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121. Quakers Of Richmond And Wayne County, Indiana In 1887, an important conference was held in Richmond quakers from North America quakers in Richmond and Wayne County use a variety of worship styles http://www.earlham.edu/Q/brochure1/ | |
122. Massachusetts Quaker Parakeet Specialists Breeders of green, blue, cinnamon, cinnamonblue and split quaker parakeets. Information on and pictures of quakers. http://www.quakerparakeet.com/ | |
123. Earlham College | Athletics Kitchel, who played for the quakers from 19972000, is in charge of media The quakers now play a 10-game schedule, including eight games against http://www.earlham.edu/~awpe/football/ | |
124. Northern Friends Peace Board An organisation of Friends (quakers) in the North of Britain supporting Friends and others in the active promotion of peace in all its heigth and breadth http://nfpb.gn.apc.org/ | |
125. Jenny's Famous Quakers Page. My Quaker pages (see list below) are a tribute to quakers who have made an impact upon quakers believe that each person in the world is of equal worth. http://members.lycos.co.uk/JennySteel/quakers.html | |
126. Journal Of John Woolman: Title Page & Contents The autobiography of one of the best loved and most respected Quaker historical figures of all time, a key person in the ending of slaveholding among quakers in the 18th century. http://www.strecorsoc.org/jwoolman/title.html | |
127. The Quakers In America BY THOMAS D. HAMM (Quakerbooks.org) There has long been a need for a study of American quakers in the twentieth His instant classic quakers in America is the best introduction to the http://www.quakerbooks.org/get/0-231-12362-0 | |
128. Women's Lacrosse At Earlham College quakers. News items, pictures, current and past results, roster and statistics. http://www.earlham.edu/~awpe/Lacrosse.html | |
129. The Quakers & Business Group Our mission as quakers is to be committed to the spiritual power within ourselves at all quakers, Business Ethics Resources produced by Roland Carn. http://www.quakerbusiness.org/ | |
130. Friendly Bible Study Popular Bible study method originally published in pamphlet form by quakers (members of the Religious Society of Friends) Joanne and Larry Spears. http://www.read-the-bible.org/FriendlyBibleStudy.htm | |
131. Quakers.net Translate this page Pardon, diese Internet-Seiten werden gerade überarbeitet. Sorry, this site is currently under construction. quaker-links http://www.quakers.net/ | |
132. Tom Nemerovsky Breeder of blue, dark eyed Cinnamon, and dark eyed yellow mutation quakers. Some pictures, and a question and answer forum. Located in central Florida. http://www.quakerman.com/ | |
133. New York Quakers Welcome to the New York quakers site! My name is Stefani Evans, There are several excellent books and articles on the subject of quakers in New York. http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ny/topic/quaker/ | |
134. The School Of The Spirit - A Quaker Ministry Of Prayer And Learning A ministry of prayer and learning which is a project of the Ministry and Worship Committee of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (quakers). It offers adult education sessions on such topics as Being a Spiritual Nurturer, and Contemplative Living and Prayer. http://www.quakerinfo.com/sos.shtml | |
135. The Beginnings Of Quakerism - Historical Roots Of The Religious Society Of Frien A brief account of the development of the movement that became the Religious Society of Friends (quakers). http://www.quakerinfo.com/quakhist.shtml | |
136. Guilford College - Women's Lacrosse quakers. News items, player roster, statistics, game schedule, archives, related links and records. http://www.guilford.edu/athletics/athletics.cfm?ID=a000005 |
137. Q-LIGHT Has Moved The QLIGHT mailing list, an email list for LGBT and questioning quakers and seekers has moved to egroups.com. To subscribe, send a blank message to http://world.std.com/~rice/q-light/ | |
138. Quaker Quest - A Spiritual Path For Our Time: London Religious Events A programme of events for those interested in finding out more about quakers. Held at Friends House, Euston Road, London every Monday evening. http://www.quakerquest.org | |
139. Chapter 1 Of Quakers In Brief - DM Murray-Rust Many people shy away from the idea of learning about the history of something. The present, they say, is what matters. Why is it necessary to go delving http://people.cryst.bbk.ac.uk/~ubcg09q/dmr/chap1.htm |
140. The New Foundation Fellowship. Gathered By Jesus Christ. New Foundation Fellowship is a ministry dedicated to promoting the spiritual understanding that marked the early Friends (quakers) through traveling ministers, special events, and publications. Online ordering of publications. http://www.nffellowship.org/ | |
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