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81. A1-Termpaper 1-800-Termpaper Medieval Art To Renaissance Art Termpaper Termpaper Inventory of prewritten reports on the subject of Medieval Art to renaissance art for academic research for students needing model termpapers dissertations http://www.a1-termpaper.com/art-ren.shtml | |
82. Art Professor Diane Ahl Spearheads Reinterpretation Of Renaissance Painting A specialist in Italian renaissance art, Ahl was drawn to the opportunity to assemble fresh Masaccio is considered a founder of renaissance art. http://www.lafayette.edu/news.php/view/347 | |
83. Arcadian Galleries Reproduction Oil Paintings renaissance art at Arcadian Galleries. Here you will find the very best of = http://www.mezzo-mondo.com/myart/Renaissance/art.html | |
84. WebMuseum: Famous Artworks Exhibition Comprehensive and well organized site that offers rich images and concise historical context for artists and art movements ranging from Gothic and renaissance to Impressionism and Pop. http://www.ibiblio.org/wm/paint/ | |
85. A Fine Art Image Gallery A virtual gallery of some of the most famous Italian renaissance painters, featuring Masaccio, Masolino, Caravaggio, Raphael, and Leonardo. http://www.christusrex.org/www2/art/gallery.htm | |
86. Mark Harden's Artchive: Sculpture Garden - RENAISSANCE Click Here Advertising information art Screensavers your purchase helps the artchive! artchive Sculpture Garden - renaissance http://www.artchive.com/sculpture/renaissance_sculpture.html | |
87. Art In Renaissance England art in renaissance England. The topics in this section include External link The art Guide (UK) has some renaissance images. A huntsman http://ise.uvic.ca/Library/SLT/literature/artsubj.html | |
88. Art Of The Renaissance Fanlisting Welcome to the approved fanlisting for the art of the renaissance. This fanlisting is dedicated to the 15th and 16th century artistic movement of Italy and http://fans.opiatexposure.org/renaissance/ | |
89. Web Gallery Of Art, Image Collection, Virtual Museum, Searchable Database Of Eur Web Gallery of art, image collection, virtual museum and searchable database of European fine arts (painting, sculpture) of the Gothic, renaissance, http://www.wga.hu/ | |
90. Shakespeare Life, the Elizabethan theater, renaissance society, politics, music, and art. http://web.uvic.ca/shakespeare/ | |
91. About Art History - Renaissance To Early Modern Art - 1400 - 1880 High renaissance to Early Modern art 1400 - 1880 This section ambitiously covers art from (roughly) 1400 - 1880, or the renaissance to Impressionism. http://arthistory.about.com/od/renaissanceart/ | |
92. ArtLex On The Northern Renaissance Northern renaissance defined with images of examples from art history, great quotations, and links to other resources. http://www.artlex.com/ArtLex/n/northernrenaissance.html | |
93. Renaissance Sculpture A gallery of photos, grouped according to the period in which the works were created. http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/avp/cas/fnart/art/ren_italy/ren_sculpture01.html | |
94. J.-E Berger Foundation: THE ENCHANTED GARDENS OF THE RENAISSANCE A visual tour of three renaissance Gardens and their relationship to the art of the period. http://www.bergerfoundation.ch/Jardin/index_english.html | |
95. RENAISSANCE renaissance antecedents are found in the Italy of 13th century, eventough it doesn t find its best expression before the 15th century in Florence, http://www.tam.itesm.mx/art/renac/irenac01.htm | |
96. NGA - Italian Painting 16th Century Global Navigation. National Gallery of art THE COLLECTION Titian and the Late renaissance in Venice Venetian Painting in the Later Sixteenth Century http://www.nga.gov/collection/gallery/ita16.shtm | |
97. NGA - Italian Painting 15th Century Global Navigation. National Gallery of art THE COLLECTION Not only did the renaissance bring new, more naturalistic styles, but also increased http://www.nga.gov/collection/gallery/ita15.shtm | |
98. Harlem Renaissance A collection of art, poetry, and prose. Includes a link to subscribe to an email discussion list. http://www.nku.edu/~diesmanj/harlem.html | |
99. Renaissance Gallery Of Fine Art, Carnegie, PA A fine art gallery featuring originals, limited editions, sculptures and tapestries by over 250 national and international artists including Peeters, Jiang, http://www.ren-art.com/ | |
100. BigEye - Medieval, Renaissance And Baroque Art A resources for medieval, renaissance, and baroque art including informatio on great masters and their works. http://www.bigeye.com/artmedi.htm | |
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