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81. Qantara.de - Unionsverlag Publishing House - "One Only Has To Want To Listen" Unionsverlag Publishing House. One Only Has to Want to Listen there hadbeen an attempt to create a Third World Dialog with other publishing houses. http://www.qantara.de/webcom/show_article.php/_c-564/_nr-16/_p-1/i.html | |
82. Question: Publishing Houses That Specialize In Small Runs - EzineArticles.com Question publishing houses That Specialize in Small Runs. http://ezinearticles.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=817 |
83. Bulgarian Advertising Agencies, Advertisement Bulgaria, BG Media, Printed Media, Media and advertisement.Bulgarian media and advertisement.BG.Advertising agensiesin Bulgaria.Bulgarian printed media.Bulgarian firms producers http://www.need.bg/en/?c=9 |
84. Society & Culture, Societate Si Cultura, Publishing Houses , Edituri Kappa.ro portal ISP, news, search engine, exchange rate, currency convertor,weather, free web hosting, and more. http://sr.kappa.ro/unde_sr__categorie/nation__rom/sid__148?langu=en |
85. May 1998 : Introducing The SGML Technology At The Publishing Houses Of Wolters K Introducing the SGML Technology at the publishing houses of Wolters Kluwer Hungary the Hungarian market with the purchase of existing publishing houses. http://www.infoloom.com/gcaconfs/WEB/paris98/ursinus.HTM | |
86. Evresi - The Greek Business Directory : Publishing Houses publishing houses. Anubis Publications Open in New window Publishinghouse specializing mostly on informatics and marketing/management publications. http://www.evresi.gr/data/index.php?action=showcat&idcat=102 |
87. Starnetwork | Welcome publishing houses ARTISTIC GLASS WINDOWS LIQUEUR OF LEMON JEWELEYS SHOP publishing houses ENTERPRISES BUILDINGS FASHION ELECTRONICS http://salerno.starnetwork.it/caseeditricieng.htm | |
88. House Of Commons - Science And Technology - Minutes Of Evidence Openaccess publishing is still, from my understanding, quite small, an awfullot of government money is finding its way into publishing houses. http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200304/cmselect/cmsctech/399/4050502. | |
89. UICIFD Links: IFD Publishing Houses IFD publishing houses LINKS. Last updated April 27, 2000. ASIL PublicationsDatabase (ASILEX) http//www.asil.org/asilex.htm http://www.uiowa.edu/ifdebook/features/links/ifdpubhouse.shtml | |
90. Institute Of Low Temperature And Structure Research PAS Scientific publishing houses International research projects Dictionaries andencyclopediae Physics in the Internet Scientific sites in Wroc³aw http://www.int.pan.wroc.pl/?lid=83&lang=en |
91. EastSouthWestNorth: The 'Malignant Tumor' In Chinese Book PUblishing There are more than 500 publishing houses in mainland China today, In thesepublishing houses, from the editorin-chief down to the low-level editors, http://www.zonaeuropa.com/20050130_1.htm | |
92. International Publishing Houses This page contains pointers to publishing houses. International PublishingHouses. ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) AMS (American http://www.ics.forth.gr/cvrl/proj/ecvnet/publications/publishers.html | |
93. OP Home Pages - Publishing Houses OP Home Pages publishing houses. Dominican Historical Institute DominicanPublications (Dublin, Ireland); ESD - Edizioni Studio Domenicao (Bologna, http://catalogus.op.org/cat-homes.php?cat_code=PUBLISHER |
94. Justice Links Kegan Paul International Provides details of the publishing houses new publicationsand an online search of their back catalogue; MacMillan Publishing http://www.kcl.ac.uk/depsta/rel/ccjs/justicelink/media.html | |
95. Bookselling This Week: Some Indies Going From Bookstore To Publishing House Like many small publishing houses, Shapiro takes a more grassroots approach tomarketing. For instance, since King hails from Oregon, Shapiro and King set http://news.bookweb.org/read/806 | |
96. Minerva Wissenschaftliche Buchhandlung - Links To Publishing Houses Minerva Team, Next you will find links to publishing houses. We continually updatethis forum and include new links. We will be pleased to have your ideas. http://www.minerva.at/tschechisch/minerva.py?Page=51&Menu=6&Key=303 |
97. Light Beams Publishing - Award-Winning Children's Books And Videos Publishes the Fairy House picture book and videos. Site includes directions for building fairy houses and fairies to color. http://www.fairyhouses.com | |
98. Vanilla Report - La Lettre De La Vanille Network for vanilla exporters, traders, extractors and flavor houses worldwide, organising forums and meetings, and publishing 'The Vanilla Report'. Requires paid subscription. http://www.vanilla-association.com/default.asp | |
99. Maisturismo, Edições E Publicidade, S.A. Guide of hotels, inns, pensions and private guest houses, for all regions of Portugal from this travel publishing group. http://www.maisturismo.pt |
100. ArcheBooks Publishing, Like Other Small Houses, Pack A Wallop In The Consumer Ma ArcheBooks publishing, like other Small houses, Pack a Wallop in the ConsumerMarketplace. http://www.authorsden.com/visit/viewarticle.asp?AuthorID=25174&id=16463 |
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