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61. Write Right! Â A Desktop Digest Of Punctuation, Grammar And Style. 3rd Ed. The easyto-understand format reviews grammar and punctuation rules (with cartoons to help you understand why a sentence is wrong), and provides pointers http://www.galenpress.com/00316.html | |
62. Armchair Grammarian Studies in English grammar, punctuation, and composition. Includes a discussion of the methodology involving the creative writing process as it relates to fiction and theories of characterization. http://community-2.webtv.net/SOLIS-BOO/Grammar1/ | |
63. Grammar Style Refdesk.com MY FACTS PAGE grammar, USAGE, AND STYLE The process involves looking at grammar, punctuation, and structure in a way that allows you to reevaluate your http://www.refdesk.com/factgram.html | |
64. Grammar Slammer--English Grammar Resource This help file indexes style and usage, capitalization, abbreviations, punctuation, letter writing, common mistakes and a grammar glossary. http://englishplus.com/grammar/index.htm | |
65. Writing: Communicative Conventions -- Six Traits Assessment Mechanics Punctuatio ÂConventions is the term we use nowadays to describe punctuation, spelling, and grammar. ÂOutside punctuation That Shows Where Ideas Begin and End http://www.ttms.org/writing_quality/conventions.htm | |
66. Student Writing Support - Quicktips: Home - Center For Writing A series of suggestions for effective and correct composition. Covers punctuation, style, grammar, plagiarism and specific writing tasks. Each topic can be downloaded as PDF. http://writing.umn.edu/sws/quicktips/quicktips.htm | |
67. MSN Encarta - Web Center Language Arts. punctuation, grammar, Spelling This commercial site provides a guide to English grammar, a forum to ask an expert questions about the http://encarta.msn.com/webcenter_0.5.8/Punctuation_Grammar_Spelling.html | |
68. Top20Composition.com - Online Directory For Composition Education. Online directory for grammar, spelling, punctuation, research, creative writing, and proofreading resources. http://www.top20composition.com | |
69. MSN Encarta - Web Center punctuation, grammar, Spelling Study Skills Life Science Math People Physical Science and Technology Social Studies http://encarta.msn.com/webcenter_0.5/Language_Arts.html | |
70. Business Writing Newsletter, Corporate Communications Answers to common questions about usage, style, grammar and punctuation. http://www.alexcommunications.com/faq.htm | |
71. Grammar And Spelling - EzineArticles.com We dump about 400 articles a week due to poor punctuation, grammar or spelling alone and have at least 40 articles per week that we sent back to the author http://ezinearticles.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=723 |
72. Garbl's Editorial Style Manual -- Abbreviations, Capitalization, Punctuation, Gr Provides advice on abbreviations, capitalization, grammar, numbers, plurals, possessives, punctuation, spelling and word usage. http://garbl.home.comcast.net/stylemanual/ | |
73. Grammatically Correct: The Writer's Essential Guide To Punctuation, Spelling, St For those who value correct grammar, Anne Stilman has written the There are chapters on Spelling, punctuation, grammar, and Style, and Stilman http://www.enotalone.com/books/0898797764.html | |
74. SecretariesUSA/Homepage Reference for the home and corporate office, including capitalization, punctuation, spelling, grammar, sentence structure, forms of address, abbreviations, letter styles, and business forms. http://secretariesUSA.com | |
75. WSU-TC Writing Center | Links grammar, punctuation, and Capitalization A Handbook for Technical Writers and Editors. http//stipo.larc.nasa.gov/sp7084/index.html http://www.tricity.wsu.edu/writingcenter/writing_links.html | |
76. Grammar And Punctuation In American English A site that contains information on grammar and punctuation, including parts of speech and parts of sentences. http://www.geocities.com/k9would/ |
77. A Concise Guide To Grammar And Style Rules of capitalization and punctuation, as well as commonly mispronounced and misspelled words. http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0001600.html | |
78. Write Right!: A Desktop Digest Of Punctuation, Grammar, And Style A Desktop Digest of punctuation, grammar, and Style AUTHOR Jan Venolia ISBN 1580083285 Publish Date September 2001 Format Paperback http://www.bookfinder.us/Science_Fiction___Fantasy/Writing/index17.html | |
79. Fundamental Grammar - NIU English A comprehensive page covering major word classes, punctuation guides, phrases, clauses and sentence structures accompanied by quizzes. http://textant.colostate.edu/grammarbook/title.html |
80. [Prozilla] FYI: Fix Yet More Punctuation & Grammar [PATCH] Prozilla FYI Fix yet more punctuation grammar PATCH. Richard Dawe prozilla@genesys.ro Sun, 23 Jan 2005 111318 +0000 http://genesys.ro/pipermail/prozilla/2005-January/000592.html | |
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