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61. Emporia State University -Counselor Education & Rehabilitations Programs In recent years, these special courses and workshops have covered subjects such as The primary objectives of this rehabilitation education program are http://www.emporia.edu/counre/rehab_servicesedu.htm | |
62. Divison Of Special Education And Counseling, Charter College Of Education, CSULA The graduate programs in special Education provides both a Master of Arts The program offers a Bachelor of Science Degree in rehabilitation Services. http://www.calstatela.edu/dept/sped/mainfram.htm | |
63. Www.GovExec.com - Advocates For Blind Fight Reorganization Of Education Agency ( The agency oversees 80 state vocational rehabilitation programs about 25 As assistant secretary for special education and rehabilitative services, http://www.govexec.com/story_page.cfm?articleid=31482&sid=6 |
64. Special Populations: Teachers National rehabilitation Information Center National Institute on Disability and Office of special Education programs (OSEP) Responsible for http://www.tenet.edu/teachers/specialpop.html | |
65. Programs Repealed During The 104th And 105th Congresses Loan Guarantees for Community rehabilitation programs Comprehensive rehabilitation Centers special Demonstration programs  special demonstration programs http://edworkforce.house.gov/legislation/repealed.htm | |
66. UNT Libraries, Government Information Connection, Rehabilitation Office of special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) Supports rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) Oversees programs that help http://www.library.unt.edu/govinfo/subject/rehab.html | |
67. Low Vision Rehabilitation Photo Low Vision rehabilitation programs prepare professionals in rehabilitation, rehabilitation teaching, special education, orientation and mobility, http://www.pco.edu/acad_progs/grad/lvr/gs_lvr.htm | |
68. Welcome To PEPNet, The Postsecondary Education Programs Network descriptions of these programs, lists career areas of study, and shows what special What are your concerns on the rehabilitation Act s future? http://www.pepnet.org/ | |
69. SCDD - Online Library California special Education programs A Composite of Laws, Hinkle, Paul D. California State Plan for Community rehabilitation programs http://www.edgateway.net/cs/scdd/search/lw?title=^C&x-o=50 |
70. Finding Aid For Northeastern University Department Of Rehabilitation And Special Title, Dept. of rehabilitation and special Education records Included are proposals for degree programs, research proposals, committee records, http://www.lib.neu.edu/archives/collect/findaids/a76find.htm | |
71. Special Education And Rehabilitation Current Journals in special Education and rehabilitation on subscription AAUAP American Association of University Affiliated programs for Persons with http://www.lib.uconn.edu/online/research/bysubject/pappanikou.htm | |
72. Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) - Home Page Oversees formula and discretionary grant programs that help individuals with physical or mental disabilities to obtain employment and live more independently. Features programs, publications, grants and funding. http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/osers/rsa/index.html?src=mr |
73. Rehabilitation Psychology And Special Education Other Ph.D. Minors in rehabilitation Psychology and in special Education The rehabilitation psychology program also prepares professionals at the http://www.wisc.edu/grad/catalog/ed/rehabpsy.html | |
74. Department Of Special Education And Rehabilitation Counseling Services Department of special Education, rehabilitation, and Counseling Services at Florida State programs. special EDUCATION. special Education Ph.D. Degree http://www.fsu.edu/~sercs/programs/ | |
75. Wildlife Rescue And Rehabilitation 24hr emergency hospital, post trauma and prerelease facility caring all birds and reptiles. Educational, volunteer, intern programs for children and adults. Charitable organization. Prospect Heights, IL. http://www.wildliferescue.org | |
76. CRAFSS, Brain Injury Rehabilition Center A postTBI facility located in Palm Harbor, Florida offering residential, outpatient, and home-based therapies as well as supportive living and employment programs. A recreational component is available along with training in safety, mobility, communication, interpersonal relations, and home management. http://www.crafss.org/ | |
77. Wildlife Rehabilitation  Southwest Iowa - Symbiotic Wildlife Rehabilitation As Committed to saving, rehabilitating, and releasing native wildlife back to the wild. Includes articles about rehabilitation, membership details, volunteer and donation programs. Located in Clarinda, Iowa. http://www.saveourcritters.com | |
78. Ohio Valley Center For Brain Injury Prevention And Rehabilitation Develops and distributes model programs of prevention, acute care and rehabilitation for people who have had brain injuries. Provides service to survivors, families and service providers on a national level. http://www.ohiovalley.org/ |
79. Welcome To St. Lawrence Rehabilitation Center In Lawrenceville, NJ offers a wide range of inpatient and outpatient services. Individualized comprehensive rehabilitation programs are prepared for every client. http://www.slrc.org |
80. DORS Home Page Promotes the employment, economic selfsufficiency and independence of individuals with disabilities. News, description of services, council members, Workforce and Technology Center programs, and how to apply for disability benefits. http://www.dors.state.md.us/ | |
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