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         Public Service Broadcasting:     more books (100)
  1. The Formation of the Public Broadcasting Service (Dissertations in broadcasting) by Robert M. Pepper, 1979-12
  2. Australian broadcasting: Public service, private confusion by Steven Barnett, 1986
  3. An open-sesame for budding engineers.(input output)(Public Broadcasting Service develops TV series called Design Squad): An article from: Mechanical Engineering-CIME by Harry Hutchinson, 2006-02-01
  4. Broadcasting in the public service by Judith Cary Waller, 1943
  5. The story of music;: A public service feature of the National Broadcasting Company, presented in cooperation with the National Federation of Music Clubs (Handbook) by Gilbert Chase, 1945
  6. Broadcasting & Convergence: New Articulations Of The Public Service Remit
  7. Public service broadcast ... American Broadcasting Company Network, November 1, 1949 [on water conservation in California.] by Earl Warren, 1949
  8. Local broadcasting: Commercial or public service? (Policy paper) by J Sheehan, 1983
  9. The election to the European Parliament, 1979: An exploration of the role of the broadcasting services in mediating public experience of the election by Mallory Wober, 1979
  10. Broadcasting Research Unit working paper: Public service, private confusion by Steven Barnett, 1984
  11. Crossing the Ether: Pre-War Public Service Radio and Commercial Competition in the UK by Sean Street, 2006-08-30
  12. Cell phones: employer liability or smart business tool? (A Public Service of Davidson Law Firm).: An article from: Arkansas Business
  13. A PUBLIC SERVICE OF DAVIDSON LAW FIRM.(companies should have policy against employee cellphone usage while driving)(Brief Article): An article from: Arkansas Business
  14. Protect the public service. (DR-TV of Denmark): An article from: Video Age International

61. Economist Debate: 'Digital Technology Will Strengthen Public Service Broadcastin
Can taxfinanced public service broadcasting survive the infinite choice and variety presented by digital technology? Are the public goods it offers
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Economist Debate: 'Digital technology will strengthen Public Service Broadcasting, not undermine it'
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Can tax-financed public service broadcasting survive the infinite choice and variety presented by digital technology? Are the public goods it offers increasingly available elsewhere, or increasingly scarce? Or is the real danger that the digitisation of public service broadcasting will create online media so powerful that they crowd out their for-profit competitors?
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Date and Time: 24 November 2005 at 6:15 pm

62. NIACE Response To OFCOM's Review Of Public Services
The difficulty is that public service broadcasting is an artificial construct Educational programming as a cornerstone of public service broadcasting.

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A Review of Public Service Television Broadcasting
A NIACE response to Phase One of OFCOM’s review of public service television broadcasting particularly in relation to educational programming. The Communications Act 2003 provides a more detailed definition of public service television broadcasting, spells out its purposes and suggest a framework to encompass it. A summary of the relevant sections of the Act is included in the Appendix to this note for those who are unfamiliar with it. `Broadcasting is democratic- there are no reserved seats ‘ Lady Plowden , Chair, Independent Broadcasting Authority The Roscoe Lecture 19 April 1980 The importance of high quality broadcasting, universally available and free at the point of use cannot be overestimated. It underpins an inclusive society, plays a key role in keeping people informed and in alerting people to change and new opportunities. With an aging population, declining transport facilities in rural areas and the decline in the local provision of traditional adult education opportunities, broadcasting becomes increasingly important as a cultural and educational provider. Television can take people to places they could never visit, see performances they could never personally get to, share in services in churches and places of worship they could never attend, show them things they could never see with their own eyes. It allows them to eavesdrop, view works of art, engage with books, science, technology and architecture. It can show the life and culture of other countries and communities, present and past. To underline the point, it is this ability which offers one of the strongest reasons for including several of the categories listed in Section 264: drama, music, other performance, the visual arts, religion and other beliefs, history, science and technology and a wide array of other educational programming.

63. Public Service Broadcasting Trust- Times Foundation - Indiatimes
public service broadcasting Trust A86, Nizamuddin East New Delhi – 110013, INDIA. Tel 011 - 24355941. Fax 011 - 24353825. E-mail

64. OUP: Decline And Fall Of Public Service Broadcasting: Tracey
A wideranging study of the decline in public service broadcasting Michael Tracey argues that public service broadcasting has been a vital and
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Free online access to the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
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The Decline and Fall of Public Service Broadcasting
Michael Tracey
Publication date: 29 January 1998
Clarendon Press 316 pages, 234mm x 156mm
There is an alternative edition (Hardback)
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65. OUP: Decline And Fall Of Public Service Broadcasting: Tracey
This book considers the idea of public service broadcasting and examines in Michael Tracey argues that public service broadcasting has been a vital and
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Free online access to the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
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The Decline and Fall of Public Service Broadcasting
Michael Tracey
Publication date: 29 January 1998
Clarendon Press 316 pages, 234mm x 156mm
There is an alternative edition (Paperback)
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66. Report On The Conditions Of Public Service Broadcasting -- Padovani And Tracey 4
The questions are, In what ways is public service broadcasting (PSB) changing in the Key Words public service broadcasting • digitalization of public

