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161. CC The Harlem Renaissance http://www.coloradocollege.edu/Dept/EN/Courses/EN370/EN3707117Garcia/ |
162. Renaissance Architecture - Great Buildings Online Images and information on renaissance buildings and their architects, provided by Great Buildings Online. http://www.greatbuildings.com/types/styles/renaissance.html | |
163. Dragons Hallow Supplier of renaissance and Medieval leather goods, weapons, armor, costume patterns, and jewelry for Faires and similar events; on line catalog and ordering information, based in Mill Creek, Washington. http://www.geocities.com/dragonshallow | |
164. Faustus A look at Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus, including a description of Elizabethan perspectives on the occult and Faust's magic. http://virtual.park.uga.edu/~cdesmet/tiffany/faustus.htm | |
165. Historical European Martial Arts HEMA collects and distributes useful information for those researching authentic martial arts and fighting systems of medieval and renaissance Europe. http://www.hema.freehomepage.com | |
166. JAG: Age of Renaissance Review Article by Fred Schachter contains explanation of game mechanics and statistics. http://www.jerseygamers.com/reviews/aor.html | |
167. The Medieval & Renaissance Cookery Webring Webring for all internet sites featuring Medieval and renaissance food, drink, cooking, and feasts. http://www.godecookery.com/mrcookwr/mrcookwr.htm | |
168. RENAISSANCE & BAROQUE ITALIAN ARCHITECTURE High renaissance and Cinquecento ITALIAN renaissance SCULPTURE Quattrocento ITALIAN SCULPTURE High renaissance and Cinquecento http://arthist.cla.umn.edu/aict/html/renbrq.html |
169. Vintage Posters, Fine Reproduction Art And Reproduction Oil Paintings Reproduction oil paintings of French, English, Classical, renaissance and Impressionist masters, including still lifes, animals and portraits. http://www.mezzo-mondo.com/ | |
170. THAIS.IT - Italian Sculptures Explore and see pictures of sculpture from the Romanesque and early Middle Ages through Gothic, renaissance, Baroque, and modern times. Also has artists and locality index. Text is in English and Italian. http://www.thais.it/scultura/default_uk.htm | |
171. Drama A history of renaissance Drama from its Medieval Origins to the Closing of the Theatres. http://athena.english.vt.edu/~jmooney/renmats/drama.htm | |
172. Learning To Look At The World s and photographs of materials found in the Vatican library. Two galleries, one for botanical illustrations and writings dating back to the 10th century, the other for works created in renaissance Rome....... http://archive.ncsa.uiuc.edu/SDG/Experimental/vatican.exhibit/exhibit/g-nature/N | |
173. Medieval And Renaissance Food Homepage Articles, recipes, and summaries of books about renaissance and Medieval cooking. http://www.pbm.com/~lindahl/food.html | |
174. Civilization Of The Renaissance In Italy Middlemore translation from the second edition in one continuous web page. http://www.jollyroger.com/library/CivilizationoftheRenaissanceinItalyebook.html | |
175. Sierra Madre Games Has Moved! Set at the end of the Dark Ages, each player starts as a Merchant Prince of a European Duchy, operating a bank or merchant company speculating in the silk trade, and as a military or financial advisor to one of the great empires, advising their suzerains in matters of conquest, ship building, and the construction of cathedrals and libraries. http://www.fatmessiahgames.com/smg/renaissance.html | |
176. Renaissance De L'Orgue De St-Louis Orgue construit en 1997 par D. Londe d'apr¨s Silbermann. Activit©s de l'association et autres orgues de la ville. http://orgue.st.louis.free.fr/ | |
177. Arizona Renaissance Wedding Reception Medieval Weddings Resource for planning a renaissance or Wicca Wedding in Arizona. http://arizona-renaissance-wedding.20m.com/ | |
178. Compagnie Maitre Guillaume Danse et musique de la renaissance fran§aise bals, concerts, spectacles, formations, stages, publications (cahiers, disques, lettres d'information). Direction artistique Sophie Rousseau. http://webcmg.org/ |
179. Jean Toomer A short introduction to the writer, and study questions about Blood Burning Moon. http://www.rlc.dcccd.edu/annex/COMM/english/mah8420/JeanToomer.html | |
180. The Journal Of Modern History An American journal for the study of European intellectual, political, and cultural history since the renaissance. http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/JMH/ | |
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