh Hoshanah and Yom Kippur gives us a chance to atone to those we have individually wronged, but individual atonement does not set the scales right. Not only are there serious imbalances in the distribution of wealth, but the mechanisms designed to alleviate these injustices lie broken or compromised. We seem to be headed towards greater inequality, not less. I want to explore this morning a way of looking at this from the standpoint of medieval Jewish mysticism s found in the kabbalah tradition. Let me begin with this story from Martin Buber's "Tales of the Hasidim": Rabbi Barukh's grandson Yehiel was once playing hide and seek with his friend. He hid himself well and waited for his playmate to find him. After waiting a long time, he emerged from his hiding place to discover that his friend had gone home. Now Yehiel understood that his friend had never bothered to look for him and he cried to his grandfather over his friend's faithlessness. Rabbi Barukh cried as well. "Even God cries," said the maggid. "God says, 'I hide and no one wants to find me.'"

30. Judaism For Beginners | Lessons
The practice of taking willow twigs on hoshanah Rabbah was instituted in During the preceding holidays rosh Hashanah and yom kippur - Satan incites
Judaism for Beginners
edited by Pamela Granovetter of Netanya, Israel
Lesson 53 Part One - The Weekly Torah Portion: HaAzinu

>From "Living Each Week" by Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, MD, Mesorah Publications, 1992, pp. 454: "Listen, heavens, for I will speak . . . My teaching shall drop as the rain" (Deuteronomy 32:1-2) "The Rabbi of Kotzk interpreted the Hebrew text as 'Listen to heavenliness.'
"A person may train his ear to be sensitive to music, and to be able to distinguish shades of tones that the untrained ear cannot perceive. Similarly, says the Rabbi of Kotzk, our ears may be so accustomed to hearing only mundane matters that we are essentially deaf to spiritual messages, and although they may be communicated to us, we fail to perceive them. We must train our ears to be receptors of spirituality. . . . "'My teachings shall drop as rain.' Rain that falls on the tilled field promotes growth, and brings forth the treasures contained within the earth. On the unprepared field, however, rain only turns the soil into mud." [How does one train oneself to be receptors of spirituality? Study Torah! - P.G.]

31. The High Holy Days And Christian Faith
of rosh Hashanah (new year or Festival of Trumpets), yom kippur (Day of It was also the time of hoshanah Rabbah, the great shout of praise. 14/53_6.htm
The High Holy Days and Christian Faith by Dr. John D. Garr T he system of praise, worship, and service which God, himself, gave to the Jewish people, known by the time of Christ as Judaism, included daily, weekly, monthly, seasonal, and generational reminders that summoned the Jewish people to celebrate the magnificent works of God in their behalf. These remembrances constituted a major part of the worship which Yahweh prescribed for his people. They included three hours of prayer daily, the weekly Shabbat, monthly new moon celebrations, and the festivals of Passover, Unleavened Bread, Firstfruits, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement, and Tabernacles. God knew full well that the all-too-human beings he had created were inclined to forget their connection with the Divine. For that reason, he instituted a system of remembrance, using the calendar that he had designed in the beginning when he flung the stars, sun, moon, and planets into space and ordained them to be for "signs, seasons, days, and years" (Genesis 1:14). One seventh of God’s creation was the institution of a day of rest which God never personally needed! Enervation? The Omnipotent never experienced it! God instituted Shabbat as a weekly marker in time to remind man that the universe had been "created" by God and that man, himself, did not evolve from some primordial ooze. Only one of the Ten Words that were thundered at Sinai by the Word of God’s shofar concerned remembrance: "

