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61. Quaker Café Notes on discussions over coffee of social science related subjects by people connected with the Religious Society of Friends (quakers). http://www.web.net/~peaceweb/cafmain.html |
62. Tokyo Quakers Monthly Meeting - Religious Society Of Friends Tokyo Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (quakers) unofficial page with introductions to Quakerism in Japan and in general. http://www2.gol.com/users/quakers/ | |
63. Reading UK Quaker Meeting - Home Page Meetings of the UK Religious Society of Friends, or quakers, around Reading in the UK. http://www.reading-quakers.org.uk/index.shtml | |
64. Monk (Quaker) Parakeets In North America Ongoing study of feral quakers in North America, with resources, and related topics. http://www.monkparakeet.com/ | |
65. Friends (Quakers) And Peace, By Bill Samuel - QuakerInfo.com Essay on the peace testimony of the Religious Society of Friends (quakers). http://www.quakerinfo.com/quak_pce.shtml | |
66. Canadian Yearly Meeting Of The Religious Society Of Friends (Quakers) The Religious Society of Friends (quakers) is a historic peace church with Meetings from Newfoundland to Vancouver Island. http://www.quaker.ca/ | |
67. QUAKERS-IN-IRELAND.ORG Site set up by Ireland Yearly Meeting in commemoration of the 350th year of Quaker Meetings in Ireland. Contains information on history, faith and witness http://www.quakers-in-ireland.org/ |
68. Quakers And The Political Process Main page quakers and the Political Process, Living our Faith into Action. An exhibit by Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, http://www.pym.org/exhibit/ | |
69. The U19s Home - Index Organisation for the members of the Religious Society of Friends in the UK who are under nineteen. Overview of Quakerism, discussion, library, reviews, articles, diary, events and who runs the website. http://u19s.quaker.org.uk/ | |
70. CNN/SI - Pennsylvania Quakers - Women's College Basketball Headlines, scoreboard, schedule. http://www.cnnsi.com/basketball/college/women/teams/pag/ | |
71. Reader's Companion To American History - -QUAKERS quakers instead relied upon the direction of what they called Christ within The earliest quakers (in England, 16511660) seemed to confirm the worst http://college.hmco.com/history/readerscomp/rcah/html/ah_072800_quakers.htm | |
72. InterFriend Publisher Home Page This independent site for and about quakers in Ireland has news, articles, letters and links. http://homepage.eircom.net/~interfriendpublisher/ | |
73. University Of Pennsylvania - - quakers. Season summaries, game schedule, roster, news items and past results. http://www.pennathletics.com/SportSelect.dbml?DB_OEM_ID=1700&KEY=&SPID=6 |
74. Society Of Friends - Quakers Several articles on quakers or the Society of Friends. A source of information for deeper understanding of religious subjects. http://mb-soft.com/believe/txc/quakers.htm | |
75. OISELLERIE JU-DAN Âleveur d'ins©parables, quakers et amazones. Qu©bec, Canada http://ju_dan.tripod.com/ | |
76. Swarthmoor Hall - Considering The The Past, In The Light Of Present Experience, Owned by the Society of Friends, The quakers, and used for training and retreats. Also available for groups of people who might wish to organise their own events retreats, workshops - either on a self-catering or fully-catered basis. http://www.swarthmoorhall.co.uk/ | |
77. Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Of The Religious Society Of Friends quakers and the Political Process Living our Faith into Action PYM has an exhibition entitled quakers and the Political Process, which is viewable online. http://www.pym.org/ | |
78. NZ Quaker Website Faith, practices, activities and contact information for Aotearoa/New Zealand Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (quakers). http://quaker.org.nz/ | |
79. Ross-on-Wye Quakers Includes a description of meetings, with times and location, and a history of the local group. http://www.fordean.freeserve.co.uk/rosspm.htm | |
80. Quakers Yard, South Wales, RSS Feeds, Forum, Chat, Community, Treharris, Edwards A site dedicated to providing internet feeds and Forum to the internet community of Wales. Broadband, Technology, Sports, Music, News, BA Enterprise are all http://www.quakersyard.co.uk/ | |
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