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161. TheTravelzine.com A weeklong summer visit to Montreal, quebec City and Ottawa by Don and Linda, who share their hotel and restaurant experiences with readers around the globe. http://www.thetravelzine.com/1canada2000.htm | |
162. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Francois Eustache Lesueur Jesuit missionary and philologist, of the Abnaki mission in Canada; born (according to notes given by Thwaites, apparently from official sources) near Coutances, Normandy, 22 July, 1685 or 1686, though Maurault gives his birthplace as Lunel, in Languedoc; died at Montreal, 28 or 26 April, 1760, or (according to Maurault) at quebec, in 1755. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/09200a.htm | |
163. JACK HUME ADVENTURES INCÂ -Â HUNT WITH THE PROS! Bears and caribou hunts in the Ungava Wilderness of northern quebec. Fishing packages are also available. http://www.jackhumeadventures.com/ | |
164. The Quebec Bridge Disaster Short science journal article from the University of Guelph, summarising the event. http://helios.physics.uoguelph.ca/summer/scor/articles/scor213.htm |
165. CNN.com - Quebec Braced For Protest March - April 21, 2001 CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/americas/04/21/summit.americas.01/index.html | |
166. CNN.com - Liberals Take Lead In Quebec Campaign - Apr. 6, 2003 CNN http://cnn.com/2003/WORLD/americas/04/06/quebec.elections.reut/index.html | |
167. CNN.com - Separatist Quebec Premier Resigns, Leaving Politics Behind - January 1 CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/americas/01/11/canada.quebec.03/index.html | |
168. Château Mont-Sainte-Anne A resort hotel near quebec city, with meeting and sports facilities, and offering ski and golf packages. http://www.chateaumontsainteanne.com/ | |
169. Canadian Relocation Systems, Quebec City, Quebec Guide for people moving to quebec City. http://relocatecanada.com/quebeccity/index.html | |
170. SOCODEVI -Société De Coopération Pour Le Développement International An international organization founded in quebec to improve living conditions for target populations in developing countries. http://www.socodevi.org | |
171. Bienvenue Développement Economique Canada - Welcome To Canada Economic Developm Supports the development of the economic potential of the regions of quebec and the creation of sustainable employment by fostering a business climate that enables SMEs to prosper and grow. http://www.dec-ced.gc.ca/ |
172. Cross-country Skiing In Quebec City : Home Information about crosscountry ski resorts, snow conditions and accommodations in the greater quebec City area. http://www.xcskiingquebec.com/ | |
173. Regie Des Rentes Du Quebec Administers the quebec Pension Plan, and increases public awareness for good financial planning for retirement. Lists their services, structure and annual reports. http://www.rrq.gouv.qc.ca/an/ |
174. Le Groupe Dufour : Accueil A fleet of cruise ships affiliated with a group of four hotels located from Old quebec to Tadoussac, between the mountains of Charlevoix and the St. Lawrence River. http://www.groupedufour.com/ | |
175. Esperanto Societo Kebekia Information about the international language Esperanto and about the goals and activities of the association. http://www3.sympatico.ca/esperanto/ | |
176. Hotel Québec Hotel - Hotel Du Québec Hotel A guide to places to stay in the province, sorted by region and also lists events and attractions. http://www.quebecreservation.com/ | |
177. Quebec Birding Reports Recent sightings in English. http://www.web-nat.com/bic/queint.html | |
178. Quebec And The Ideal Of Federalism A working paper by McGill Professor Louis Balthazar. Includes a response to the paper by Christopher Manfredi. PDF format http://www.misc-iecm.mcgill.ca/publications/bathazar manfredi.pdf |
179. CNN.com - Police Push Back Protesters As Quebec Summit Opens - April 21, 2001 Leaders of countries across the Americas opened talks on a regional free trade pact as police pushed back demonstrators opposed to further globalization. http://www.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/americas/04/21/summit.americas.03/index.html | |
180. Simmental Quebec Home Index Promote the Simmental breed (cattle) through various activities and media. Provides membership information, news and events. http://www.simmentalquebec.ca/ | |
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