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101. REAUTHORIZATION OF THE IDEA Principle 3 CSAVR supports rigorous education programs that establish and Principle 9 For those transitioning special education students who have http://www.rehabnetwork.org/textonly/Positon papers/reauth_idea.htm | |
102. Hillside Rehabilitation Hospital Offers comprehensive physical rehabilitation programs for patients with brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, strokes, muscoloskeletal disorders, and other illnesses and injuries. (Warren) http://www.hillside-rehab.org |
103. Counseling, Special Education & Rehabilitation Department of Counseling, special Education, rehabilitation. Our special Education program offers the Preliminary Level I (including an Internship http://education.csufresno.edu/cser/ | |
104. Drug-Arm Offering drug awareness resources and programs. Fact sheets, drug information list, resource lending library, and organisation details included. http://www.drugarm.com.au/ | |
105. Physical Solutions Customized personal training programs and rehabilitation therapy. http://physicalsolutionsnc.com | |
106. Rehabilitation Services For Students With Disabilities - Special Education Since 1927, the Massachusetts Public Vocational rehabilitation Program, While special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities http://www.doe.mass.edu/sped/2002/news/0905let.html | |
107. Mike Utley Foundation Dedicated to finding a cure for spinal cord injuries and to providing financial support of selected research, rehabilitation and education programs. http://www.mikeutley.org/ |
108. Pope John Paul II Program For The Children's Concerns >>>>>>>>>>>> special Education and rehabilitation Program for CWDs. Children with disabilities need a special Program so that they can also be productive despite their http://assisifoundation.mariansolidarity.com/JP-4.html | |
109. Elite Athlete Training Systems, Inc. Information on sports specific training for athletes of all ages, high school to professional. Also postrehabilitation and fitness programs. http://www.eliteathletetraining.com/ | |
110. The University Of Tennessee Regional Rehabilitation Continuing Education Program Office of special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) The Office of special Education Region III rehabilitation Continuing Education Program http://web.utk.edu/~rrcep4ut/related.html | |
111. Urban Fitness :: Welcome Whether your goal is general fitness, rehabilitation, or simply to look better and be stronger, personal trainer Greg Lobkowski can customize programs based on your personal needs and wants. http://www.urbanfitnesssd.com | |
112. Pocono Wildlife Rehabilitation Center Nonprofit, allvolunteer organization that provides care for injured and orphaned wildlife of all species in northeastern Pennsylvania. Provides educational programs to the public. Includes membership subscription form and photos. Located in Stroudsburg. http://www.poconowildlife.org | |
113. SARBI Offers individually designed, physically based, rehabilitation programs to clients with severe acquired brain injury. http://s.a.r.b.i.tripod.com/sarbi/ | |
114. WOU: College Of Education The rehabilitation Counselor Education program at Western Oregon University was RC 540 Medical Aspects in special Education and rehabilitation http://www.wou.edu/education/sped/rc.html | |
115. RERC On Hearing Enhancement Home Page Conducts research programs that promote technological solutions to problems confronting people who are deaf or hard of hearing. http://www.hearingresearch.org/ | |
116. Rehabilitation (More than 500 disabled individuals benefited from this program. special education specialists and rehabilitation workers work with these individuals at http://www.palestinercs.org/services/rehab.htm | |
117. The Department Of Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation Guide to services, research projects, faculty, and educational programs. http://www.med.jhu.edu/rehab/ | |
118. Rehabilitation Council To advise and assist the general vocational rehabilitation program in the preparation of A representative of the special Education unit of the Office of http://www1.dshs.wa.gov/dvr/aboutdvr/rehab-council.htm | |
119. DORS Home Page Operates four businesses helping people with disabilities go to work or stay independent. programs and services, employer and volunteer information. http://www.dors.state.md.us/DORS/ | |
120. Vocational Rehabilitation Program Uses 21ST Century Communications, Mardeting An Vocational rehabilitation Program Uses 21ST Century Communications, Dr. Jan Holler, with a doctorate in special education from the University of http://www1.dshs.wa.gov/mediareleases/2002/pr02293.shtml | |
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