32. FORWARD : Rosh Hashana
teach me thy way, O Lord, and lead me in an even path, because of my enemies . Lord is my light refers to rosh Hashana; My salvation to yom kippur;
SEPTEMBER 7, 2001 current issue back issues subscribe
A Prayer Centers Worried Worshippers in the Weighty Days of Awe
Recited Morning and Evening for a Month, David's Psalm 27 Echoes Moses' Quest To See the Divine Presence
By SHMUEL HERZFELD Psalm 27 Of David. (Koren Publishers Jerusalem) Ashkenazi Jews traditionally recite Psalm 27 morning and evening for an entire month before Rosh Hashana until the holiday of Hoshanah Rabbah , from the terminus ad quo to the terminus ad quem of the Days of Awe. Thus this psalm, more than any other prayer, frames the liturgical services of these days. Different reasons are suggested as a basis for this practice. The Midrash comments that 'The Lord is my light' refers to Rosh Hashana; 'My salvation' to Yom Kippur; and 'he shall hide me in his pavilion ( be'sukko )' to the holiday of Sukkot. Others find reasons embedded in the psalm itself. Some point to the unusual word lu'le , which spelled backward, is Elul, the name for the Hebrew month preceding Rosh Hashana. The Masoretes notably place dots above this word, thereby highlighting its significance and increasing its value. The word begins an elliptical verse near the psalm's end: Were it not that I believed that I should see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

33. Calculating The Jewish Calendar
The Adventists, while they teach and observe the Jewish Sabbath, yom kippur (Tishri10) cannot fall on a Friday. hoshanah Rabba (Tishri 21) must not
Calculating the Jewish Calendar
(How to learn to love truly "moveable" feasts)
By Stinger
Much confusion exists as to how dates for the Jewish Festivals, so popular among a few at this time of the year, are actually calculated. A small minority of "Christian" groups still observe these days. These groups are mainly split-offs from the Seventh-day Adventists. The Adventists, while they teach and observe the Jewish Sabbath, do not regard these festivals as anything special. But many groups do, including those founded by Herbert Armstrong, who took much of his theology from the Seventh-day Adventists and the Church of God, Seventh Day (which later revoked his credentials as a minister for "conduct unbecoming." But that's another story for another time.) Armstrongites, as they are commonly called, were never given any explanation as to how these days were calculated. The have had to rely on faith that their leaders know how to calculate these days, which is really a biblical task reserved for the Rabbis. And they acknowledge this authority, or have certainly never disputed it (except curiously enough in the case of the Jewish Passover here they dogmatically insist that they are right and that all the Rabbis and Jewish scholars are wrong).

34. "LIVING WITH MOSHIACH," Parshat Ha'azinu, 5764
The Rebbe explained that these two incidents teach us that when, The sevendays between rosh HaShanah and yom kippur are an opportunity to do teshuvah
Text Only
Parshat Ha'azinu, 5764
Tishrei 7, 5764
Oct. 3, 2003
Your Yom Kippur Guide
Oct. 6, 2003 This week's issue is sponsored
in part by:
Mitzvahland - One Stop Judaica Shop

Dedicated to educating the public regarding the current situation in Israel, based on Torah sources, with special emphasis on the opinion and teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe
A Jewish Response To Terrorism
NOTE: The Table of Contents contains links to the text. Click on an entry in the Table of Contents and you will move to the information selected.

35. "LIVING WITH MOSHIACH," Erev Sukkot, 5764
Just as the seven solemn days between rosh HaShanah and yom kippur serve to make hoshanah Rabbah see above hoshanah Rabbah ; Light Shabbat yom Tov
Text Only
Erev Sukkot, 5764
Tishrei 14, 5764
Oct. 10, 2003
Your Sukkot - Simchat Torah Guide
Tishrei 14-23, 5764
Oct. 10-19, 2003 This week's issue is sponsored
in part by:
Mitzvahland - One Stop Judaica Shop

Dedicated to educating the public regarding the current situation in Israel, based on Torah sources, with special emphasis on the opinion and teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe
A Jewish Response To Terrorism
NOTE: The Table of Contents contains links to the text. Click on an entry in the Table of Contents and you will move to the information selected.
Maimonides, Principles of the Faith, No. 12

36. Untitled Document
Come celebrate rosh hoshanah with Storahtelling and me as we revisit the narrative Find out what yom kippur is really all about as Storahtelling and I

