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161. Quaker FWCC Page Index Information about the Friends World Committee for Consultation, a body that seeks to provide information about and promote connections between all Friends (quakers) in the world. http://fwcc.quaker.org/ | |
162. Madison Monthly Meeting Of The Religious Society Of Friends (Quakers) About quakers Quakerism began over 350 years ago. Explore our history and beliefs. Concerns Learn about our religious and social concerns. http://danenet.wicip.org/mmm/ | |
163. Yorkshire Quaker Heritage Project: Homepage Databases of publicly accessible archives and book collections related to Friends (quakers) within the pre1974 boundaries of the county of Yorkshire in England. These are searchable by location and by name. http://www.hull.ac.uk/oldlib/archives/quaker/ | |
164. Halifax Quaker Home Page Halifax Friends Meeting (quakers) About quakers. Quaker Beginnings Quaker Beliefs Religious Practice and Social Justice quakers and Peace http://halifax.quaker.ca/ | |
165. Wilmington College Athletics quakers outdoor official site. News, schedule, roster, coaching staff, and school records. http://www.wilmington.edu/ffmtrack.htm | |
166. Wilmington College Athletics quakers picked ninth at Media Day. August 3, 2005. INDEPENDENCE, Ohio  The Wilmington quakers were picked to finish ninth by both the coaches and media at http://www.wilmington.edu/wcsports.htm | |
167. Friends (Quakers) And The Bible - QuakerInfo.com Historical and current attitudes in the Religious Society of Friends (quakers) towards the Bible. http://www.quakerinfo.com/quak_bib.shtml | |
168. Quakers Around Shoreditch Baptist and other dissenters preceded the quakers, but in 1647 George Fox began Information composited from many sources, including Shoreditch quakers http://www.mdx.ac.uk/www/study/quasho.htm | |
169. Quaker Earthcare Witness (formerly Friends Committee On Unity With Nature) A spirituallycentered movement of quakers and like-minded people seeking ways to integrate concern for the environment with Friends' long-standing testimonies for simplicity, peace, and equality. Includes articles and information about their projects, programs and meetings. http://www.fcun.org/ | |
170. Online Texts At Quaker Heritage Press Several electronic texts of writings of early Friends (quakers). http://www.qhpress.org/texts/ | |
171. International Quaker Working Party On The Israel composed of members of the Religious Society of Friends (quakers) along with Jewish and which was under curfew, to be with quakers who live there. http://www.quakernet.org/AFSC/international_quaker_working_par.htm | |
172. Cele Birds Breeders of Amazons, Conures, Cockatiels, parrotlets Viridissimus, Deliciosus, Lucida, Blue, Yellow, Spectacles, Pionus, PoicephalusSenegals, Meyers, Brown Heads, Red Bellies, Jardines , quakers, Ringnecks, and Gouldians. Located near Austin. http://www.celebirds.com/ | |
173. PHMC: Pennsylvania History English quakers were the dominant element, although many English settlers were Anglican. Many quakers were Irish and Welsh, and they settled in the area http://www.phmc.state.pa.us/bah/pahist/quaker.asp?secid=31 |
174. Friends (Quakers) And Women, By Bill Samuel - QuakerInfo.com The attitude of the Religious Society of Friends (quakers) towards the ministry of women. Also contains a listing of some Quaker women who have become well known for their ministry. http://www.quakerinfo.com/quakwomn.shtml | |
175. Leeds Quakers Information about the Quaker community in the city, their meetings, and their activities. http://www.leedsquakers.org.uk/ | |
176. Friends Media Project- Faithful Witness The online Journal of the Friends Media Project, supporting the work and interests of quakers in mass media communication. http://www.friendsmedia.org/ | |
177. Quakers Hill Uniting Church Home Page Sydney. http://qh.nsw.uca.org.au/ | |
178. Jesus Christian Teachings: Quakers Articles on this page deal with such topics as denominationalism, idolatry, the Trinity, hypocrisy, being born again, and false loyalties. http://cust.idl.net.au/fold/Quakers_index.html | |
179. FINABIRDS Small family owned business of Exotic Birds. Raises cockatiels, quakers, lovebirds, turqoisine and rosellas. Located in north Central Texas. http://www.angelfire.com/de/finabirds/ | |
180. How Friends (Quakers) Conduct Church Business, By Bill Samuel - QuakerInfo.com Information on how the Religious Society of Friends (quakers) conducts church business its method of decision making. http://www.quakerinfo.com/quakmfb.shtml | |
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