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21. Indigenous romani Rights Web A Compendium of Gypsy Resources on the Internet Crosspoint Roma peoples by Russian Association of indigenous peoples of the North http://globalcircle.net/00indigenous.htm | |
22. The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Indigenous Studies CWIS George Manuel Librar Federation of indigenous peoples of the Philippines (KAMP) Igorot Classifiedby Political romani Nation. Association of Gypsies/romani International http://www.cwis.org/wwwvl/indig-vl.html | |
23. Startsiden ABC An Introduction to the Sami People Association of Gypsies / romani International indigenous peoples of Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania http://home.no.net/studyweb/indigen.html | |
24. .: EUROPEAN ROMA RIGHTS CENTER :. Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of indigenous peoples and Minorities romani language translation of the ERRC pamphlet Recognising and http://www.errc.org/Translations_index.php | |
25. .: EUROPEAN ROMA RIGHTS CENTER :. the Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of indigenous peoples andMinorities International Convenant on Civil and Political Rights in romani http://www.errc.org/Romani_index.php | |
26. SMSU Libraries Working for the Rights and Recognition of indigenous peoples . The People sPaths Home Page AIMS Unreached People Group Profies. Gypsies/romani http://library.smsu.edu/resources/fourth.shtml |
27. Anthropology Cultural Survival, founded in 1972, helps indigenous peoples and ethnic groupsdeal as equals Current events of concern to romani people and scholars, http://www.mathematik.uni-kl.de/~hunt/anthro.html | |
28. Cyndi's List - Unique Peoples & Cultures The Patrin Web Journal romani (Gypsy) Culture and History those with a mixof the indigenous peoples of the Western Hemisphere and Europeans or those http://www.cyndislist.com/peoples.htm | |
29. "the People's Paths!" NAIIP News Path - Desecration Of Burial Sites & Display Of Presented by Marie Samuel, Yachay Wasi (DPI) and International romani Therefore any symbols of the genocide of indigenous peoples should be outlawed. http://www.yvwiiusdinvnohii.net/articles/990424IndigRights.htm | |
30. Error The romani experience parallels that of many indigenous peoples; weÂve beenassimilated, massacred, sterilised, enslaved and patronised. http://www.theecologist.co.uk/archive_article.html?article=157&category=77 |
31. WCC Special Fund To Combat Racism Grants This organization of indigenous peoples accompanies local initiatives in the CEREOC, a romani nongovernmental organization, through the romani Legal http://www.wcc-coe.org/wcc/news/press/01/46pre.html | |
32. WCC SPECIAL FUND TO COMBAT RACISM - 21 PROJECTS RECEIVE GRANTS romani CRISS Roma Centre for Social Intervention and Studies, Bucharest, For CPA s project Alliance Education Campaign on indigenous peoples Rights http://www.wcc-coe.org/wcc/news/press/99/43pre.html | |
33. UNITED NATIONS Press Release Xxxxxxxxxx NON-GOVERNMENTAL The report said that the rate of attendance of romani children in primary schoolhad increased children, the elderly, minorities and indigenous peoples. http://www.unhchr.ch/huricane/huricane.nsf/0/61B9BECB460952C8C1256E83004C2D12?op |
34. Global Education Design Team :: Seattle Central Community College indigenous peoples are always our closest allies. Red Bandanna has also donefundraisers for other romani groups like The Voice of Roma based in Oakland http://www.seattlecentral.org/gedt/events/index.php | |
35. Emerging States And Unrepresented Peoples - Global Policy Forum Meeting in Poland, romani delegates warn that Âsociety wants to assimilate the Roma . Historically, the Australian government forced indigenous peoples http://www.globalpolicy.org/nations/sovereign/sover/emerg.htm | |
36. Wfn.org | WCC Special Fund To Combat Racism Grants support to women suffering under racism, and the situation of indigenous peoples . Central European romani Educational Opportunities Centre (CEREOC), http://www.wfn.org/2001/12/msg00063.html | |
37. CRIN: Themes United Nations Guide for indigenous peoples (Guidelines) of the Child witha transaltion of the CRC into romani and listing of recent publications. http://www.crin.org/themes/showThemeAll.asp?ID=6&name=Discrimination |
38. NativeWeb Home Documents in support of indigenous peoples in the development cooperation of the Aims to inform and educate, inspire and tell about the romani people, http://www.nativeweb.org/resources.php?name=Europe & Russia&type=2&location=322 |
39. B O R D E R L A N D S E-journal In Article 27 indigenous peoples have the right to restitution of the lands, The romani case illustrates how political ideology that thick layer of http://www.borderlandsejournal.adelaide.edu.au/vol1no2_2002/trask_restitution.ht | |
40. AWID - Announcements struggling for the rights of indigenous peoples and AfroPeruvians. 10) HumanRights Guide for romani Activists / Translations of the Guide http://www.awid.org/go_new.php?list=announcements&prefix=announcements&item=0021 |
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