37. 8 Time
What preparations should one make before rosh Hashanah and yom kippur? teaching that the final judgment of rosh Hashanah is sealed on hoshanah Rabbah,
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The Hebrew year leads the English year by 3760. Hence in 2003, the Hebrew year is 5763. A simple rule to remember is that the year modulo 10 is the same. More properly this is the Hebrew year between January 1 st
Equation 8-1 : Converting from English Year to Hebrew Year
Hebrew year = English year + 37
Jan 1 st
Hebrew year = English year + 37
In this century this would be the year 5707. The corresponding English year would be:
Equation 8-2 : Execution of Ten Nazi Leaders
The Nurnberg tribunal executed ten former Nazi leaders on Oct. 16 th
Rosh Hashanah that year was September 26 th , 1946, so we use the 2 nd formula
Text : Execution of the Ten Sons of Haman The ten sons of Haman, son of Hamdas, oppressor of the Jews, they killed.
Dimensions [TABLE]
Holidays sanctify time in our world. Judaism emphasizes the sanctity of time over space. In the Tree of Life, the transition from Hochmah to Binah, past conscious to future conscious, denotes time. The six sefirot from Hesed to Yesod are the six directions denoting space. The crown sefira Keter with Malchuts denotes the moral dimension of reality. Table : Jewish Dimensions Sefira Sefira Meaning Dimension Keter Crown Hochmah Wisdom Binah Understanding Hesed Kindness South Gevurah Severity North Tiferet Beauty East Netzah Victory Up Hod Thankfulness Down Yesod Foundation West Malchut Kingdom
Months [TABLE]
G-d created the constellations with the twelve elemental Hebrew letters in their respective order.

38. Glossary Of Terms
The Ten Days of Repentance between rosh HaShanah and yom kippur, hoshanah Sukkotprayer. hoshanah Rabbah holiday at end of Succot

39. Velveteen Rabbi: November 2003
rosh Hashanah, yom kippur, Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, hoshanah Rabbah, What if we offered periodic teaching services, designed to teach people how to
Velveteen Rabbi
"When can I run and play with the real rabbis?"
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With hearts and minds and voices
Two summers ago, I spent a week at Elat Chayyim studying tikkun olam with Arthur Waskow. The class was small and our discussions far-ranging. Fortunately, I kept some notes: jottings, really, not connected enough to capture everything we said, but enough to spark excitement when I look back over what I transcribed. One of the gems I scribbled was the quote "Prayer is useless unless it shatters pyramids and loosens the calluses on the heart." Arthur attributed it to Abraham Joshua Heschel, although he couldn't remember what book or essay it comes from. (If any of you can enlighten me, I'd be grateful.)

40. Sukkot
Sukkot falls shortly after rosh Hashanah and yom kippur but is It is alsotraditional to recite the hoshanah Psalm while circling around the synagogue.
Sukkot Immediately after the break-fast for Yom Kippur, preparations are to be made for Sukkot. Sukkot falls shortly after Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur but is associated more with Passover and Shavuot. Leviticus 23:33-41 Sukkot is the last of the seven feasts. It falls on the last seven days of the seventh month and we are commanded to observe it seven times. Seven is the number of completion as seen in Genesis 2:2 when God’s work was completed in seven days. The number seven plays special significance in this, the final fall feast. What is Sukkot? Sukkot is first mentioned in the Bible as the name of the first stopping place of the Israelites on their journey out of Egypt in Exodus. Genesis 33:17 “Ya’acov went on to Sukkot, where he built himself a house and put up shelters for his cattle. This is why the place is called Sukkot [shelters].” The word "sukkot" actually means "woven". These shelters (booths) were woven together from branches and leaves to protect the animals from the sun, so sukkot later came to mean the hut or booth with the "woven" roof. Since we are commanded to build a hut or booth on this holiday as a reminder of G-d's sheltering care for us, this feast is called "Sukkot". (One booth is a "sukkah", and being a feminine noun, in Hebrew the plural becomes "sukkot".)

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