Year: Vol: Page:
DOI: 10.1177/1527476402250677
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Report on the Conditions of Public Service Broadcasting
Cinzia Padovani, , Michael Tracey, , University of Colorado at Boulder In this article, the authors explore the relationship between the philosophical principles on which the institutions of public broadcasting rest and their contemporary conditions. The questions are, In what ways is public service broadcasting (PSB) changing in the contemporary audiovisual environment? How is the contradiction between commercial needs and the public service mission being articulated? Which paradigms are shaping the practices surrounding PSB institutions? To answer these questions, the authors analyzed the trends toward digitalization and funding in selected broadcasters: the British Broadcasting Corporation, Radiotelevisione Italiana

67. CBOnline - Clock Ticks On Iraqi Public Service Broadcasting Ambitions
This article, from Index on Censorship , a free speech issues magazine and website, discusses the current situation for public and community broadcasting,102,3,777

68. OFCOM 2nd Stage Review Of Public Service Broadcasting - BECTU Submission
OFCOM 2nd stage review of public service broadcasting BECTU submission. 25 November 2004. Response to OFCOM s consultation in Phase 2 of the regulator s
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OFCOM 2nd stage review of public service broadcasting - BECTU submission
25 November 2004 Response to OFCOM's consultation in Phase 2 of the regulator's review of Public Service Broadcasting. Questions (in italics) relate to the document: OFCOM PSB Stage 2 Consultation
  • BECTU is the trade union for workers (other than performers and journalists) throughout the broadcasting and independent production sectors. We have made a submission at each previous stage of the consultation and present our Phase 2 response below, addressing (sometimes in groups), the specific questions asked in the consultation document:
  • The end of the analogue PSB model
    Q1 Do you agree with our analysis that the existing PSB system will not survive the move to the digital age, and may decline before then?
  • We accept that Ofcom's analysis is evidence-based. We note the key argument that 'The historical compact in which PSB was provided by the commercial broadcasters in return for privileges and discounted access to the analogue spectrum, will come under increasing pressure as the audience using the analogue spectrum continues to decline' (p4); and the further hypothesis that if this arises 'commercial broadcasters may find a strong economic incentive to seek an alternative route to market.....with few, if any of the costs of PSB status' such as 'to gain carriage on DTT, Sky and/or cable on a purely commercial basis' (para 3.48).
  • Therefore, while accepting some of the force of Ofcom's analysis, we do not consider that its conclusions - on the end of commercial PSB - can be accepted as inevitable. The evidence is simply not conclusive. We certainly do not believe that such conclusions are desirable and believe that Ofcom, in line with its statutory obligations, should be working to prevent such an outcome.
  • 69. BBC: The 'iron Pole' Of Public Service Broadcasting
    Liberal Democrat peer demands open review of UK public broadcasting company.
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    BBC: The 'iron pole' of public service broadcasting
    Posted: 18 September 2003 By: Jemima Kiss Email:

    70. European Federation Of Journalists
    2004 EFJ Resolution on public service broadcasting. 17/04/2004 It further supports the work of the IFJ Public Services Broadcasting Campaign for All ,

    71. European Federation Of Journalists
    Reaffirming the commitment of the EFJ to the principles of public service broadcasting. Considering the growing threat to public service broadcasting across

    72. HighWire -- Browse Journals - Public Service Broadcasting
    Browse Journals publishing on public service broadcasting, (return to Topic List page Alphabet, , Frequency of articles in public service broadcasting
    WELCOME TO THE NEW VERSION OF OUR SITE details About Us Contact Us Help ... Sign in for more free features or create a free account Key words: any all phrase more options... Authors: e.g. Smith, JS; Jones, D Citation: Year Vol Page Articles: HighWire-hosted only From My Favorite Journals only sign in All (including PubMed) Browse Journals publishing on Public Service Broadcasting: (return to Topic List page) Public Service Broadcasting
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    73. The Future Of Public Service Broadcasting
    The future of public service broadcasting, the effects of commercial pressures There is no definition of public service broadcasting currently provided
    University of Cambridge
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    The Future of Public Service Broadcasting 14 September 2001 New research published
    New research published The future of public service broadcasting, the effects of commercial pressures on the BBC and the prominence of fair trading concerns are the subject of new research published this week. The research is extremely timely as it addresses important issues raised by the government's announcement yesterday (Thursday 13 Septembr 2001) that it will allow the BBC to develop a number of new digital services for television and radio. Dr Georgina Born from the University's Faculty of Social and Political Sciences and Tony Prosser, the John Millar Professor of Law at Glasgow University, argue that public service broadcasting remains vital in this new technological age. The article, which appears in this month's Modern Law Review, describes the European Community constraints on public service broadcasting and the need for a clearer contemporary definition of this type of broadcasting in order to strengthen it for the digital era.

