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181. Tameri Guide For Writers: Home Page Resources for writers, editors, students, and teachers. http://www.tameri.com/ | |
182. National Writers Union Home Page The National writers Union (NWU) (UAW AFL-CIO) is the trade union for freelance Union Documents; Publication Rights Clearinghouse; American Writer http://www.nwu.org/ | |
183. The Publication Rights Clearinghouse And The Copyright Clearnace Center Rights Clearinghouse, the collectivelicensing agency of the National writersUnion, contact. Publication Rights Clearinghouse National writers Union http://www.nwu.org/prc/prchome.htm | |
184. Writers And Editors Copy writers prepare advertising copy for use by publication or broadcast Freelance writers sell their work to publishers, publication enterprises, http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos089.htm | |
185. Antique Photograph Restoration - Photo Repair Service Freelance technical writer available for grant proposal writing services. BlueJay publications. Grant Writing Services Freelance Grant Proposal Writer http://www.bluejaypub.com/ | |
186. GO TO WWW.CHRISTIANWRITERSINFO.NET Christian writers Information Network HAS A NEW HOME. You name it, Kremercovers it publication scheduling, series and directory writing, http://www.bluejaypub.com/win/ | |
187. Resources for Authors / Resources for Writerspublications / Artwork GuidelinesRelated The following resources can assist you in writing for ASRT publications http://www.asrt.org/content/Publications/ForWriters/Resources.aspx | |
188. The Writer's Workshop: Seattle Writing Classes, Travel Writing Classes And Onlin The Writer s Workshop is an oncampus and online writing program based in Seattle . my recent publications, student publications and advice about writing http://www.thewritersworkshop.net/ | |
189. Poets & Writers, Inc. Poets writers Magazine, the organization s flagship publication, is the leadingjournal of its kind for creative writers. http://www.pw.org/about.htm | |
190. :: Heldref Publications :: Nonprofit Publisher Of Scholarly Journals & Learned P Heldref publications Nonprofit Publishers of Scholarly Journals and Learned The following publications have issued special calls for papers. http://www.heldref.org/callforpapers.php | |
191. Writers Notes Annual Writing Awards Publication in. writers Notes Magazine. * Honorable Mentions. * Award Certificates.* Worldwide Exposure. Writing Categories. Fiction. Nonfiction http://hopepubs.home.comcast.net/wawards.html | |
192. SeattleMagazine.com - Your Online Guide To Seattle & Seattle Magazine - Writers Freelance writers are paid on or about 30 days after publication. Expenses suchas phone calls, mileage, meals and trips are generally not reimbursed. http://www.seattlemag.com/writers.asp | |
193. Soli Deo Gloria Through publishing and speaking engagements, he will be able to pursue his visionto expose contemporary Christians to the literature of Puritan writers. http://www.ligonier.org/sdg/ | |
194. Browsing Resources - The HTML Writers Guild HTML writers Guild Resources, pubs Last updated on 23 June 2005 Copyright ©2004 by the International Webmasters Association/HTML writers Guild http://www.hwg.org/resources/pubs/ | |
195. SYS-CON Media Internet publisher subscription applications and a list of publications. http://www.sys-con.com/ | |
196. Young Writers The basic steps of sending a manuscript out for publication. 28 Apr 2002 WhatKind of Writer Are You? Writing for publication and writing for yourself. http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/young_writers | |
197. EcoIQ Speakers & Writers Welcome to ecoiq.com. Speakers writers. Note. The EcoIQ.com website is beingrestructured, and this page is currently being revised. http://www.ecoiq.com/publishing/ | |
198. Publications publications available from the Sound Archive. The Spoken Word Children sWriters The Spoken Word - Poets The Royal Story British Bird Sounds on CD http://www.bl.uk/collections/sound-archive/publications.html | |
199. Christian Writer's Guidelines And Markets At Utmost writers Guidelines Has suspended publication until June 2003. Christian OnlineMagazine writers Guidelines. Internet Publication Only http://www.utmostchristianwriters.com/markets/Wrpubs.htm | |
200. Resources For Writers And Writing Instructors American users should note that it s a British publication; all users should notethat it Writing World 0151; A free, biweekly newsletter for writers, http://andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/Writing/links.html | |
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