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81. WE'VE MOVED Wellorganized indices to online resources about Friends (quakers) plus a listing of local meetings (congregations). http://web.raex.com/~hbh/ | |
82. Welcome To Cheltenham Quakers We are the Friends Meeting (quakers) in Cheltenham. http://home.clara.net/rowil/quaker/cheltenham.html | |
83. CaraBella's Quaker Page Information, pictures, and tips for teaching quakers how to speak. http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/1108/quaker.html | |
84. Southern California Quarterly Meeting Newsletter and information about Southern California Quarterly Meeting.Also contains listing of member unprogrammed Quaker Meetings and worship groups located in Southern California, as well as Las Vegas, Nevada, Guatemala and Mexico City. http://www.scqm.org/ | |
85. John Greenleaf Whittier John Greenleaf Whittier, Quaker Author New York AntiSlavery Office. Click here for Abolition Poster The large woodcut image of a slave in chains was http://www2.gol.com/users/quakers/john_greenleaf_whittier.htm | |
86. Anglican Congregationalists and quakers in Sixteenth and Seventeenth-Century Newfoundland See also Frederick B. Tolles, quakers and the Atlantic Culture (New http://www.mun.ca/rels/ang/texts/ang1.html | |
87. Quaker Finder : Finding Local Quakers & Quaker Meetings Quakerfinder.Org lets you search for Quaker Meetings by town postal code. We have almost of the unprogrammed Meetings in the database, including many http://www.quakerfinder.org/ | |
88. Young Friends General Meeting National organisation for young quakers in Britain. Overview, calendar, events and photos. http://yfgm.quaker.org.uk/ | |
89. QLGF Homepage A group for quakers and sympathizers of all sexualities. Contact information, newsletters, links, questions on sexuality. http://www.qlgf.org.uk/ | |
90. Quakers In North West England Religious Society of Friends (quakers) in and around North West England and North Wales. http://www.north-west-quakers.org.uk/ | |
91. University Of Pennsylvania - - quakers official web site with news, schedule, roster, statistics. http://www.pennathletics.com/SportSelect.dbml?DB_OEM_ID=1700&KEY=&SPID=5 |
92. English Dissenters: Quakers Bibliography and summaries of English sects and religious dissidents of the Tudor, Stuart and Interregnum periods in Great Britain. http://www.exlibris.org/nonconform/engdis/quakers.html | |
93. -OISELLERIE PETIT BISOU-Ãlevage De Perroquets Âleveur d'aras, de quakers, de caiques, de conures, d'ins©parables et de grande alexandrines. Des fiches et des photos sont disponibles pour chaque esp¨ce. Drummondville, Qu©bec, Canada. http://www.oiselleriepetitbisou.com/ | |
94. Beliefs Of The Quakers (Shaking Quakers, Shakers, Friends) Modern quakers, like most Pentecostals, are all over the map in doctrine.) quakers (Friends) beliefs are a little hard to quantify, since Friends do not http://www.bible.ca/cr-quakers.htm | |
95. Society For The Abolition Of The Slave Trade Formed in 1787 and comprised initially of Anglicans and quakers, it was disbanded after the Abolition of Slavery Act was passed in 1833. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/REantislavery.htm | |
96. Quakers (Society Of Friends) The Plainfield quakers The Society of Friends in Fulton County, Illinois; Genealogies of Fulton County, Illinois Quaker Families http://www.outfitters.com/illinois/history/family/quakers/quakers1.html | |
97. The Society Of Friends In Fulton County, Illinois quakers, or members of the Society of Friends, are a sect of Christians who believe The influx of quakers into Fulton County continued into the 1850s. http://www.outfitters.com/illinois/history/family/quakers/quakers.html | |
98. Quaker Electronic Archive A searchable collection of documents (and links) related to the Religious Society of Friends (quakers.) It also includes a chat room, online worship, a calendar of events, and a message board. http://www.qis.net/~daruma/ | |
99. A Subjective Guide To Quaker Blogs And Websites (Quaker Web Guide) What I call the ÂIÂma Quaker fallacy shows up a lot (Q What do quakers believe. quakers in the News is a new blog that tracks Quaker citations in the http://www.nonviolence.org/quaker/blogs/ | |
100. Quaker Parrots General information. http://www.geocities.com/rainforest/vines/1492/quakers.html | |
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