    74. IFEX :: IPI Concerned Over Draft Latvian Law On Public Service Broadcasting Orga
    Bearing in mind the important principle that public service broadcasters Finally, IPI believes that public service broadcasting succeeds and fails on
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    MEMBERS ONLY Home ... Latvia Alert PRINT PAGE IPI concerned over draft Latvian Law on Public Service Broadcasting Organisations Country/Topic: Latvia Date: 28 April 2005 Source: International Press Institute (IPI) Person(s): Target(s): Type(s) of violation(s): Urgency: Bulletin (IPI/IFEX) - The following is a 27 April 2005 IPI letter to President Vaira Vike-Freiberga: H.E. Vaira Vike-Freiberga President of Latvia Pils laukums 3 Riga, LV-1050 Latvia Fax: +371-709 21 57 Vienna, 27 April 2005 Your Excellency, The International Press Institute (IPI), the global network of editors, leading journalists and media executives in over 120 countries, is writing to express its concern about the draft Latvian Law on Public Service Broadcasting Organisations ("the draft law"). Based on IPI's recent review of the draft law there are provisions that, if retained in the final version of the law, will have a prejudicial impact upon Latvian public service broadcasting.

    75. Partner Point - Public Service Broadcasting For Radio Managers
    public service broadcasting for Radio Managers To introduce and discuss the general principles of public service broadcasting aiming at providing tools

    76. HighWire Browse Journals - Public Service Broadcasting
    Browse Journals publishing on public service broadcasting Journals focusing on public service broadcasting (in order by highest focus). Gazette info

    77. Discussion Paper 43: Does Public Service Broadcasting Serve The Public? The Futu
    Based on this analysis, we argue that public service broadcasting (PSB) for the digital age should be light in the sense that it has a much smaller mandate.
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    Does Public Service Broadcasting serve the public?
    The future of television in the changing media landscape
    ISBN: 90-5833-214-4
    For more information, contact Machiel van Dijk Richard Nahuis , or Daniel Waagmester
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    78. Cards - Public Service Broadcasting
    What do you think about public service broadcasting? Do you think it is necessary in the new information society ? What about public service broadcasting
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    Topics: 1 Replies: Views: 793 Up one level What do you think about public service broadcasting? Do you think it is necessary in the new "information society"? What about public service broadcasting in Serbia?
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      Posted by at 2005-01-18 04:21 PM PBS is very strong in Europe(i.e. BBC), even after the "liberalization" of broadcasting of the last decades. The Amsterdam protocol on public service ...

    79. April 21, 2004 - Public Service Broadcasting – Its Special
    That country also has a rather fragile public service broadcasting tradition. In the 1930s, we developed a public service broadcaster to create
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    Public Service Broadcasting – Its Special Responsibilities
    April 21, 2004
    Remarks by Ian Morrison, Spokesperson, Friends of Canadian Broadcasting, to the Asia Media Summit 2004, Kuala Lumpur Coming from the very farthest reaches of the Asia-Pacific, I want to congratulate AIBD, ISIS Malaysia and News World Asia for organizing this remarkable Summit. Sometimes, I think, we take organizations like AIBD for granted, like the sun rising in the east. It’s good to recall that the things we take for granted are often the bearers of our most fundamental common values. In order for you to place my comments in context, I want to say a word about Friends of Canadian Broadcasting. Friends is a watchdog group, supported by 60,000 Canadian families. Our mission is to defend and enhance the quality and quantity of Canadian programming in our audio-visual system. We Canadians live just to the north of a huge country whose most important export is audio-visual entertainment. That country also has a rather fragile public service broadcasting tradition. Because of our geographic proximity, those of us Canadians who are English-speaking have lived for eight decades fully exposed to almost all the outputs of the American system. We were the first to experience the effects of satellite rain. In the 1930s, we developed a public service broadcaster to create east-west links on a continent where market forces would have led to a south-north system. And, on the information side, we have done a pretty good job of creating those east-west links. Where we have fallen down is on the fiction entertainment side, where even today, only one-in-ten of the drama programs we watch is made in Canada. We are also fragile in local, community-based broadcasting.

    80. Public Service Broadcasting - Anagrams
    Rearranging the letters of public service broadcasting gives Find more anagrams of public service broadcasting (or any other text)!
    Archive The definitive site for fun anagrams!
    Public service broadcasting anagrams
    Rearranging the letters of Public service broadcasting gives: Value BBC's radio? Cringe, it's PC! (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius Grave politicians cursed BBC. (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius
    Other related anagrams without their own page: British Broadcasting Corporation Horrid, patrician, bigot, snob actors. (by William Tunstall-Pedoe using Anagram Genius British Broadcasting Corporation Boring, PC radio stations to bar rich? (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius British Broadcasting Corporation Snobbish, daring or patriotic actor. (by William Tunstall-Pedoe using Anagram Genius British Broadcasting Corporation Radio prohibits abstract crooning. (by William Tunstall-Pedoe using Anagram Genius British Broadcasting Corporation Crap, irritating baboonish doctors. (by William Tunstall-Pedoe using Anagram Genius British Broadcasting Corporation No! So irritating, drab, phobic actors. (by William Tunstall-Pedoe using Anagram Genius British Broadcasting Corporation Bigot chat radio: No script or brains.

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