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Puppetry & Ventriloquism Performing Arts: more detail | |||||||||||
21. World Famous Comics >> Links - Comic Book And Other Hobby Resources Here! Top arts performing arts puppetry (274) Huge list of links to other puppetryand ventriloquism sites. Ballard Institute and Museum of puppetry http://www.worldfamouscomics.com/opendirectory/category/Arts/Performing_Arts/Pup | |
22. AnyWho: Internet Directory Assistance; Yellow Pages, White Pages, Toll-Free Numb arts/performing arts/Theatre/Physical Theatre (158) arts/Animation (21035) Huge list of links to other puppetry and ventriloquism sites. http://www.anywho.com/cgi-bin/webdrill?catkey=gwd/Top/Arts/Performing_Arts/Puppe |
23. AnyWho: Internet Directory Assistance; Yellow Pages, White Pages, Toll-Free Numb arts/performing arts/Comedy/Comedians (1092) Personal web site of Dickens Dave, about ventriloquism and related information and sites. http://www.anywho.com/cgi-bin/webdrill?catkey=gwd/Top/Arts/Performing_Arts/Puppe |
24. PUPPETS ON THE PIER Puppets On The Pier  Purveyors Of The World Huge list of links to other puppetry and ventriloquism sites. performing arts,Muppets, Puppeteers, puppetry, Regional, ventriloquism http://www.puppetdream.com/catalogue.php/Performing-Arts | |
25. The Puppetry Home Page - Using Puppetry puppetry and Education. arts in Education ventriloquism from Carol Greene arts4schools.com info and resources about performing arts in the United http://www.sagecraft.com/puppetry/using/ | |
26. Arts Performing Arts Puppetry - Submission.it arts performing arts puppetry, web arts performing arts puppetry, Motori di ricerca Huge list of links to other puppetry and ventriloquism sites. http://www.submission.it/odp/pagedir_Top--Arts--Performing_Arts--Puppetry.html | |
27. Arts Performing Arts Puppetry Ventriloquism Ventriloquists - Submission.it arts performing arts puppetry ventriloquism Ventriloquists, web arts performingarts puppetry ventriloquism Ventriloquists, Motori di ricerca http://www.submission.it/odp/pagedir_Top--Arts--Performing_Arts--Puppetry--Ventr | |
28. Southern Highland Craft Guild puppetry has been an important folk art in this area for many years. Ira beganexploring the performing arts and more recently ventriloquism 4 years ago http://southernhighlandguild.org/event.php?event_main=2& |
29. Puppetry Find It arts performing arts puppetry Learn basic ventriloquism online.Huge list of links to other puppetry and ventriloquism sites. http://www.ebroadcast.com.au/dir/Arts/Performing_Arts/Puppetry/ | |
30. VENTRILOQUISTS, RUSSO LOUIS, Comedy, Ventriloquism, Acts, Attractions 11, in the Heymann performing arts Center. General admission tickets are $15 atlocations ventriloquism IN puppetry IS CARTOONING WITH THE VOICE. http://www.russocomedy.com/My Webs/ |
31. Society/Religion And Spirituality/Christianity/Arts/Performing Arts/Puppetry : C Offers a performance clip and a teach yourself ventriloquism section. Puppet company using puppetry to communicate Christianity to children. http://www.christianwebsite.com/search/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Christi | |
32. Opera Directory Top arts performing arts puppetry Huge list of links to other puppetryand ventriloquism sites. Ballard Institute and Museum of puppetry http://portal.opera.com/web/?cat=2693 |
33. Flemiro Webverzeichnis - /Arts/Performing_Arts/Puppetry/Ventriloquism/Ventriloqu Top arts performing_arts puppetry ventriloquism Ventriloquists. Winchell,Paul@ (3). See also. arts performing arts Comedy Comedians (835) http://www.flemiro.de/dir/odp.php?browse=/Arts/Performing_Arts/Puppetry/Ventrilo |
34. Performing Arts Shows, Exhibitions And Festivals. Find performing arts Shows, Conferences, Exhibitions and Festivals worldwide . International Festival of Christian puppetry ventriloquism http://www.expocentral.com/arts_and_entertainment/industry_arts_and_entertainmen | |
35. Book Puppets & Puppetry arts PHOTOGRAPHY. performing arts. THEATER. PUPPETS puppetry 722149,ventriloquism Made Easy Kolby King Price Comparison, ventriloquism Made Easy http://books.idealo.com/1497R77C1K0-Arts-Photography-Performing-Arts-Theater-Pup | |
36. Book Puppets & Puppetry BOOKS ENTERTAINMENT performing arts THEATER PUPPETS puppetry 722149,ventriloquism Made Easy Kolby King Price Comparison, ventriloquism Made http://books.idealo.com/1451R88C12K0-Entertainment-Performing-Arts-Theater-Puppe | |
37. Art / Performing Arts / Puppetry :: Books From Books.co.uk Sub Title A Cultural History of ventriloquism Sub Title puppetry as aTheatrical Art. Author(s) Tillis, Steve. Format Hardback. prices » http://www.books.co.uk/art/performing_arts/puppetry/ | |
38. Performing Arts > Puppets & Puppetry Books, Find The Lowest Prices American puppetry Collections, History and Performance by Phyllis T.Dircks (Editor), Steve Abrams Art ventriloquism Essays by David Goldblatt http://www.allbookstores.com/browse/PER007000 | |
39. Christian Post - User Login Seminar Teaches Gospel Through performing arts. Monday, Mar. comedy, puppetry,juggling, balloon sculpturing, ventriloquism, and other performing arts http://www.christianpost.com/article/ministries/446/full/seminar.teaches.gospel. | |
40. CPAC - Christian Performing Arts Conference - Denver, Colorado - Gospel Challeng Christian performing arts Conference Information about the incredible 3Day Rocky clowning, puppetry, juggling, balloon sculpturing, ventriloquism, http://www.c-pac.org/talentshow.html | |
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