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81. Ethnic NewsWatch Subjects (Thesaurus) TRANSPORTATION (RAILROAD). railroad transportation. Railroads. TRANSPORTATION (SPACE). Spacecraft. Transportation. Space. TRANSPORTATION (SUBWAY). Subways http://training.proquest.com/trc/splash/enw/en/thes_5.htm | |
82. FindLaw For Legal Professionals - Case Law, Federal And State Resources, Forms, that these services are rendered before railroad transportation has that they are not and cannot be a part of railroad transportation since the http://laws.findlaw.com/US/326/446.html | |
83. Dewey Decimal Classification ReportA 385, railroad transportation. 1939, 385 Su64r, Railroad problem with reference to government ownership, SNOW, nf2, 8920, 0 http://www.lib.snow.edu/Age_Of_Collection/ReportAPage271.html | |
84. AgeOfCollection 385, railroad transportation. 1939, 385 Su64r, Railroad problem with reference to government ownership, SNOW, nf2, 8920, 1. 1943, 385 F249, Railroading from http://www.lib.snow.edu/ageofcollectionaug2002/augage2002Page473.html | |
85. Railroad Transportation In England railroad transportation in Great Britain and Its Colonies. Believe it or not, the first railways actually started in the 16th century in the coal mines, http://athena.english.vt.edu/~jmooney/3044annotationsp-z/railroad.html | |
86. Journal Of Occupational And Environmental Medicine - UserLogin 6 times as many nonrailroad transportation events, for the 6-year period studied. US Department of Transportation data show an even greater disparity http://www.joem.org/pt/re/joem/fulltext.00043764-200109000-00002.htm | |
87. Industry Spotlight On Railroad Transportation - Research And Markets - Market Re Industry Spotlight is an ideal source of competitive intelligence on every sector of the US economy. This annual reference features selected items from the http://www.researchandmarkets.com/reportinfo.asp?cat_id=100&report_id=4337&p=1 |
88. CPS Extends Railroad Transportation Agreement - 2001-01-09 American City Business Journals Inc. is the nation s largest publisher of metropolitan business newspapers, serving 41 of the country s most vibrant http://www.bizjournals.com/sanantonio/stories/2001/01/08/daily12.html | |
89. Transportation Technology Center, Inc. An intermodal research and test center that offers a wide range of capabilities. The center is owned by the Federal railroad Administration and is operated http://www.aar.com/ |
90. MTA Home Page Metropolitan transportation Authority. mta.info. MTA Home NYC Transit Long Island Rail Road MetroNorth railroad Bridges Tunnels Schedules http://www.mta.nyc.ny.us/ | |
91. U.S. Department Of Transportation Oversees federal highway, air, railroad, and maritime and other transportation administration functions; components include the FAA, FHA, FRA, NHTSA, OIG, and STB. Site links to related agencies and organizations, safety resources, and current news. http://www.dot.gov/ | |
92. The New York Museum Of Transportation Located near Rochester, NY, the museum features trolleys, road and rail vehicles, photos, a large model railroad, and a research archive. Track car rides on a 2mile railroad are run during the summer. http://www.nymtmuseum.org/ | |
93. Welcome To Mississippi Export Railroad Home Page The north/south corridor connecting the Canadian National railroad and the eastwest line of CSX transportation . Also provides boxcar, track maintenance, and cargo handling. http://www.mserailroad.com | |
94. | Welcome To The WHEELS Transportation Museum Online | Albuquerque, New Mexico transportation museum located in former Santa Fe railroad Shop. Includes exhibit and contact information, history, and events. http://www.wheelsmuseum.org/ | |
95. STS-Consultants Railroad Expert railroad consulting company. Providing services for rail training, safety and operational audits, feasibility studies, rail operational startup planning. http://www.sts-consultants.com | |
96. Venice - Miniature Railroad When Abbot Kinney was building Venice in 1905, he decided that his new resort should have an internal transportation system to shuttle visitors and residents around town. http://naid.sppsr.ucla.edu/venice/articles/rail.htm | |
97. UTU: The Voice Of Transportation Labor Represents 125,000 active and retired railroad, bus and mass transit workers in the United States and Canada. With offices in Ottawa, Ontario and Washington, D.C., the UTU is the largest railroad operating union in the rail industry and also organizes transit workers. http://www.utu.org/ | |
98. Pavement-Transportation Computer Assisted Structural Engineering Distribution site for free airfield, road, railroad, and general transportation, design and evaluation software written by US Army Corps of Engineers. http://www.pcase.com/ |
99. NARP: National Association Of Railroad Passengers This national organization, does not represent the interest of those who are advocating the revival of old steam trains; but preferably modern, economically viable, and environmentally safe surface transportation. http://www.narprail.org | |
100. Lewis And Clark Railroad - Transportation & Engineering - Public Works - Clark C Public Works transportation Lewis and Clark railroad The Lewis and Clark railroad is a 33mile short line railroad located in Clark County, http://www.clark.wa.gov/public-works/transportation/railroad.html | |
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