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41. Observatory Of Public Service Broadcasting In Europe European Public Sector Broadcasting is in Robust Shape Despite the Rise of Multi-Channel TV and Observatory of public service broadcasting in Europe http://www.screendigest.com/reports/opsbe04/press_releases_03_06_2004-n/view.htm | |
42. Public Service Futures - OpenDemocracy The debate about public service broadcasting has been conducted in a preweb frame. We need public service broadcasting to be protected more than ever. http://www.opendemocracy.net/media-publicservice/debate.jsp |
43. Institute Of Economic Affairs public service broadcasting Without the BBC? 07 October 2004 Edited by Professor Sir Alan Peacock Essential reading for all those interested in quality http://www.iea.org.uk/record.jsp?type=publication&ID=254 |
44. | OfcomWatch |: Funding Public Service Broadcasting Funding public service broadcasting. Ofcom urged to address funding issues comprehensively in Phase 3 The voluntary sector coalition, Public Voice, http://www.ofcomwatch.co.uk/2005/01/funding-public-service-broadcasting | |
45. | OfcomWatch |: Burns Panel Recommends Public Service Broadcasting Commission To Burns Panel recommends public service broadcasting Commission to oversee BBC. The BBC needs radical governance and regulatory reform, including the creation http://www.ofcomwatch.co.uk/2005/01/burns-panel-recommends-public-service | |
46. :: Public Service Broadcasting  Lost In Translation :: Ukrainska Pravda Instead, the metaphrase of Âpublic service broadcasting sounds like Âbroadcasting Another Âside effect of the spread of Âpublic service broadcasting http://www2.pravda.com.ua/en/archive/2005/april/12/4.shtml | |
47. Ofcom: A New Framework For Public Service Broadcasting - Digital-Lifestyles.info Ofcom A New Framework for public service broadcasting A competition to run a new Public Service Publisher using new technologies and distribution http://digital-lifestyles.info/display_page.asp?section=distribution&id=1632 |
48. Public Service Broadcasting: Against The Tide By Dr Helena Sheehan The defense of public service broadcasting has become so unfashionable in The pressures building up against public service broadcasting have been tied http://www.comms.dcu.ie/sheehanh/psb.htm | |
49. International Federation Of Journalists 2004 EFJ Resolution on public service broadcasting It further supports the work of the IFJ Public Services Broadcasting Campaign for All , in promoting http://www.ifj.org/default.asp?index=2423&Language=EN |
50. International Federation Of Journalists public service broadcasting in Korea Must be Protected from Partisan Interests This threatens the very existence of public service broadcasting in Korea http://www.ifj.org/default.asp?index=2140&Language=EN |
51. Aspen Publishers - Public Service Broadcasting In Transition: A Documentary Read Aspen Publishers public service broadcasting in Transition A Documentary Reader Few will deny that public service broadcasting broadcasting that is http://www.aspenpublishers.com/Product.asp?catalog_name=Aspen&category_name=&pro |
52. Defining, Maintaining And Strengthening Public Service Broadcasting Ofcom Review of Public Service Television Broadcasting, Part II proposes some definitions for public service broadcasting and suggests a possible test http://www.bftv.ac.uk/policy/ofcom040121.htm |
53. Oxford University Press: Decline And Fall Of Public Service Broadcasting: Michae and is everywhere in retreat. This book considers the idea of public service broadcasting and examines in detail the assault made upon it. http://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/FilmMediaPerformingArts/Journalism |
54. National Union Of Journalists: Response To Ofcom Review Of Public Service Broadc Clearly public service broadcasting (PSB) also has some impact on radio, The Communications Act in our view places public service broadcasting in a http://media.gn.apc.org/creatorsrights/bbc-nuj-ofcom.html | |
55. IPI - International Press Institute How to Guarantee Independent public service broadcasting . 1920 September 2003 The Role of public service broadcasting in a Democratic Society http://www.freemedia.at/IPIEvents/Ev_Romania03.htm | |
56. This Is A Description Of The Way In Which The BBC Measures Its measures its performance as a public service broadcasting organization. public service broadcasting the BBC s performance measurement framework http://topics.developmentgateway.org/evaluation/rc/ItemDetail.do~1042915 | |
57. Public Services Broadcasting And The Digital Switchover This conference will focus on the issues and obligations surrounding public service broadcasting, and the planned future of broadcasting legislation in http://www.allconferences.com/conferences/20050526081912/ | |
58. Public Service Broadcasting One of the definitions of Âpublic service broadcasting is it is that part of the public service broadcasting does not directly promote the use of a http://www.wiredet.com/cmd/public/ | |
59. Click Here For CPBF CPBF event Save public service broadcasting, 5 March 2005. Sat, Aug 13, 2005 public service broadcasting HAVE YOUR SAY http://www.cpbf.org.uk/ | |
60. Welcome On The World Electronic Media Forum public service broadcasting Challenges and perspectives/Promoting PSB in public service broadcasting for education, cultural diversity and social http://www.wemfmedia.org/psb_new.htm | |
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