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61. THE COLLECTORâÂÂS GUIDE: WHAT DOES THIS INDIAN SYMBOL MEAN Over the years, both native American designs (merely decorative forms) and but among the pueblo indians snakes and lightning are equated with and http://www.collectorsguide.com/fa/fa040.shtml | |
62. NATIVE AMERICAN -ART AND TECHNOLOGY - THE ATROCITIES AGAINST THE Alliance for native American Indian Rights Home Page A pioneer Ethnologistand friend of the Zuni pueblo indians, one of the most important white http://www.greatdreams.com/nalinks.htm | |
63. Zuni Fetishes From Native American Pueblo Indians Largest collection, finest selection of Zuni fetishes. Fetishes crafted by Zuniartists. Southwestern native American pueblo Indian arts crafts wood, http://www.zunifetishesdirect.com/ | |
64. JustGive Guide - Browsing Charities By Category Support The INDIAN pueblo CULTURAL CENTER INC. We promote native American culture and offera glimpse into the 19 communities of pueblo indians, many of which have been http://www.justgive.org/guide/showCharities.jsp?catId=120&page=community&sponsId |
65. Department Of History Home Page Indian Resource Development (IRD) helps native American students build an awarenessof A pioneer Ethnologist and friend of the Zuni pueblo indians, http://www.etsu.edu/cas/history/natam.htm | |
66. AMERICAN INDIAN STUDIES From Revolt of the pueblo indians of New Mexico and OterminÂs Attempted Reconquest16801682 Reprinted in Indian Nation native American Literature and http://www.csub.edu/~awaters/NativeAmericanPhilosophyCourse.htx | |
67. Native American Mythology Pathfinder These native people, also known as indians of North America, An adaptationof the pueblo Indian myth which explains how the spirit of the Lord of the http://nb.wsd.wednet.edu/lmc/pathfinders/nativeam_myth_pathfinder.htm | |
68. Swest The Southwest native americans come from the states of Arizona, New Mexico, Most of the Southwest native americans became farmers and lived in villages. http://inkido.indiana.edu/w310work/romac/swest.htm | |
69. Santa Ana Pueblo Tribal Enterprises Including Apparel, Native American Foods, In pueblo of Santa Ana Tribal Enterprises including apparel, foods, Indian gaming, native American Indian, Foods From native Fields to Your Kitchen http://www.santaana.org/ | |
70. Calendar Of Native American Events And Dances In Central New Mexico pueblo of Santa Ana Banner Graphic. Calendar of native American Events and Dances San Juan pueblo 34th Eight Northern Indian pueblos Annual Arts http://www.santaana.org/calendar.htm | |
71. PUEBLOS: North American Native American Indian Pre-Contact Housing Part of Precontact native north American housing types, illustrations, maps, pueblo has had many important consequences for other Indian land claims, http://www.kstrom.net/isk/maps/houses/pueblo.html | |
72. Albuquerque New Mexico CVB | Visitors | Indians Of New Mexico The works of many talented pueblo Indian artists and craftsmen are frequently on They represent the largest American Indian group in the country. http://www.itsatrip.org/visitors/americanindian/ | |
73. Native American Resources Institute of American Indian and Alaska native Culture and Arts Rainy MountainOnline Gallery of native American Art offering pueblo pottery, baskets, http://www.cowboy.net/native/ | |
74. Explore National American Indian Heritage Month - A National Register Of Histori Gran Quivira A Blending of Cultures in a pueblo Indian Village native AmericanGraves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) http://www.cr.nps.gov/nr/feature/indian/Index.htm | |
75. Teaching With Historic Places -- Native American Lesson Plans Classroomready lesson plans about native American history from Teaching withHistoric Gran Quivira A Blending of Cultures in a pueblo Indian Village http://www.cr.nps.gov/nr/twhp/nov99.htm | |
76. AIROS: American Indian Radio On Satellite AIROS, American Indian Radio on Satellite, provides authentic native Americanmusic, news, pueblo Revolt Drama and Panel Discussion Specials http://www.airos.org/ | |
77. American Indian Studies The native American Experience Contains Photographs, drawings, Indian puebloCultural Center A presentation of nineteen pueblo communities. http://www.csulb.edu/~gcampus/libarts/am-indian/ | |
78. American Indian Webquest They need to teach their classes about American indians. They need to includeinformation about http//www.fcps.k12.va.us/FairhillES/webquest/native.htm http://www.fcps.k12.va.us/DeerParkES/kids/whiting/American Indian template.htm | |
79. Colorado Indian Tribes Early native American Tribes and Culture Areas. $ Ancestry.com Indian Records $ Most of the pueblo tribes trace their origin to some place in the north http://www.accessgenealogy.com/native/colorado/ | |
80. Native American Southwest Pottery Representing Navajo, Pueblo, Acoma, Hopi, Sant Quality online selection of Southwest pottery by native American Indian potteryartists representing Acoma, pueblo, Navajo, Hopi, Santa Clara native http://www.camerontradingpost.com/pottery.html | |
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