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161. The Welsh Books Council,books Council,books Council For Wales,welsh Council For National body funded by the Welsh Assembly Government and committed to promoting reading and literacy in Wales. Information on services, best sellers with a Welsh interest, reviews and book lists. Welsh and English. http://www.cllc.org.uk/home.html | |
162. The Modern Era (1900 - 1945) The Conservatory at Humanities Web outlines the rise of postromantic music, rhythmic, harmonic, and tonal experimentation, and lists major composers with biographies, suggested reading, and additional resources. http://humanitiesweb.org/human.php?s=c&p=i&a=l&ID=8 |
163. College Bound Reading List College Bound reading List. Compiled by Arrowhead Library System. American Literature. Agee, James A Death in the Family Story of loss and heartbreak felt http://als.lib.wi.us/Collegebound.html | |
164. ALA | Booklists & Book Awards Links to YALSA s various selection lists and book awards including the Michael L. Books for Young Adults, and Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers. http://www.ala.org/ala/yalsa/booklistsawards/booklistsbook.htm | |
165. California Reading List (CRL) - Standardized Testing And Reporting (STAR) (CA De Based on your child s score on the (CAT/6) California Achievement Tests, Sixth Edition Survey reading Test, a specific list has been designated as http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/tg/sr/readinglist.asp | |
166. California Reading List Resource Pages Helps students find books matched to their reading levels on the California reading List. Includes interactive quizzes and printable bookmarks. http://www.californiareadinglist.com/ | |
167. Children's Literature - Best Books Lists If you have read everything on this list, you can consider yourself truly kidlit-erate. And you will be too old to be considered a child. http://www.acs.ucalgary.ca/~dkbrown/lists.html | |
168. CLWG: Children's Literature Web Guide *Readers Theatre *Lots of lists Recommended Books *Journals and Book Reviews *Resources for Teachers *Resources for Parents *Resources for Storytellers http://www.acs.ucalgary.ca/~dkbrown/ | |
169. Fyodor's Good Reading List Fyodor s Good reading List. The Hacker Howto. This excellent essay by Eric Raymond (ESR) gives very insightful instruction on how to become a respected http://www.insecure.org/reading.html | |
170. EC Comics From The Fifties EC titles, issues, genres and reprints. lists of selected readings about EC Comics and EC artists. In English or Finnish. http://www.sci.fi/~karielk/eccomics.htm | |
171. International Reading Association: Page Redirecting Security Privacy Policy © 19962004 International reading Association. All rights reserved. design image. design image http://www.reading.org/choices/choices_download.html | |
172. Wrw Celebrity reading List Gardiner Public Library Gardiner, ME 04345. Sponsored by Gale Research. and edited by Glenna Nowell http://www.gpl.lib.me.us/wrw.htm | |
173. The Linux Reading List HOWTO The Linux reading List HOWTO. Eric Steven Raymond. Thyrsus Enterprises. esr@thyrsus.com . Copyright © 2000 Eric S. Raymond http://en.tldp.org/HOWTO/Reading-List-HOWTO/ | |
174. EPA > Wetlands > Wetlands Reading List (Pre-Kindergarten Through Grade 12) The Wetlands reading List is an annotated list of printed material that will For example, the Wetlands reading List does not begin to list every book http://www.epa.gov/OWOW/wetlands/science/readlist.html | |
175. Kids Reading List: Oprah's Book Club Teach your kids that reading is fun with these great selections for any age group. http://www.oprah.com/obc/kids/obc_kids_main.jhtml | |
176. St Charles Public Library - Sorry, This Page Has Moved US Army Chief of Staff s reading ListTHE US ARMY CHIEF OF STAFFÂS PROFESSIONAL reading LIST ÂThe Professional reading List is a way for leaders at all levels to increase their understanding http://www.st-charles.lib.il.us/low/ythread.htm | |
177. Good Nutrition Reading List Good Nutrition reading List Food Guide Pyramid ADA Journal Tips for label reading; recognizing lactose content of foods; meal planning and resources http://www.eatright.org/Public/NutritionInformation/92_13216.cfm | |
178. MGPL Webrary® - Booklist Index Author lists of regional, ethnic, cultureinspired authors, etc., and read-alikes for a specific author, such as Latina or New England authors and http://www.webrary.org/rs/FLbklistmenu.html | |
179. Computer Science Reading List John s reading List for Computer Scientists. Books I haven t read yet that seem like good candidates for the reading list. A Pattern Language Towns, http://john.regehr.org/reading_list/ | |
180. Elementary Summer Reading List K1 Fiction for Beginning Readers. Kl Fiction Picture Books. Grades 2/3 Fiction Prelutsky, Jack Read-Aloud Rhymes for the Very Young http://www.wayland.k12.ma.us/lib_media/elemsumread.html | |
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