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61. Portal For Facsimile Editions Of Medieval Manuscripts Bottega Fioretta Mazzei Recent Acquisitions Suggestions on How to Runa Library Manuscript Facsimile publishing houses Manuscripts Museum http://www.florin.ms/facsimiles.html | |
62. Publishing Houses Lebanon,lebanese Publishers publishing houses lebanon,lebanese publishers. General editing, PublishingHouses for Arabic, English and French books . http://www.1stlebanon.net/uk/publish.html | |
63. Clarkhoward.com: Library Clark Howard: Tips On Self-publishing Selfpublishing houses are legit alternatives - March 2, 2004 Clark has been onthe air since the 80s, and for years he had to warn hopeful authors about http://clarkhoward.com/library/tips/self-publishing.html | |
64. Publishing Houses :: Roman Catholic Church In Belarus PRO CHRISTO publishing house. Founder - Archdiocese of Minsk-Mohilev Publishing House of the diocese of Grodno. Founder - Diocese of Grodno http://www.catholic.by/port/en/publish.htm | |
65. The North Carolina Sports Literature Newsletter | Publishing Houses - What's New North Carolina is blessed with some high quality publishing houses that publish For over twenty years, this fine publishing house has produced high http://www.unc.edu/depts/ppps/NCSLNews/houses/houses.html | |
66. Publishing Houses Universities Schools/V. training Organisations; publishing houses; Devices fordisabled Others publishing houses. Blind Partially Sighted http://www.szs.uni-karlsruhe.de/5linkliste/4buechereienverlage/buecherverlage.en | |
67. GoldenAgeLect Publishing Houses Were Expanding, Popular Fiction Bec This Lecture examines the Golden Age of detective fiction, a time when publishinghouses were expanding, popular fiction became more available through http://www.crimeculture.com/359/GoldenAgeLec.htm | |
68. Gathering The Jewels:: Arts And Culture :: Publishing :: Publishing Houses Topics Arts and Culture Publishing publishing houses. Page 1 of 1.Gwasg Gee, Denbigh Gwasg Gee, Denbigh Gwasg Gee, Denbigh Gwasg Gee, Denbigh http://www.gtj.org.uk/en/subjects/4403 | |
69. Books From Other Publishing Houses Books from other publishing houses. BenHur, M. (Ed.)(1994). On FeuersteinÂsInstrumental Enrichment.Chicago IRI. Feuerstein, R., Klein, P. Tannenbaum, http://www.icelp.org/asp/Books_from_Others.shtm | |
70. IWR: Places: Commercial: Publishers Commercial publishing houses. Calypso Publications International AcademicPublishing Company New World Publications University of Chicago Press http://www2.biology.ualberta.ca/jackson.hp/IWR/Places/Commercial/Publishers.php | |
71. Open Spaces Magazine - Publishing In The Northwest Our Northwest region abounds in publishing houses not of the size of those NewYork megaconglomerates, but homegrown presses more attuned to local trends http://www.open-spaces.com/article-v2n3-publishing.php | |
72. Publishing Houses - Universitatea Din Bucuresti publishing houses. publishing houses. University of Bucharest Press Ars Docendi Press. Address 3646, M. Kogalniceanu Bd, Sector 5, 70709, Bucharest, http://www.unibuc.ro/en/main_edituri_en | |
73. Publishing Houses - Universitatea Din Bucuresti publishing houses. publishing houses. University of Bucharest Press Ars Docendi Press. © 20012002 University of Bucharest. http://www.unibuc.ro/en/main_edituri_en?makePrintable=1 |
74. VPU Library: Links - Publishing Houses Electronic information publishing houses, book trade http//www.bibliofind.com/;Bloomsbury Publishing PLC. Search by author, title of publication or http://www.vpu.lt/bibl/links/publishingh.htm | |
75. Publishing Houses Prepare For E-Commerce publishing houses in Beijing are gearing up for a booming business in ecommerce.For example, the China Map Publishing House recently advertised in the http://english.people.com.cn/english/200004/23/eng20000423_39534.html | |
76. Social Scientific Publishing Houses Cooperate For Greater Market Share Social Scientific publishing houses Cooperate for Greater Market Share. The fourpublishing houses under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) http://english.people.com.cn/english/200005/30/eng20000530_41860.html | |
77. Suppliers: Publishing Houses Links Literature Journals, publishing houses. Bentham Science Publishers Publisher of Excellence for all Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Decision http://www.organische-chemie.ch/OC/Anbieter/Verlage.htm | |
78. Bookjobs.com: About Publishing: Major/Department Guide publishing houses that have an audio division produce their ownÂand sometimes other The legal department of a publishing house ensures the rights of http://www.bookjobs.com/page.php?prmID=12 |
79. The Book & The Computer publishing houses have long been defined as shiye danwei. This idiosyncraticChinese term All publishing houses in China are still called shiye danwei. http://www.honco.net/ge/cbbr/index_0403.html | |
80. © PSYCHOMEDIA - PUBLISHING - Publishing Houses Italian and Foreigner publishing houses. FRANCOANGELI Raffaello Cortina Editore Il Pensiero Scientifico. (pages under construction) http://www.psychomedia.it/pm-revs/publindx2.htm |
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